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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. the easiest way to make a forum avatar on the forum is to click your name at the top of the screen scroll down to view images for 'your name' if you don't have any images it may say to upload an image other wise click the link click add images pick the one you want to upload once uploaded view the image under image options choose use image as avatar
  2. there are no special textures in the examples i've seen a floor texture is used then made partially transparent then what ever is rezzed on the floor is mirrored underneath to create the reflection the effect is really good but does eat up extra prims compared to having a regular floor
  3. rolling restarts are maintenence performed by LL and they may roll out new server features during this if you want a sim rolled back to an earlier time you have to request a sim rollback to the best of my knowledge sims are never automatically rolled back
  4. since they were freebies you could re-buy them if you paid money for them contact the creator most will be more than happy to re-send if you don't accept an item, log out with out accepting an item or crash before accepting an item that item is treated as not wanted and doesn't reach your inventory
  5. in my 3 and a half years in SL i often thought about going premium but didn't really see what value it would offer me i don't need to buy mainland because i have a great landlord who i've rented 1024sqm of mainland directly bordering a welcome centre from for the past 2+ years if i need L$ i buy them from my favourite exchange i've never had need to use live chat or support past what is offered to basic accounts but when LL did a special 50% off 3 months premium offer for first time premium sign ups in september i did a few calculations and thought what the hell i'll go premium the weekly stipend over 3 months plus the L$1000 sign up bonus (paid after 45 days of consecutive premium membership) and some random L$250 included in addition to the L$1000 that i thought was only for people paying by credit card that i hadn't factored in worked out to be more L$ than i could get buying them from my favourite exchange. i took up the linden home instead of 512sqm of tier free mainland which i could of gone for got the premium gift and have used the premium only sandboxes i can live with out a linden home i rezzed a fab low prim skybox on my rented plot and and used some furniture which you would not believe is only 1 prim. the premium gifts i can live with out so far LL has only put one out and who knows when the next will come. premium sandboxes they are great but i would not miss them when time comes to downgrade if your own piece of private space and weekly pocket money plus use of exclusive sandboxes is what your after or you plan on owning a big piece of mainland then premium is worth it
  6. you don't happen to use any huds or wear any shoes that have foot fixers in do you? i have noticed with my own poses that when my foot fixer hud is turned on hand poses don't work but the moment i click it off the hand pose springs in to life
  7. if you are texturing an item you made out of a full perms sculpty set you can use any one of the many thousands of textures available in SL and slap it on the prim. the set may come with a ready made texture especially made for the set in which case apply that you can jut find the texture in your inventory and drag it on to the ptim or go in to the texture tab of build mode and find the texture you want via that sometimes the textures available in SL won't do and you have to export the sculpt map if modify outside of SL you need the sculpt open for this as i use phoenix to export you click file then choose save as tga or png i use png you will find it beneficial if you have a version of photoshop that lets you texture direct on a 3D model sadly i don't and i don't know if gimp which is Free has the ability so i use a program called Sculpty Paint it's a Free program that creates sculpties and does basic colour and baked texturing i make a basic or baked texture then i take it to photoshop and try making a better texture if i need to and i continually save and drag the PS texture in to sculpty paint and make sure it looks ok on the sculpt when i'm happy i use a temporary upload to test inworld if i'm happy with that i spend L$10 uploading it to SL
  8. you can if they have transfer perms but if it's a full perms item the creator may stipulate in their license agreement that no re-sale of the product as is with out using it in your creation is allowed edit the marketplace has a category just for used unwanted items
  9. i love this sequined Union Jack dress has to be my favourite item of clothes that i've bought
  10. Teen SL ceased to exist at the beginning of the year all honest 16+ teens got migrated to the big bad world of PG sims on main grid
  11. the sale was open to anyone that wanted a sim i think LL are testing new prices seeing how well us lot receive them seeing if it's worth while charging less and getting more subscribers/sim owners
  12. you can have up to 5 instances running at any time having 1 if you have media on is normal using search in the viewer will use another 4 instances of SL Plugin i'm not entirely sure what the plugin does but if you are having media issues or search won't show up adding the plugin to your firewall ok list seems to get things working again
  13. could be the browser you're using IE is the worst for unwanted pop-ups and things you have to click before you can view a webpage i haven't come across a single pop-up in all the years i've been using chrome if you're on IE it might have a built in pop-up blocker i can't remember if not i seem to remember the yahoo and google toolbars having one
  14. the support team for phoenix viewer inworld group often recommend going to http://www.speedtest.net and setting bandwidth to 80% of download speed up to a max of i think 1500mb
  15. it's quite common for merchants to use alts to review stuff i bought something not too long ago and one of the glowing reviews was from one of the creators of the product i can only guess the other praising reviews were from alts because the product wasn't half as good as the reviews suggested
  16. i do know you can become the owner of the group if all the members and owners leave and you're just left in it ownership will automatically revert to you if your the only person in the group and you don't invite anyone after 48hours it will disband. if the owner leaves a group and doesn't make anyone a group owner the group will have no owner and no one can then become owner
  17. if you are prepared to move to another home you can get a different number but the number you are given for your home is permanent
  18. i can see what might have happened though i'm sure someone knows better your BF created a group probably deeded the land to group and didn't bother inviting anyone to the group so after 48hours with only 1 person in the group it was disbanded and because of that you can't do anything with the land i could be wrong though
  19. you should got to Mr.S/Tuty's MrSigmund Fride does a really good range of elderly avatars and an Old Lady AO you might have to search for an inworld store i don't see the av's on the marketplace but you can get the AO there
  20. unless things have changed since i first logged in to beta grid you got L$5k plus the L$ balance you have on main grid to spend in the beta grid then assuming you haven't been on beta before. with every database re-fresh you got another L$5k which means i've racked up a serious fortune on beta which i sometimes wish i could send over to main grid the lindens are the best people to as if you need any more money on beta
  21. you right click the person and select pay, or find the person in your friend list select them click pay or find their profile and click pay
  22. Trilegy was a great idea it was fantastic that someone who could afford to spend hundreds of dollars every month on full mainland sims to give the whole of SL 'free' land and get nothing in return did what they did. but for LL to allow squatting isn't in their best interest now newly abandoned land is going to auction quicker than ever and i'm quite sure people paying LL tens or hundreds of dollars every month to LL on tier aren't happy if LL allows squatters to use land on the same sim at no charge
  23. if i were given a free region i'd set aside a few personal prims parcel off part of the sim so it has around 500-1000 prims for myself then i'd make the rest of the sim 'free' land for anyone to use up to a max of 200prims each i'd rezz some super low prim tower blocks i have so people have the choice of living in a flat or they could rezz their own building then on the 1st of every month i'd wipe the sim clean of all but my own prims and people would have to come back and re-rezz everything i most likely don't deserve a sim but thats what i'd do with it
  24. he/she is still active in SL and regularly pops-up in the Phoenix Firestorm group
  25. $195 is for a full mainland sim $295 is for a private sim
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