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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. You have a blog! You should put this info in a tag line. I love fashion blogs and some of my old faves are not active anymore so I'm especially excited to find a new one!
  2. you rock Scylla! I'm so glad there are articulate people like you giving voice to my thoughts
  3. oh and @CheriColette I miss her too I miss Phil too
  4. I had a friend who insisted on pronouncing certain words and phrases the wrong way on purpose, such as: oon-a-cue horsey doovers purse a phone Ses tea la vee she also liked to creep up beside people at parties and whisper "mingle mingle mingle"
  5. I did that too! Katt had white hair, like me in real life. Kali was a red head because my best friend was one and I always wanted to try it. Then I made Katia to be a blonde. Most of my first alts all had the initials KW, I'm not sure why but it made sense at the time. Zenia has brown hair. Then I started making alts with names that were useful for lucky chairs like Xenia, Xyla, Qual and Zog( my first male alt). I made a new alt whenever I felt like it was time to experience the newbie experience again. It was useful for helping newbies since starting in SL kept changing over time. It's fun to run around finding the best freebies and giving each of them a unique look. Some of them went on to try some aspect of SL like role play. When everyone had to have the last name resident I would make names that seemed like they were a first and last name strung together and then I would split them as a display name. In 2014 I started playing tiny empires and so then I suddenly had a use for all those alts I had made and I made them all my subjects which allowed me to get to princess in record time. Mine was too! And I created Kali to be my evil twin. Then when Katt died of a broken heart Kali took over as the main av. My first alt (me-Kali Wylder) took over as main in 2012 when my first av decided she couldn't continue after the loss of her partner. Alts are very useful. I use one just for finding music streams while I am working. Sometimes I have an alt do a hunt for me so I don't clutter up my inventory with so much stuff. Then after I unpack I will go back and pick up anything that I really feel I've got to have for myself.
  6. I think you could make it 3 bullet points by combining 1 and 4 like this: because they naturally come together in a magical way or because they magically come together naturally or Because they naturally come together and there is something magical about the number 3
  7. A "fun" side effect of this is your clothes will disappear if someone pulls their cam back away from you. I was aware that this happened for a long time but never knew until now just why it happened. We tend to joke about it now and then when there is a lull in chat at the club where I work.
  8. oh, the Japanese themed homes are not ugly, they are the least objectionable to me
  9. I always thought the reason they charged you to be in the group was because they didn't like people joining to get a group gift and then leaving the next minute. I guess some folks would do that every month and I can understand their annoyance. There they were rewarding their loyal groupies and some freeloaders some not so loyal groupies were taking advantage of it. But still, to be rid of people like that a $20 linden join fee is more then enough. Or maybe their logic was "I give out 12 free gifts a year and the average cost of one of my items is $300-$750 so I'm going to charge enough to profit on at least one of those 12 freebies." I don't really know; I'm just a lowly consumer. I don't know how to make my own stuff. It does seem though that some of the higher join fees were quite disproportionate to the number of freebies they gave away.
  10. next you'll be telling him to join an incel support group....
  11. where's that gif of Homer backing away into the bushes? It captures how I'm feeling found it! (stolen from @Eva Knoller)
  12. Depends on your thumb. Mine doesn't curve much at all.
  13. well if it's not a troll, then perhaps we've been rather harsh with an individual who's ducks are not quite in a row?
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