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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. Vex Streeter wrote: Ciaran Laval wrote: I can't even install it, I get a message that a certain file couldn't be opened for writing. In my experience, this is often due to an SLPlugin or SLVoice that kept running even though your viewers are shut down... IIRC the file in question is zlib1.dll Thanks for that, I shall look into it, SLPlugin.exe was one of the files that couldn't be opened for writing.
  2. Pamela Galli wrote: Oh this is terrific! Greatly increases functionality! Thanks very much! ETA: I don't see how to search within a store. Anyone? I do wish item search excluded merchant and store name tho. There's a search this store tab, it works fine. When you click on a store name, the default search seems to be search this store.
  3. I've downloaded the beta viewer from here: http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/?lang=en-US Main viewer at top, beta link further down, that installed and logged in fine.
  4. I can't even install it, I get a message that a certain file couldn't be opened for writing.
  5. You won't get an answer to this, some objects take up more prim space than others. Best thing to do is go here: http://gridsurvey.com/ Full Sims support 15,000 prims maximum. Homesteads support 3,750 prims maximum. An object can be one or more prims, hence why you won't get an answer regarding how many objects are in Second Life, what you'll need to do is do some maths with the stats at the link I provided and surmise potential usage.
  6. Porky's creations are everywhere, I've had tenants put out his buildings .... I berated them but they loved his builds!
  7. Good question ... I have no idea but I would imagine attributing the creators would be welcomed by them.
  8. They've cut the amount of characters in title and amount of characters in description but recurring ones work with old limits in older viewers.
  9. Suella Ember wrote: Ciaran Laval wrote: Pffft: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Community-Feedback/Second-Life-Grid-Status/td-p/742487 Lexie likes me better than you ... nerrr nerrrr nerrrr nerrrr! :smileytongue: :smileymad:
  10. Pffft: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Community-Feedback/Second-Life-Grid-Status/td-p/742487
  11. Sixteen ..... can only access general rated sims, or PG as they were once known.
  12. There's a large land owners private forum for the Atlas peeps I believe.
  13. The email is doing the rounds, people have reported receiving it. However, you're right about the 24 hour issue, some people won't see it until it's too late. They have blogged it too.
  14. Why does this remind me of the message of the day promo large estate owners got.
  15. Without seeing the details of this, we simply don't know how well it's going to work. I would not like it to be linked to my system inventory, that's for sure, having it stored somewhere else where I send it for storage, would give me a lot more hope.
  16. Pamela Galli wrote: Why all these blank posts? Internet Explorer 9 needs to be run in compatibility mode, it's not compatible with this software, plenty of people don't realise this.
  17. Third party sites who are allowed to register Second Life accounts.
  18. Wilma Philbin wrote: There's a rule I can't quote the wiki? Yes, it's at the top of the article, so I can't quote it to you, but it's there!
  19. Logout, on the login screen you'll see a dropdown, yours is set to basic, changed it to advanced and voila.
  20. Darren Scorpio wrote: Ciaran Laval wrote: Darren Scorpio wrote: It is much easier to get people to opt-out than it is to opt-in. It also draws a lot of complaints, dilutes the marketing of a company, is generally frowned upon and leads to people opting out of all Second Life emails because they feel they're being spammed, opt-in by default is a tacky setting. The subscription for receiving email replies should be explained more clearly and put in front of people, especially in the answers section and then they can choose that option easily. It is not spam. If they are posting on a public forum asking a question, then it is implied that they wish to receive an answer to their question. If they don't post, then they get no email. There is no setting for this to be set just for the answers forum, it would be all forums and probably all blog posts, this is exactly the situation that drew complaints about the Jive software. The problem with answers is this: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/help/faqpage/faq-category-id/qa#qa That should be far more prominent.
  21. Darren Scorpio wrote: It is much easier to get people to opt-out than it is to opt-in. It also draws a lot of complaints, dilutes the marketing of a company, is generally frowned upon and leads to people opting out of all Second Life emails because they feel they're being spammed, opt-in by default is a tacky setting. The subscription for receiving email replies should be explained more clearly and put in front of people, especially in the answers section and then they can choose that option easily.
  22. Yup, the main landing point will stay the same, it just means you can create landmarks on different parts of the parcel that people will land at when they use that landmark, rather than all landmarks going to the main landing point.
  23. Set teleport routing to anywhere, you'll find this option in the same general area as where you set the landing point.
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