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Madeliefste Oh

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Everything posted by Madeliefste Oh

  1. You could create a animated gif, that shows some examples of your picture displays and mulitmedia functions.
  2. In the report 'best selling products' now you can easily compare the views and the buys of your products. So I can see my best selling object is sold about 17% of the times it is viewed. In general the best selling objects on page 1 are sold about 10% of the times they are viewed. My worst selling objects are sold about 1% of the time they are viewed. I did not look at demo products, I don't consider them as a sale. I'm interested to see how the figures of other merchants are. How do your best selling objects compared to views?
  3. When a merchants prices his item a certain amount, I think he wants to sell it for this amount. Specially in case of a sale. So I would buy it for this amount and just walk away with it. Unless the item is 10 L$, than I would think the merchant has forgotten to set the price for the item and contact him. In case I was the merchant, and I had made a mistake in pricing my item, I think the customer is not responsable for my mistake. I would thank the customer very much for letting me know, but let her keep the item for the price she has bought it. After all it was the price I asked at the moment she bought. And then I would adjust my price so new customers should buy it for the price I had in mind for the item.
  4. Hi shadow, Maybe you don't want to reveal the content of your ideas in a public forum, but that also makes it difficult to find the right people to work with. The people you need are the people who share passion about the idea as you do, or who are highly interested in the fields that surround the idea. You need people that 'click' with the project. Since you do not reveal the slightest direction where your ideas go, you cannot find the people who get inspired by your ideas. * waves at StoneDwarf *
  5. I don't know where or how Metaverse gets these figures, but the diagram they show is titled 'Business profit for *name of month*'. It is not saying 'merchants', and they are not speaking about linden dollars but about USD. In sploders, contests and so on you don't get USD, but L$. I don't think it is only about merchants, it must include the land businesses as well. But we don't know how we must read this figures, because Metaverse does not describe what they understand as a business, nor do they describe what they understand as profit. Is profit the money people take out of SL, after they paid for their tier and their fun? Or did they count the Lindens that are transfered to USD? That all makes big difference... so indeed, there is way to less info to make any hard conclusions.
  6. Oh, I'm sorry, I made a mistake in typing out the figures. The fault was in the 50-100 usd range. Here is the corrected number in green: 2007 2010 Less then 10 usd 54,37 % 56,7 % 10 – 50 usd 27,1% 26,81 % 50 – 100 usd 6,33 % 5,61% 100 – 200 usd 4,79 % 3,97 % 200 – 500 usd 3,96 % 3,63 % 500 - 1000 usd 1,51 % 1,61 % 1000 – 2000 usd 0,99 % 0,84 % 2000 – 5000 usd 0,64 % 0,54 % More then 5000 usd 0,31 % 0,3%
  7. I was looking for the same figures. I found some usefull stats here Most recent stats are from 2010, but it gives at least a rough image of the situation. What do Second Life businesses earn per month? 2007 2010 Less then 10 usd 54,37 % 56,7 % 10 – 50 usd 27,1% 26,81 % 50 – 100 usd 6,33 % 12,43 % 100 – 200 usd 4,79 % 3,97 % 200 – 500 usd 3,96 % 3,63 % 500 - 1000 usd 1,51 % 1,61 % 1000 – 2000 usd 0,99 % 0,84 % 2000 – 5000 usd 0,64 % 0,54 % More then 5000 usd 0,31 % 0,3% 2007: total 42.597 businesses 2010: total 64.651 businesses What do people that participate in the economy spend per month? 1 – 500 L$ 39 % 500 – 2.000 L$ 18,4 % 2.000 - 5.000 L$ 12,43 % 5.000 - 10.000 L$ 9,31 % 10.000 - 50.000 L$ 15,41 % 50.000 – 100.000 L$ 3,01 % 100.000 – 500.000 L$ 2,02% 500.000 – 1.000.000 L$ 0,21% More then 1.000.000 L$ 0,22 %
  8. I have good news for you Faye, you dont lhave to relist all your products. They will stay on the marketplace just as they are now. The difference will be that you do not longer drop your finished products in a magic box, but in a folder in your inventory. To keep your existing items in the marketplace, you only have to drag all your items from your magic box to the outbox folder in your inventory. At least that is how it looks now.
