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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. All of them. At different times. If I could only choose one though I'd have to go with blue.
  2. There's no should. If you have joy and/or pain to share, this is a good safe place to share it. If you read here something that resonates, responses are welcome. If you want to post a selfie, you know where to do that. Most folks know the difference. I'm sure we are all strong enough to handle it if some newb blunders in and derails things.
  3. I'm hanging in there, and he's still dead. I think my heart is still in denial, which is easy in California, 3,000 miles away from him. I'm working on relocating (retiring!) to be closer to my sibs and then I'm sure it will hit me all over again. I often find myself gazing at his ring that he bequeathed to me, it's sitting next to my monitor. What am I supposed to do with a man's diamond ring? I think it must be worth some money as it's a big diamond, but I don't want to sell it. Don't want to wear it either. Maybe I'll get a gold chain and wear it around my neck, to keep him close to me.
  4. yeah, this thread was part of what held me together during that very bad, awful, no good, stinking stretch of time between Thanksgiving and when my dad died. and @Cindy Evanier I hear you too lady ♡
  5. tomato, tomata, avocado, avacata, tea, coffee.... You don't like tea. I don't like coffee. Where's the humanity? I don't see why you would want to like tea when you don't. I don't like coffee because it nauseated me when I was pregnant and I never got over it. I guess I'm just on my lunch break and wanted to chat with peeps I like, so here I am.
  6. overslept, dragged myself down the hall and started working, bringing the body in hopes that the mind would follow in due course. Still waiting for the mind....
  7. I am a hap hazard clicker. Sometimes I click everything I see, other times I don't click anything. I do try to click the posts that are replying to something I posted, but I don't always remember to.
  8. I am still haunted by animals that I never knew what happened to. Funny how those memories are so vivid when I seem to forget all kinds of other things these days.
  9. once upon a time the SL dash board used to post a teaser from the general forums and i was intrigued by the partial posts i saw so i clicked the link. That was several forums ago and they don't do that anymore. I lurked for a long time and then ventured a post and got slammed by one of the less pleasant forumites from back then. So I didn't post a lot but I read it every day. I made friends with people in the forums and started hanging out with them in world. It was a lot of fun until the drama outweighed the pleasure. Things changed. The teaser on the dashboard was removed so I wasn't reminded to go see what was up in the forums. The forum software changed and the moderation got rather heavy handed. Worst of all, my friends were fighting with my friends all the time and I got dragged into it too. So I pretty much quit reading. Sometime last year Dil's music thread hit the max cap and had to end. so my connection with those old friends was endangered and I mosy'd back into the forums to see what it's like now. and I found that I like it again. So now if I'm sitting at my computer I generally manage to pop in to see what's going on. The moderation seems to have found a happy medium now and it's safe to post without getting flamed. I still like the people and I learn a lot from them.
  10. I think I am going to quit the rat race and retire.... my preliminary calculations seem to show that I can afford to, and I can't get anything done that I want to because the dang job is so demanding. So yup, I think I'm gonna do it
  11. I like radio paradise when I'm in the mood for something other than blues
  12. I was a hobo, kept woman, and occasional renter for a long time. Then I plunked down an outrageous number of Lindens to purchase a 1024 plot in Bay City where the prims are doubled and I paid for it with 2 premium accounts until they upped the premium allotment. After dithering a while(toyed with the idea of getting a belliseria home, but could never manage it), I dropped one of the premium accounts. I can never make back the investment I made in Bay City, the land prices just don't go that high there any more. But I don't really mind; it serves the purpose for me. I'm not so gung ho on decorating. I use multiple levels for different stuff and I tear it all down and put up new stuff on a fairly regular basis. Right now the ground level is a forest. In addition to that I have a skybox dressing room and a home with yard on other levels. I seem to have enough prims for whatever I want to do.
  13. As I finish up clearing my desk, I'm reminded of the scene in High Anxiety where Mel Brooks is standing at the top of a very tall, wide open, stair case and cringes with vertigo then calls out, "Does anyone have any valium?" and everyone in the building reaches for theirs to offer him some....
  14. aha! I find it's easy to get confused at that hour. 🥰
  15. I'm glad it is Friday. This first week back to work has been grueling. I am still itchy but taking the steroids and the Benadryl is helping. In addition to that my hip pain has flared up because I tried to carry too much stuff in one trip to the office. And I think I might have been exposed to more flu/cold germs and my throat is ticklish, but that might be a side effect of the Benadryl. I'm tackling my to do list which has grown enormous since I am getting ready to make some big life changes. Oh just ignore that crossed out stuff, it's all just trivial complaints. I don't want to over indulge in the wallowing in minutia; that's not who I am. Life is tolerable, considering the alternatives.
  16. I shall try to 'splain. You posted on the first page of the unpopular opinions thread that " The vast majority of people already hate me without really knowing anything about me.... I refuse to ever have to deal with that bullcrap again. " and I took that to mean you were not going to be sharing your unpopular opinions. I thought I was replying that I didn't blame you for not wanting to invite any more of that bullcrap. But if that's not what you meant, then no wonder my reply confused you.
  17. I doubt that you are the best judge of how hated you are. I for one, kinda like you and respect what you have to say. But, on the other hand, by all means keep your unpopular opinions to yourself if you believe that sharing them will only lead to grief.
  18. I'm back! I survived. My body found a new ineffective way to deal with stress. I am now on Steroids to treat my anxiety rash, which scared me half to death when I started trying to figure out what was wrong. There are pictures of all kinds of rashes out there on the internet. Mine didn't look exactly like any of them. As it turns out it is just itchy and not an indication of anything more serious. The doc said it was probably a combination of things that happened all at once, eating different foods, sleeping in a different (and much too warm) room, different shampoo, different laundry soap, adjusting to living with siblings and dealing with loss. So I'm taking Benadryl and Prednisone and trying not to scratch.
  19. leaving on a jet plane, but I know when I'll be back again. You might not see too much of me while I'm gone because I'm hopeless when using my phone as a computer. But I'm ok, and I'll be back around the 20th or so. Hugs to all of you.
  20. Oh Scylla, I have just the thing for you to cure you of the angst caused by Les Mis
  21. yeah, I never did an Xmas photo either. oh well.... I also want to say thank you to all of you, this thread has really meant so much to me.
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