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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. if the ghosting problem that had been irradicated has come back :matte-motes-dont-cry: the solution that used to work for me back in the day was to change log in location and repeatedly attempt to log in there would be a short window every 15 minutes that would allow a successful log in then once logged tp to where you ghosted
  2. i personally like re-size scripts if i make something to wear i'll put a re-size script in and leave it with modify perms. when i buy something and it has no re-size script but is modify and needs making bigger to fit i'll chuck in a re-size script providing it's 2+ prims adjust the size via script then adjust the position in edit mode if needed when i'm finished i just delete the script i can usually get a great fit that way
  3. you can either look on the marketplace or do an inworld search when you find a home you like try and demo it in world if you can at the creators store if you want to buy it make sure any land you rent from another resident or land you pay tier to LL on is both big enough and has enough prims to contain the home. another option is to pay for a premium membership you are allowed either a Linden home they come in a variety of themes and styles or a 512sqm plot of land tier free you can't have both without paying tier on the 512 plot
  4. that message comes from the built in translator which no longer functions since Google stopped making their translation API free you will need to look in the preferences and turn the translator off. i think i saw in the phoenix/firestorm inworld group yesterday there is a fix for the built in translator by downloding a different translation service but you'd need to ask in the group what it is
  5. apart from the mainland thing other things spring to mind when i think of 'much more' like premium only sandboxes, periodically updated premium only gifts, exclusive previews of things such as Linden Realms which you could initally only access from premium sandboxes, bonus currency rewards the first time you go premium, more support ticket options than basic members and if you've never had payment info on file before or been premium automatic adult verification (not age verification which is separate) to access the adult continent and partial/full mesh upload verification depending on if you've taken the IP test or not
  6. if you pay for premium membership you might get a faster response by trying live chat. the Lindens don't look at these forums so you aren't going to get a response to this topic and us residents have no idea what your ticket is about
  7. i've never tried the fish hunt but it seems to be incredibily expensive to get in to nearly L$1000 for a rod nearly L$2500 to farm worms plus extra to buy breeding packs and thats to be able to play if it's anything like the coin game from the same creator you'll probably make a pittance when you hook a fish. 7seas on the other hand much cheaper pro rod L$250 bait bucket starts at L$30
  8. if you want to try fishing why not give 7seas a go it's possibily the most popular best known fishing game in SL i believe there is a support group for it and theres a social chat group i own the 7seas pro rod which allows you to get XP points and much rarer fishes as well as common fish, blueprints & salvage to make gadgets and boats ect that the casual rod offers. some locations in SL have fishing contests that offer cash prizes for catching the most or largest weight fish usually all the gear is set up and you don't need your own rod
  9. if you are thinking of buying a system with those specs you might want to think about getting something with ATI/AMD or Nvidia graphics instead. Intel graphics don't do well in something as demanding as SL if you are expecting anything better than to run on the lowest graphics setting
  10. i saw the poll i wish they had put an option for none as apart from the SLum's i don't link my Av to any social networks i have Facebook Myspace & Tumblr for personal stuff but i don't log in to them unless i have to
  11. the square around your couch is known as a bounding box i don't know the sculpting tool you've used but if you make the item larger in your sculptor it will upload larger to SL
  12. can't say i miss it i might have used it a few times at most when it was around. i know it had it's legit uses but there other sites of it's ilk out there that could be used
  13. it's a sim message that pops up when someone changes their display name but you don't have to be in the same sim as the person residing on a corner plot i've had display name change notifications from people on bordering sims i can only think everyone in a certain range gets it even if not on the same sim
  14. you might want to try the Easy Sit Target Tool and Poly Sit Target Tool by Studio Dora i use both of them they are really easy to use you don't need separate poseballs as the pose(s) are contained in the prim you put the script & animation(s) in plus it does allow for the end user to adjust the pose if needed
  15. just photoshop on it's own full or elements version will be enough to make clothes as long as it allows you to work with different layers. if you have the full version of photoshop from i think CS5 onwards it will allow you to paint directly on to a 3D model say a sculpt map you've made yourself or bought in SL that allows you you to export if your totally new to clothes designing the Mermaid Diaries blog by Natalia Zelmanov is a fantastic resource also the T-Shirt template and tutorial by Robin Soujourner is a great place to start
  16. if you exclude the welcome center i border i don't have anything as nice next door to me just a prim advertising a book about SL and it's been like that the over 2 and a half years i've been renting my place and before that
  17. the most common ways to dance are via poseballs which you right click > sit on dance machines you click on huds you wear and click even dancefloors that auto detect and ask to animate you
  18. Dating in SL works the same as RL except it's probably easier to get a date in SL. if you just want to have sex find an escort hangout or sex themed sim there are plenty out there and plenty of lads who will IM you asking if you want to jump on to the nearest poseball
  19. being non US the third party exchanges are really handy for buying in local currency and having payment methods that LL don't either offer or accept LL offers L$ at L$248/$1 currently for the equivelent in pounds (65p) i can get L$1-2 less from my regular exchange with out having to factor in exchange rates and extra fees. going by LL's rates for L$2500 after working a few things out it would work out more expensive for me to buy it from LL than the exchange i use. xchange4ls is a recognized third party L$ exchange not one i use but it features on http://wiki.secondlife.com/w/index.php?title=Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_Exchange_(LindeX)&oldid=1159217 just above the one i do use
  20. aimlessly wandering around shops in SL on an off chance i'll find what i want is one of my lest favourite things it's much easier to find what you want on the marketplace then if the merchant has provided a link to an inworld store you can use it to buy inworld if you prefer that over the marketplace which can be slow and fail deliveries
  21. if you are buying from the marketplace after you've contacted the seller and received no response before leaving negative feedback send LL a support ticket https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ make sure you choose Marketplace and Failed Marketplace Delivery from the drop down boxes then fill out the form and LL will re-deliver the item if this is an inworld failure sometimes stores have re-delivery terminals but since it is an inworld transaction LL will treat it as a resident to resident dispute and won't re-deliver/re-fund
  22. AO's definitely aren't new i've been around since '08 and they were around when i first rezzed and before that you don't have to have one but the vast majority of people in SL use one to get rid of the noobish duck waddle and default animations
  23. as i understand it as long as no money is traded to play/win it's perfectly legal to have poker playing games in SL, assuming a medal or other non monetary prize is give the game would fit in with SL's gambling rules
  24. you should have no problems running SL on that laptop i have a lower spec'd laptop running an AMD processor and ATI graphics i have zero problems running SL even with all the graphical bells and whistles turned on the only problem i've ever had concerning ATI graphics is having VBO enabled but if you turn that off you won't get the colours jutting everywhere so you can't see any of SL graphic issue
  25. you can only have one marketplace store per account if you would like another store you will need to create an alt account and use that to make a store on the marketplace alternatively you can put as many 'brands' as you like for your store name and sell extra products like that
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