  9. Find more then 100 males shop at this blog: www.second-man.com/
  10. Faye Feldragonne wrote: I see a clearing coming. Might be good, might be bad, depending on where you stand. It is good for the customers. You can better buy from merchants who are around to support their products. It is good for merchants who are active as a merchant. Clearing gives less competition, so the visibility of their own products might increase. It is good for Linden Lab. There will be more customers satisfaction when customers can rely on merchants who take responsibility for the support of their products. Abandonned lands and unsupported products have a negative impact on the overall SL experience from residents. It is not good for the ones who left and left their marketplace shop unattended. But who is to blame for this?
  11. Omg... I'm 100% male when it comes to shopping :smileyvery-happy:
  12. Josh Susanto wrote: >I don't know why LL can't read our current magic box and transfer the listings Please do not encourage LL to take unnecessary control over additional parts of the process. You know why. Maybe they can but choose not to do so. Dropping your boxes from a magic box to a folder is not that much work. But to do so you must be still active in SL. It might clean up the marketplace a bit from old junk that people did put in on slex five years ago, and who left SL without even knowing they are still having a magic box rezzed somewhere.
  13. Thanks for the info Zanara. I overlooked something, I didn't know I had to go to a marketplace spot on Aditi. I normally login there in a mesh sandbox, and I just rezzed the magic box in this sandbox. Today I went to one of those Virtuatrade campusses. After I rezzed the magic box there I can sync it with the marketplace.
  14. Paladin Pinion wrote: "Inventory" really just means "database". It's just a list of stuff you own on a server.The only thing that is changing for merchants is how that list of items gets delivered to the marketplace servers. Right now, the marketplace communicates with your magic box via some scripts that report the box's contents. The change will be that instead of communicating with a box, the marketplace servers will read a folder in your inventory. When something new appears in your folder, the marketplace will notice and update its list of things you can sell in your store. Everything else about your store will be the same as it is now. No one can copybot your store listings regardless of how the information arrives there. And since there will be no rezzed objects anywhere, there is nothing in-world to copybot. The marketplace "inventory" is just the list of things you see when you edit your store, nothing more than a list from a database. You will be able to see and work with your store just as you do now. The only thing that's different is where your store gets its item lists from. Do I understand it right that we will get rid of all in world part of the delivery? What I understand is that 'something' is reading the data from my outbox inventory just one time per item. Once the item is known by the marketplace inventory, it is basicly put in a marketplace database, right? This database has only to communicate once per item with my inworld inventory. Then it is 'eaten' by the database. And stored somewhere on LL's servers. But how safe is it there?
  15. This sounds very alarming ||3ossHogg. You said you did send in a ticket but it is not looking good. What do you mean? Did you get a response that is not looking good? Or did you not get any response yet? And this 12 emails your are talking about, in what time span? Today, last few days, last few weeks?
  16. I wanted to give a try to sell some of my merchandise in this test surrounding. So I downloaded the Aditi Magic Box. That arrive nice and quickly to me in Aditi. I rezzed the Magic Box and put in about 20 curtains. I don't want to sell my cYo products in Aditi, because all those items come with downloaders that allow people to download the psd-files that belong to the sculpties. But when I took a look at my inventory in the Aditi Marketplace, I see that it contains 14 cYo items. And however I sync the Marketplace with my Magic Box, the curtains just don't show up at the website. I don't dare to try to delete the cYo items from my inventory in the test marketplace, because I'm not sure if they will be deleted from my normal inventory as well? What is happening here? Why can I not sync my magic box. And why are there items in my Aditi Marketplace inventory that I did not put there myself?
