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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. They sure are taking their time locking this thread. IBTL
  2. Continuing feelings of overwhelming Meh. @LittleMe Jewell so this is Limbo? I don't like it. My 3 day weekend didn't do anything to fix it. I mostly slept. Sometimes I feel like a whiner for always being in the Meh place. After all it could be so much worse. But Meh is barely alive. Trudging through day after day of Meh is torture. It's wearing me down.
  3. Sorry you are going through this Skell. As for the freebie, i was able to get in with minimal effort using the tp hammer. Its lovely. But I am always overwhelmed by all the possibilities to customize it. I will prolly wait a month or so then beg for help from the help group. I'm sure that group is overwhelmed right now too.
  4. My first av I made to be as much like my real self as I possibly could. I made Kali to be more gregarious, braver, more flirtatious, more confident. I learned that I could actually do those things and still feel like me. I made another alt when I was about to retire my first av. She was meant to be even more extreme than Kali. I gave her the name Pavanne after a song by Richard and Linda Thompson. But in no time at all she turned out to be more like me, and not much at all like the woman in the song. I was uncomfortable being her. So I dropped her and made Kali the main av. I can RP a scene. I can't sustain it longer than that.
  5. /me passes the popcorn.... and I thought nothing much got posted here on the weekends. Maybe that's another thing the virus has changed.
  6. Tell me about it. I have 3 linden homes now that I don't want to give up, a vic, a trad and a cabin. I keep telling myself the cabin will be gone when the month of premium is up. but I also keep looking for furnishings for it. Worst of all, I keep thinking about making another alt a premium so I can play GoH some more.
  7. inconsistency spotted, it may or may not be the one you are referring to, but the queen of spades should not have a diamond on her headdress - nope that's not it, it really is a spade but looks like a diamond at this resolution. So could it be the spade symbol is over-layed on the leaf in her hand. I think the second item is trickier, but the signs in the shop that are seen through the window are fragmented in a way that jard the mind. It's more detail but it doesn't enhance the scene.
  8. Update: I still don't feel so great but my meds are working and I just finished work with a sense of relief because I'm taking a personal day tomorrow. *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*Yayyyyyyy!!!!*:-.,_,.-:*'``'* @Selene Gregoire I'm sorry your back hurts, mind does too. Sucks, doesn't it? I've had a stiff neck for about two weeks now and today as I was sitting and working I seem to have wrenched my back in an odd way and it doesn't feel right at all now.... I think I might need to see a chiropractor maybe, I'll have to research how to do that and stay socially distant, sounds kind of impossible.
  9. /me flounces out of the thread with a toss of her hair.
  10. Guilty as charged. But that was more than 2 pages ago, so does that mean I get to flounce?
  11. feel horrible. overslept, forgot my meds yesterday, had weird dreams that woke me up, trying to work is not working, came over here for some comfort.
  12. not only that, it is beyond arrogant to assume that everyone at your event will want to hear some DJ, I generally play my own choice of music everywhere I go except to clubs when i go for the express purpose of hearing the DJ. I don't expect everyone to like my taste in music, why on Earth would the marketer assume everyone is going to like theirs?
  13. I'm glad you are posting again @LexxiXhan. and a big thank you to @Seicher Rae for reaching out to you. I think all families have their own particular brand of weirdness and dysfunction, although some leave much more painful scars on our psyches. I was lucky in that I felt safe and loved growing up. I still wound up broken, but stuff happens. Hugs to both of you.
  14. oh what the hell, let all pile on @Lindal Kidd. In my case, you didn't really know what you were talking about. I was about to make major changes in my life. Retiring from a job I mostly despise and moving 3,000 miles with my autistic daughter plus wee doggie and cat. My house was being prepped to go on the market March 31, 2020. All that went on hold due to the damn plague. So yes, the damn plague has stopped me dead in my tracks as I was about to embark on a great adventure. Secondly, this is not the kind of thread that is looking for solutions. Most of our problems here don't have solutions. They simply must be endured. This is the safe place we created where we can gripe (replaced the verboten word *****) about that. Here is where you can come for emotional support, the kind voice saying I hear you, I feel you, I care.
  15. I took 3 alts back to basic yesterday. No more GoH for me. Still can't decide between my Vic or my Trad. I might go another month before I decide. And I still have a nice log cabin in Handover that I will let go of soon and knock that alt back to basic.
  16. I'm depressed. My head hurts, I'm easily annoyed by every little thing and not fit for company, I want to go to bed and bury myself under the covers.... I want this damn plague to be over so I can get a life. I had high hopes for getting a life when the damn plague hit and now it seems like that was just a dream.
  17. shouldn't this go in the make us laugh thread? It sure made me laugh.
  18. If she is sharing it outside of SL there is nothing LL can do about it. The TOS only governs what happens inside of SL. And as was said before, LL will not tell you what actions they take based on your AR. They may or may not have done something about whatever has been done in SL but you won't know either way unless she tells you and it doesn't sound like you are speaking to each other.
  19. I'm so sorry Belinda, I wish there was something I could say to make it hurt less. When my dad passed, I was able to be on the phone with my sister at the hospice in his room. The very last thing he said to me was "shut up". He wasn't talking much at that point and I was talking with my sister, I can't remember what we were saying but, I guess it was an annoying sound and he just wanted silence. So we stayed on the phone there in silence for a bit. I was wondering, if you could ask a nurse there to phone you from the room. I totally understand why you can't go in. There's no sense in it really, at the end it's more to comfort ourselves than it is for the patient. You don't want to remember her as she is now anyway, remember the healthy mom you loved.
  20. will doing this plus the other improve things more or will it just be the same?
  21. new peeve: people who think they are more entitled to public resources than anyone else.
  22. Happy spins are not required here. I hear you on the Fed. Up. This morning I found myself snapping at my daughter, "Are you trying to kill your mother?" That sort of guilt trip is something I swore I would never do!
  23. So that's where Little Feat drew their inspiration for Weed, Whites and Wine.
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