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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. No, I don't think it does that. I'm sure I would have noticed if it did. I'm not about to search for people I have blocked to check it for you. Yes you do see them when they are quoted, but that doesn't happen that often. I just looked up my blocked people and there are only 5 so far, 3 of them I think may have been one time/one thread posters, at any rate I cannot remember who they are or why I blocked them.
  2. Oh I love to block people. Less stress for me and no temptation to argue when I know that most arguing is not likely to change anyone's mind, and most likely to promote rancor and unhappiness, things I don't need in my life. Of course it does tend to leave me clueless when everyone around me is all upset.
  3. Many's the time I wished I could fix my name to a capital K for Kali. But it's just not worth $40 to me.
  4. I've known for years that the correct pronunciation is seeker, but for some reason, I still see seecher (rhymes with teacher)
  5. I like to support open source platforms, I don't trust big corporations. But I don't have your perspective, never having admin'd a public forum.
  6. I always thought that there were 2 big reasons for the desire to change names. First, it was those that were "partners for life" who wanted to be able to change their names so that they could share a last name. It sounds like that will cost $80.00 now since you can't change to an old name, only to the ones in the random list which I believe is all new last names now. Given that those people who clamored for the ability to change their last name actually had last names, they are all now ten years or more in SL and they may have realized that nothing lasts forever. They seem to be have adjusted to marrying their display names and for the most part are content. Especially since they can marry and divorce as often as needed and don't need to pay extra to fix their names. Second there were the residents who resented being last nameless; who saw it as a mark of prestige to have a last name. Well they can get one now if it's worth $40 to them.
  7. yeah, his prose is just delicious, and you and me both would just love to be able to write like that. I think you come close sometimes though.
  8. yeah, they won't open at all using firefox, like I do. so now at least I have a work around and can copy it into chrome and see
  9. mid afternoon slump: still working but don't feel like it.... My extra day off on Friday was unproductive but needed. I think I slept through Sunday. I feel kinda grumpy.
  10. My dad liked to spout off about how cleanliness was next to godliness. Usually when something or someone was not as clean as he wanted.
  11. who knew people would have so many feelings about plumbing?
  12. I hovered for days and days on Boom Tender hoping to hit it when it released and now it's all grabbed up while I was busy working Oh well, best laid plans and all that....
  13. My alt got a bugaboo with water view last night. It might be a keeper.
  14. Politics, there's my one an only friend in California who is a rabid Trump supporter, then there is my sister who is a rabid Rachel Maddow fan. Neither one of them will listen to me when I say I don't want to talk about it, when I tell them that it makes me ill to follow what's going on too closely, when I put my fingers in my ears and sing lalalala, They are both so convinced that if they just give me a few more links to follow they can convince me of I'm not sure what exactly since I tune them out.... and just wait for them to run out of steam and then I try to change the subject, not always successfully.
  15. everything I see is hilarious to me today, or am I just getting hysterical?
  16. I agree @Alexxis Foxdale and @Faydra Foden I have a very nice Trad and my alt has a very nice Vic and I have been flipping through logs and just not seeing any I love. I can't even justify keeping 2 linden homes in addition to my mainland plot, but I'm addicted to finding that perfect log cabin that doesn't seem like it's in a very expensive log ghetto.
  17. Rhode Island, or maybe New Hampshire, but most likely Rhode Island.
  18. I am only an egg. But I used to be the alt, not that that would increase my post count much, my first av was not a big poster.
  19. I'm not beating myself up about the house being a mess(much). I don't have any extra time since I've always worked at home. My work is just as demanding and stressful as always and really takes way too much time out of my day. I do beat myself up because I haven't packed more, since when this siege is over I still plan to sell my house and get the heck out of dodge (dodge being Northern California which has permanently replaced autumn with fire season and it's not fun to live here anymore). I know beating my self up is not exactly self care, I just don't know how to stop it. I do take longer than usual lunch breaks and I got permission from my boss to do so since i have to really force myself to go back to work. I'm taking online exercise classes put out by my workplace which is something they are doing to help their employees to keep their sanity. It does seem to help me feel a bit better. I am taking a mental health day off tomorrow, because my mental health is rather MIA right now.
  20. I have no words that could possibly convey how I feel about you, your mom, death, life, the universe and everything. Love you Maddy.
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