  17. As a Merchant, you will send folders to your Marketplace inventory that you plan to list for sale. You will do this by placing items in a system folder called the Merchant Outbox and sending the contents to your Marketplace inventory. Each top level folder in the Merchant Outbox represents one sellable item in the Marketplace. Once all folders are successfully sent to the Marketplace, they will disappear from the Merchant Outbox. Where do my items go, when they disappear from my Outbox? What is this marketplace inventory exactly? Can you please explain more about this? Can I enter my marketplace inventory, can I edit my marketplace inventory? Were will my creations be stored exactly? Actually my most important question is: Can LL garanty the safety of my merchandise in this new inventory system? In world my items are not safe for copybotters or copyclients. To me it seems that adding a new kind of inventory is adding a new place from where my merchandise can possibly be stolen. How can I be sure this is not going to happen?
  18. Medhue Simoni wrote: Anytime you see/hear some1 or group appealing strictly to your emotions, you should squeeze your butt cheeks and never bendover. That is how a lot of virtual products are sold, by appealing to peoples emotions.
  19. It your mesh just a frame? Or is this square you have in the map a place to put a picture or painting? In the case you want a picture in the frame, you might want to give it more space on the canvas. Cause in the current design, when you upload it with the largest texture size, the spot of the picture will be smaller then 256 x 256 pixels. While it is often the art work that attracks people more to look at an object then the frame. The texture quality must be at best there where the attention goes, I think.
  20. A system like SL needs micro merchants, that charge micro payments. They keep the economy going at the end of the long tail… Back in the days of hope and glory there were a lot of possibilities to make a few dollars a week to spend in SL. You could pick dollars from trees, you could camp, there were so many opportunities to work as a greeter or a dancer in a club. There are a lot of newcomers who do want to buy a dress, a piece of hair, shoes or an ao, but don’t feel comfortable to put money in their account,yet. Nowadays it’s much harder for a newbie to find some Lindens to spend. You can find enough free goods, but money to buy what you really desire is much more difficult. People who have some creativity can use the marketplace to make a bit of money. The current 10 L$ sellers are what the campers were in the past… people that safe micro amounts, to pay for things they like to buy for themselves. (This will not count for all 10 L$ sellers, some will make enough to make it worth to take the money out of SL, but this won’t be the majority). Don’t be surprised that those cheap sellers you fear so much are your paying customers.It is not the small fish that eats the big fish, it’s the big fish that eats when there are small fishes around. 
  21. Making good UV maps is an art on its own. I'm still practising... and often I find myself spending more time on making a proper UV map then on making the actual model. You find a bunch of uv mapping tutorials for Maya here
  22. I do agree that the marketplace is not good for mesh, but for very different reasons. - The marketplace makes no difference between the number of prims an object contains and the prim count of an object. To inform customers properly about what they are buying, both options should be available. For example I have a mesh object that exists of two linked prims, the prim count of the object is 1 prim, but I cannot inform my customers properly about that, unless I describe it in my listing. - The prim count of mesh depends of the size of an object. So mesh has a flexible prim count. So my 2mesh1prim object can have a prim count of for example 5 when someone want to rezz a real huge version of it. But the marketplace has no option to tell customers to what size the stated prim count is related. To inform customers properly about what they are buying, this should be the case. For example someone can offer a bonzai size tree and tell the customer it counts 5 prims. But on the picture you cannot see the tree is bonzai size, it might as well be a 15 meters high tree. The customer doesn't find out about the size of the object, unless this information is made available to him on the marketplace. - There is no mesh category for building components available.
  23. It are items that were rezzed in my shop. I rezzed them about two or three weeks ago. server: Second Life RC LeTigre After I saw the PE count has grown I resized one of them, I made it a bit smaller that brought the old PE count back. I had not resized it before. But I have been moving some itemsa bit, while I was rearranging things in my shop. But I'm sure I did not resize any of my items while moving them.
  24. Some of my meshes suddenly have a higher prim count then they had for weeks. Yesterday I noticed a mesh with PE 4, that used to be PE 3. Today I saw that another mesh that used to have a PE of 2 now has gone to PE 3. What is going on, with PE count?
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