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Madeliefste Oh

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Everything posted by Madeliefste Oh

  1. Pamela Galli wrote: /me wracks brain to remember which Linden I am... I guess you are one of those Linden merchants who have identified so much with their alt, that they just forgot their official Linden name. You probably never used it for logging in to SL. This in fact makes you not a Linden with a merchant alt, but a merchant with a Linden alt.
  2. You don't have to be scared, Pamela. I'm not going to reveal your (or anybodies) official Linden name in a public forum.
  3. I buy from Linden alts all the time. As long as I'm not 99% sure that a merchant is a Linden alt, I'm not going to buy any scripted products from him. I would like to suggest others to do neither. With Linden alt merchants you can always be sure to receive regular updates from products, where bugs are solved and new bugs are added. I have bought some of these SEO tools as well. I love these products, though I must say it's a bit dissappointing that they came without bugs. That is also the main reason that my theory of this merchant being a Linden alt became uncertain for a while, and I could not bring this second conspiracy theory to the forums before. But since I found new proof lately I surely dare to shout out loud: YES, HE IS A LINDEN ALT AS WELL!!!
  4. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: Linden hanging tree ... yes. Of course you're probably a Linden too. There's a product in the making. A series of Linden and Linden-alt abuse products would do well for some merchant, I think. As far as my information reaches these products are going to be premium only. But not all Linden alts are premium members. Some years back there were still many very old Lindens, who had these 'premium for lifetime' alt accounts. But many of them have left the lab and took their merchants alt accounts with them. The modern Linden alt often does not take a premium account because that is better for the hiding their real identity.  But I'm quit sure a Linden-alt merchant will come with an alternate product line of Linden-alt abuse products on the marketplace. And those will have a lower prim count then the official LL Linden-alt abuse products. 
  5. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: Tired of coding though, ugg yes ... need to get back to that. I've got customers that are going to lynch me at the nearest hanging tree if I don't stop talking on forums and working more. I'm sure this must be a Linden tree.
  6. I have a conspiracy theory as well: Josh is a Linden alt. He is not satisfied with the management but he cannot state that open at work, that is why he is playing the unsatisfied customer. Of course I cannot proof this, but there are enough things pointing into this direction. One strong point for example is he says to have no bank account. Ofcourse he cannot receive his merchandise money on the same account as his Linden Lab salary, because then he would be discovered by his collegues. At the moment I'm working on a second conspiracy theory: Darrius and Dartagan are Linden alts as well. In the past they both have applied for the function of forum moderator, because both are tired of coding. Both thought the other one was the only competition they had and both concentrated on proofing "I'm better for this job then him". But there was a third person at the lab who only focused on his own qualities, he became the job, and Darrius and Dartagan had to stay in their old team at the lab and go on with coding. Of course I cannot proof this yet, but read their quarrels on the forums and decide for yourself. I think I need about another year to work out my final conspiracy theory. I cannot give you any tasty details on that one yet, but I can lift a tip of the veil. My ultimate task is to proof that actually all of you are Linden alts and I am the only non Linden merchant in SL. (So be prepared, the harder you try to proof you are not a Linden alt, the more evidence you will give me you are.)
  7. I have experimented a lot with satelite stores in the past for my fashion brand. I have had shops near clubs, in clubs, in places with a fixed landing point and where avis have to walk along the stores before they reach the club, in places that had several spread landingpoints, in place where you could set a landingpoint in your own shop. I have paid rent prices from 1 linden per prim to 20 linden per prim per week. I have been in places that where themed and not themed. The places where I have rented for a long time, were places where the club owner or mall owner could bring enough traffic to the place to make my shop profitable. It was mainly a matter of try and error to find good places that work for you. I think all with all I have rent about 150 stores, and most of them I left again within two months. But in the end I had about 30 really profitable satelite shops. Satelite shops that don't sell, don't work very well as advertising either is my experiences. I have a traffic tool that could track if visitors in my mainshop came from a landmark taken in one of the satelite stores. Not even 1% of the traffic in my mainshop came from satelite shops. But you cannot say that the best selling satelite shops also were the best referals to the main shop. For example I had one small shop that didn't make a large profit, but the sim was in a network with other sims, and there was travelled a lot between those sims. That shop was my best referal to my main shop of all shops. While some satelite shops that sold pretty well, but were for example on a entrance route to a ballroom never brought traffic to my mainshop. (Those might eventually have brought some traffic from landmarks taken from the boxes of sold products, that could my traffic tool not analyse, it can only 'read' landmarks taken directly from the satelite shops.) But once the marketplace arrived I have seen one satelite shop after the other die. Club owners with a real busy event calender that programmed a lot of live events were the ones that have the longest sustained, once the marketplace took over. Within half a year later I had only one satelite shop left. Within half a year, 30 shops that had been profitable for two years, became worthless. Or the club owner gave up and sold the land, or I gave up after taking the loose for a few months in the hope for a revival. Nowadays it's main shops and marketplace. A club owner must have a real good concept and be willing to work very hard and advertise a lot to make the stores|club-formula work. I think it still might work in some themed (RP) sims, where the brand perfectly fits the sim theme... but in general I think it's over that shops can profit from clubs and clubs can profit from shops (with kisses from Linden Lab).
  8. Toysoldier Thor wrote: The real bug will be fixed next week. The work around is what we suspected - Avoid including the old day in the range of dates. Well done, all of you that contributed to the jira.
  9. Darrius Gothly wrote: Dartagan Shepherd wrote: Wasn't directed at you, they were clearly general statements. See how this gets personal really quickly? That in itself proves a point. Perhaps to someone that doesn't know our history, they could be passed off as "clearly general statements", but you and I both know differently. It's your habit to lay oblique accusations, salt the wound with some new jabbing words .. then play Mr. Innocent when called on the carpet for it. Play your games .. it's okay with me. My conscience is at ease with this whole mess Mr. Shepherd .. but I daresay yours is not. Have a nice day It might be that you are so colored because of your history, that you see this as a personal attack, