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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. if i am to understand right mesh will be more costly prim wise than sculpts or regular prims so it would not be in LL's interest to make current build tools obsolete along with just about everything prim made on the grid/marketplace
  2. use the marketplace as mentioned be sure to check all the sites as rates per £ vary a lot as do payment methods the site i like to use currently does L$400/£1 but some will require you spend a set amout of £ e.g. £5, £10, £50 for a fixed amount of L$
  3. if your inworld and want some cool leggins search for Gato they're cheap about L$40 they might have other 80's apparel you may want to consider a lace crop top or crop vest something like https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/mon-tissu-Lace-Crop-Top-White/2276639 SF designs does some nice pixie boots leather jackets were in and Skifija does a really good one if you need more inspiration Madonna and Cyndi Lauper videos really show off 80's style
  4. LL doesn't have anything web based at the moment though there have been plans for a web based viewer and LL even got some users to try it out prior to that there was a third party text based web browser viewer called Ajaxlife but this viewer hasn't existed since LL bought in their tpv policy from what i remember it had been blocked from accessing the grid a few times by LL
  5. it could be the house you bought is too big for the land both in size and number of prims if your piece of land is 512sqm in size the biggest footprint the home can have on a standard plot is 16x32 before you start encroaching other plots and 117prims the max prims that can fit on the parcel if you have a 1024sqm plot the land size is doubled to 32x32 and 234prims and so on as plots get bigger also the map takes time to update give it a few hours maybe a day or two and it shouldn't show as abandoned. when you buy land there are two costs one to buy the land the other is tier you pay every month and the tier increases as the amount of land you own increases
  6. did you try asking the store owner/creator of the item on the marketplace where the hair might have come from
  7. SL has it's own advertising i don't know if anyone remembers LL's contest to be in their advertising campaign "become your avatar" an RL pic and the person as they look in SL http://clickserve.cc-dt.com/link/tplimage?lid=41000000031005754&pubid=21000000000295438 is an example i've seen on a L$ exchange site it might just be people in the affiliate program get to use this advertising as i've never seen it or any other SL advertising outside of SL related sites and i thought if LL was going to get people to be in an advertising campaign you'd see it all over the web like you do with imvu edit: i wouldn't put it past LL to advertise a Meeroo after all they did dedicate one of the e-mails they send out to advertise Ozimal bunnies
  8. take a look at the L$ marketplace http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Dollar_Marketplace i'm pretty certain there are several sites that will allow you to buy L$ via phone call or SMS the exchange rates aren't brilliant though with Himalayex a site on the L$ marketplace that does phone and SMS you get L$150/£1.50 SMS L$100/£1.50 phone. on eldexchange also on the L$ marketplace which i often use i can currently get L$395/£1 but that uses paypal
  9. it could be a caching issue if you use more than one viewer they should each have their own cache location. i have heard if viewers share the same cache location it can cause you to appear to have missing items. logging in to beta grid (aditi) then going in to busy mode and waiting for your inventory to load is apparently supposed to help with missing inventory problems
  10. Viewer hacks are nothing new and ascent isn't the first to get it i've seen youtube clips of people using neillife copy bot viewer hacks to turn Phoenix viewer from a legit viewer to a bot masquerading as phoenix at least on the log in page since there seems to be an option to change the viewer channel so you show as using a different viewer. i must stress these viewers are compiled and modified by self compilers using freely downloadable source code and not the official viewer devs
  11. i've never heard of Avatarxchange despite there being many approved exchanges you could e-mail a complaint to LL but i don't think you will get your money back maybe next time try one of the sites on the third party exchange list i've personally used anshe chungs dreamland exchange and regularly use Eldexchange from the list if i need to get L$ both of which i've never had issues with
  12. it might be worth checking there's a tick box called render avatar invisible you could try toggling it
  13. just my personal opinion but you may want to steer clear of LL's 1.23 viewer it doesn't include any of the exciting features of V2 if you want a more up to date 1.23 viewer try Phoenix Viewer, Imprudence or Emergence they include V2 features and their own exclusive features eventually you will have to use a V2 based viewer as LL will make 1.23 bases difficult and uncomfortable to use.
  14. if you're getting a chrome book from what i understand you can't download anything unless it's on the chrome webstore. from videos i've seen of the chrome books they just start up to the chrome browser you can get apps but can't install regular programs if the chrome os get's popular enough i'm sure some clever viewer dev will make something for chrome
  15. there is an option in the viewer i believe it's in the avatar tab of phoenix in preferences if you click that you become invisible
  16. it has been mentioned in the past you should run the viewer in XP sp3 compatibility mode if it doesn't work on 7 but if that doesn't work and your a fan of V2 most third party viewers are bringing out their own flavours of V2 you may like the phoenix firestorm v2 viewer
  17. if all you want to do is make a t-shirt http://www.robinwood.com has an excellent tutorial and psd t-shirt template http://www.robinwood.com/Catalog/Technical/SL-Tuts/SLPages/RSW-TShirt.html it's a photoshop file but if you have a program that opens up photoshop layered documents it should work apparently. i've worked with the template in the past had no problems saving as a tga file and uploading to SL but some templates you may need to save as png
  18. i was really surprised when i saw the new age verification lots of us had to use the old form failing that manually verifying which i wouldn't be in any hurry to do again. i like how easy it was to verify the age of my alt with the new system but i feel it's like a lot of sites that confirm to ask if your over a certain age how many people are going to be honest about their age on the net. since 16 is the age you can do adult activities in RL legally i don't see a problem if 16-17y/o's want to bend the truth a little with age
  19. if you are selling items L$1+ your account will automatically be credited every time an item sells for any item L$10 or over a comission fee is applied but you will still be automatically credited for every sale in the old days of the marketplace when it was Xstreet/SLX money was credited to your xstreet account you could use that to buy stuff on xstreet or withdraw money to your SL account to use inworld if you're not getting paid for SLM sales you may want to open up a support ticket where LL should try and rectify the problem
  20. if you have removed the SL program that should be enough you never have to log in again if there's any possibility you might want to log in again in the future don't go tthe whole hog and cancel your account you can just leave your account dormant and you won't loose any inventory or L$ you've acquired
  21. check https://marketplace.secondlife.com/orders it may well be that the delivery is still pending it will tell you in a yellow box on the order if it's not been delivered
  22. you could always buy a tv all the popular ones do youtube, movies and other videos and have search abilities
  23. from my personal experience age verification is safe the web form when you click ok/send or what ever it says checks your info against available records and gives LL a marker to say if your info was verified or not if not you'll be taken back to the web form the web form for age verification if powered by Aristotle a company that specialises in age and identity verification and has been used by every occupant of the whitehouse over the last 25 years according to their site. i also found manual age verification while it was still available to basic memebers quite safe with that you have to provide relevant info to LL and you can black out certain info as long as your name and D.O.B are still visible. edit: i wasn't awear age verification had changed i just assumed it as still run by aristotle you won't have to worry about filling out personal info anymore
  24. if you've done highlight transparent and can't see the prim you have a ghost prim you'll have to do as valerie suggested if you own mainland you don't have to wait for the regular rolling restarts i believe you can request a region restart from LL this is the only way to remove ghost prims
  25. if your using phoenix's firestorm viewer detatch the rock delete it then i think you right click yourself click avatar > avatar health > recrate bridge and the rock vanishes
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