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Madeliefste Oh

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Everything posted by Madeliefste Oh

  1. I came across this problem a few times now.When I make sculpts that are more or less rectangle orientated I use a cylinder or a plane to start with, and then fold it as long till I get the shape I want.I do this to avoid the ugle point where all comes toghether and that is so hard to texture nicely. In my 3d prog the sculpt looks fine, and is closed at all sides. But then when I upload it to SL and I use a cylinder or a plane as stichting type, I get a little hole at one point of the sculpt. When I use the stichting type 'sphere' for the sculpt the hole closes, but then the texturing is not ok anymore. 'The ugly point where all comes together' appears again. It is exactly at this point that I'm not able to close the sculpt completely. Has any body else come across this problem? Is there a solution for it?
  2. I guess it has to do with LOD (level of detail). In your 3d program you see the highest level (4), but the SL viewer is standard on level 2. You can change this. (In the advance menu you choose "debug settings", a little window will pop-up. In this window you type "rendervolumeLODFactor", now a value-selection button will pop-up. Change the number to 4.) But this is a solution that only works on the client site. Residents who have their LOD setting on standard will still see the low detail file. So when you sculpt for SL and you want your sculpts to stay in shape, you have to be aware of this lod-problem, and take it in account when you create your design.
  3. Maybe it has to do with your shape. When you are taller then the average size jewelry creators use to fit their items on, the necklace might sink to deep in your neck.Or when your neck is thicker, same thing. You can adjust your necklace by moving it a bit up. Use a posestand, so you stand perfectly still when you do this.
  4. In my first months I searched in world. Then I started searching on the web, by OnRez and Slex. Later Xstreet became my search engine, and nowadays marketplace. I search by keyword, and then I refine, by category, by best sold or by newest, or by primcount, or by price... depends. But in 99% of the cases I go to the inworld shop to buy the item. Only sometimes when there is nothing to see about the item, for example when it's a script, I buy directly on the marketplace.
  5. Send in a ticket about the issue. Then you get explication about why your items were delisted. You also get the possibility to reslist them again in the right category.
  6. I fully support your suggestions. For the second one please follow or vote for it at the jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3482
  7. What I prefer is the possibility to take a demo of products. No models, no greeters, but let me try before I buy.
  8. Hi Brooke, How will be dealed with inventory loss? Inventory loss is my biggest concern when it comes to Direct Delivery. Once it happened to me, that I lost about 6000 items from my inventory. Clearing cache, installing new viewer, working on a different computer, nothing helped to get the lost items back into my inventory. So I completed my inventory again by buying my own products from my inworld store. Then suddenly about three weeks later, my inventory started loading fully again and my lost items came back. Among those items was some of my merchandise. At the time this happened the inventory loss had no influence on my sales, because I did not loose any items rezzed in world or items from my magic box. But in this new system, a loss of merchandise for three weeks from my inventory would have cost me money. How are you going to prevend that merchants will suffer from inventory loss?
  9. I use the Lindex. But in case you can't or won't, this is a list of trustworthy third party exchanges: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_Marketplace
  10. WADE1 Jya wrote: More to blame would be the balance of sellers to buyers and this has lead to saturation of most markets. So many people selling & more open up shop every day... many dreaming big to become rich in SL... but how many virtual good consumers are there to go around for all these people? That is what I see as in important cause as well, Wade. We have about 50.000 merchants. Let's assume that every merchant releases one new item per week. Then in a year we make (52 x 50.000) about 2,5 milion items. Now for three years there is no growth in SL, but this doesn't stop the production. Because on the production side of SL are creative people. Most of them will create anyway, because they just love to do it, because they are hooked on creating. The creative urge is something that goes it's own way, independent from economic trends or how the market behaves. And that is why this huge pile of virtual goods keeps growing every day, while the number of buyers is not growing anymore. But the more we produce,the higher the pile becomes and the harder it gets to get attention for our creations. In fact by keeping producing in an economical tide where the demand on the market is in stagnating or declining you are digging a grave, it can be your own grave or that of your fellow merchant.
  11. Thanks for your reactions so far. I don't have any scriptknowlegde myself, someone made the code for me, but this person is no longer in SL. This is the code: integer g_intListenHandle = 0; default { state_entry() { g_intListenHandle = llListen(5,"",llGetOwner(),""); updateParticles(); } listen(integer channel,string name,key id,string message) { if(message=="fall on") updateParticles(); else if(message=="fall off") llParticleSystem([]); else llOwnerSay("usage:\n/5 fall off\nor:\n/5 fall on"); } }
  12. I have made a gown in autumn style. The dress can lose leaves when you give the command "/5 fall on" and stop losing leaves when you give the command "/5 fall off" What the script actually puts on and off is a particle poofer with autumn leave textures. Now I have the next case. A customer of mine who bought the dress is not able to use the script. I have tried some steps with her, and nothing seems to work. - First I went to her land, wearing the dress myself. For me the the script works on her land, but not for her. - I gave her a fresh version of the dress, to make sure nothing was messed up by her per accident. Also the fresh version did not work for her. - I made the script listen to channel 8 in stead of channel 5. I tested it, for me it worked. But for her the script does still not work. Anyone an idea what can be the matter?
  13. Good idea, Sassy. You might want to make a jira for it?
  14. I'm the owner of three different brands in SL. For all my brands a have a separate main store in world. For me it is not only about reliability and responsibility, but it's also a service for my customers. One of my brands is a sculpty shop. For sculpties its absolutely necessary to give your customers the possibility to see how the sculpts behave in world. Some products do also work with scripts, and you can experience in the shop how it looks/works. The target group for this brand is builders and creators. For the beginning since I have started selling to this group I have experienced they are not fond on in world shopping. Back in the Xstreet days already I made 75% of the sales for this brand not in world, but on Xstreet. The change to the marketplace has had a little, but not much impact, nowadays I sell about 80% of my total sales on the marketplace. Another brand is a curtain shop. For the products I sell here the movement is very important. You cannot show movement on the marketplace (except in an attached gif file). So for this brand it's also a must to have an inworld shop. It is typical a product you cannot judge from a picture. The inworld shop is still the biggest source of income for this brand. I sell about 10 to 15% on the marketplace of these products and the rest in the mainstore. (Before the marketplace started I solde about 5% on Xstreet and 95% in the mainshop). And then I have a ladies fashion brand. For this brand it's less necessary to have an inworld presence. Unlike my other two other brands, visiting this shop doesn't give the customer more information about the product, then the marketplace listings. The vendorboxes in the shops don't show other things then the pictures on the marketplace. The only extra value is that the shop reflects the atmosphere of the brand. I want to keep this shop as well, but apart from that the shop is still profitable, there are not much rational reasons for it, the decission is mainly driven by sentiment. The rise of the new marketplace has had much influence on my fashion brand. In the old days I used to rent many satelite stores for this brand. I was always looking around for venues and malls where I could bring Madame under the attention. I tried to get business on many places. It was just a case of trial and error. When a satelite shop didn't become profitable in a few weeks, I left it again. About 25% of what I rented became profitable in my testperiod. At the top time I had about 30 profitable satelite shops that did very well. At his moment I have just one satelite shop left. About the half of my shops became unprofitable just after LL joined the Xstreet money and the inworld purse. People started to spend less in world and more on Xstreet. Only the very good landlords who knew how to drive traffic to their mall or club were able to keep their renters. I also had some places where my shop was still profitable, but where the landlord gave up because he could not make the place as a whole run without loose any longer. And then the marketplace became reality and LL started advertising it. By that time the rest of my satelites started falling. Also the very good venue holders and mall owners could not bring in enough buyers any longer to make my satelites run without loose. With some of those people I had worked for years, and they had always been able to mobilize the traffic for their renters. I found it very bitter to see talented people fail and florishing venues die. So apart from my mainstore, in the old days I did spend about 500 a week per satelite store on rent (this is an average amount, some were much more expensive, and others where cheaper.) That is about 15.000 linden a week I used to spend on rent. Ofcourse the venueholders made some money on the rent, but the biggest part of this money was used to pay tier. Now I have the marketplace in stead of 30 satelites. Now I pay a commission of 5% to the lab. That is nothing compared to the 15.000 I used to put in the economy by renting. LL is loosing big by killing in world trade for 5% of the sales on the marketplace. And this is only brand, one example of how the marketplace is cutting into the landmarket and inworld economy.
  15. Anna1 String wrote: does it make a difference if stated in the listing in the first place or the seller telling you after purchasing? Yes, that makes a big difference. When you buy something, you buy it under the conditions the merchants has stated. You cannot know the conditions of a merchant as long as he has not made them clear to you before the purchase. The merchant cannot apply new conditions to you after the purchase. When the merchant is the holder of the IP rights, he can put all conditions he wants on his products. To take an extreme example a seller of clothing templates can for example state: 'You can make all color variations based on my templates except red'. But he must state it before you buy it. Otherwise how are you supposed to know, when this is not made clear to you? You might want to buy a product with the idea to make a nice red dress based on this template, ofcourse you would not choose this product when you know on forehand this is not possible.
  16. Brooke Linden wrote: Merchant/Store search: Allows users to find Merchants and Stores whose names match the search keyword. Search results include the Merchant name, Store name, and the first 3 General products in the store. Search within store: Shown only when viewing a Store, this method allows users to restrict their keyword searches to products within that store. Hello Brook, For me as a seller with 3 different stores these both options don't work for me. You can find me by my merchant name, and then you will see the items of my 3 stores, and not of 1 store. When you try to find only óne of my stores, this is not possible. Search within store doesn't work either, because you simply cannot approach just one store. This whole marketplace is build on the assumption 'one merchant = one store'. This might be the case for the majority but there are exeptions. I would have been much better when the marketplace team would have taken this in consideration before the marketplace was build. There are stores who are driven by several merchants. They still don't have the possibility to offer their merchandise in one single store on the marketplace. There are merchants who have several stores. And those still don't have the possibility to offer their merchandise in separeted stores. In the time Grand and Brodesky were working on the marketplace they promised that splitting up merchandise per brand in separate stores would be a future feature of the marketplace. When I had to relist all my merchandise with the transfer for xstreet to marketplace, I had the choice to use alt accounts as sellers for the different brands, though I prefer to operate only with one account, this would have been more clear for the buyers on the marketplace, it could have saved me and the shoppers from a store where all my 3 brands are cluthered together. But with the promise of Grand in mind I choose not do so, but to wait for this 'future feature'. Though Grand never stated a date, I had the idea (or hope) that it would take maybe half a year or such before this feature would arrive. Now we are almost one year further, and still nothing has changed for merchants who don't fit in the formula '1 merchant = 1 store'. Contrary: the situation has become worse now. All 1 store merchants are searchable by store now, but everybody who doesn't fit in your formula cannot let it's potential buyers profit from this change. Now my burning question is: is the idea to let one merchant have more then one store front still in the plans? And if yes, when can we expect this to arrive?
  17. CW Finesmith wrote: The hardware damaged, or even the time spent cleaning up all the spyware, adware, and malware represent hidden risks and costs THAT SHOULD BE DISCLOSED BY THE SELLER. As a result of this experience, I have several suggestions for all who buy and sell .zip, .rar, and raw code over the Marketplace: If you sell such on the Marketplace you should disclose the added costs of the download in your product description. If you buy such on the Marketplace and find that there are hidden costs or risks from an unknown site trying to install software on your computer, THEN FILE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK DESCRIBING YOUR EXPERIENCE. SHUN any vendor that does not disclose the hidden costs of their product and has negative feedback to that effect. As a seller of objects that include psd-files I do agree.This kind of practise like you have experienced is undesirable. In my opinion the seller is responsable for delivery of the psd-files without any obligation on your side to subsribe to a downloadsite, or obligation to download any other software to your computer then the psd-file you have paid for. There are several ways a seller can deliver you psd-files without the troubles you have experienced. Dusk Firehawk wrote: I think when you buy psds you should know that an offsite download is possible. Sellers should do their best with this, but you can't hold them responsible for third party site problems, malware, etc. You should heva been dealt with more professionally but in the future, write your seller first and ask for an e-mailed version if this is a concern for you, or just don't buy PSDs. If the only way to get the psd-file you have paid for is downloading the file from a site with malware, the seller is responsable in my opinion. The seller does have other options to offer you the file, but they did choose not to use them, they choose for the malware site as download source. A third party site can have a problem (like server offline or such) that the seller cannot be hold responsible for. But then still the seller is responsible for the delivery of the file to the customer. If such a problem occurs the seller should use alternative ways to deliver the file to the buyer.
  18. There are two articles on TOS about this: 7.3 You grant certain Content licenses to users of Second Life by submitting your Content to publicly accessible areas of the Service. You agree that by uploading, publishing, or submitting any Content to any publicly accessible areas of the Service, you hereby grant each user of Second Life a non-exclusive license to access the User Content through the Service, and to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, and perform the Content In-World or otherwise on the Service solely as permitted by you through your interactions with the Service under these Terms of Service. This license is referred to as the "User Content License," and the Content being licensed is referred to as "User Content." "Publicly accessible" areas of the Service are those areas that are accessible to other users of Second Life. If you do not wish to grant users of Second Life a User Content License, you agree that it is your obligation to avoid displaying or making available your Content to other users. For example, you may use Virtual Land tools to limit or restrict other users' access to your Virtual Land and thus the Content on your Virtual Land. "Your interactions with the Service" may include use of the Second Life permissions system and the copy, modify, and transfer settings for indicating how other users may use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, or perform your Content In-World subject to these Terms of Service. Any agreement you make with other users relating to use or access to your Content must be consistent with these Terms of Service, and no such agreement can abrogate, nullify, void or modify these Terms of Service. You acknowledge that when you receive a User Content License you receive only licensing and use rights: You therefore do not acquire ownership of any copies of the Content, or transfer of any copyright or other Intellectual Property Rights in the Content. You acknowledge that with respect to the use of the words "Buy" and "Sell" as used in this Agreement and throughout the Service in the context of User Content: (a) the term "Sell" means "to grant a User Content License in exchange for Linden dollars or other consideration in accordance with the Terms of Service," (b) the term "Buy" or "Purchase" means "to receive a User Content License in exchange for Linden dollars or other consideration in accordance with the Terms of Service," and © the terms "Buyer," "Seller," "Sale" and "Purchaser" and similar terms have corresponding meanings to their root terms. This includes User Content that may be Bought or Sold on the Second Life Marketplace web site. 7.4 You also grant Linden Lab and other users of Second Life a license to use in snapshots and machinima your Content that is displayed In-World in publicly accessible areas of the Service. You agree that by uploading, publishing, or submitting any Content to or through the Servers for display In-World in any publicly accessible area of the Service, you hereby grant each user of Second Life and Linden Lab a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicenseable and transferable license to photograph, capture an image of, film, and record a video of the Content, and to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, and perform the resulting photograph, image, film, or video in any current or future media as provided in and subject to the restrictions and requirements of our Snapshot and Machinima Policy. The foregoing license is referred to as the "Snapshot and Machinima Content License." If you do not wish to grant users of Second Life a Snapshot and Machinima Content License, you agree that it is your obligation to avoid displaying or making available your Content to other users. For example, you may use Virtual Land tools to limit or restrict other users' access to your Virtual Land and thus the Content on your Virtual Land. So basicly yes: you can use works of other creators as props for your productpic. They don't need to be full perms. You already have the permission from the original creator, because the creator had to agree on the TOS to be able to upload things to SL. But for your customer it must be clear what is and what isn't included in the product. So somehow in productdescription you must tell them what it is exactly that they are buying.
  19. Oh, that's smart, Daniel. Thanks. Sometimes you are too much focussed on solving the problem in SL and then don't even think about solving the SL problem in your 3d proggie. But what you suggest is a much better solutions indeed. I tried it and it works great. With this rotation point I still did not managed to get it in the right spot. I think I better wait too till LL comes up with a better method for the pivot point problem. Meanwhile watching your jira, Drongle.
  20. Thanks for your answer, Drongle. I have an aditional question. The wing is made of a plane. As you know the plane has only one side in SL. So to be able to make the wings visible at two sides, I have upload two different meshes (one with normals and one with reversed normals). Then in SL I link them together, so in the end I have one wings that consist of two meshes. Now for this rotation point: will it be sufficient to ad this AssetPivot to only one of the meshes and make this the default one, when I link them? Or do both versions of the mesh need this AssetPivot?
  21. I'm working on something where I needed different rotationpoints then the default. The original mesh is made in cinema4d. As you can see I have put the rotationpoint on the corner of the wing. But now when I upload the collade file to SL, the rotationpoint is still the default. How do I make SL know where to place the rotationpoint?
  22. I'm glad you bring this up. I have most of my listings in all languages. When you use quickfill to edit new items, in the past the foreign languages pages stayed blanc. When you look at the foreign languages pages, the English version was shown. I often wait to let my texts translate, till I have about 10 new products. They are on the marketplace in English just waiting till I put in the translated texts. At this moment I have 8 products that I had not translated yet. From this 8 products 3 where released before the beginning of February. These show all the english text in the foreign languages pages. The producst I have added after the beginning of February all show the (wrong) pages, they show the foreign languages text from the product I used for the 'quick fill' option. It is not only happening in German texts, but also in French, Portuguese and Japanese. Without your message I would never have noticed it, because LL did not announce this change, nor let us know this change has happened.
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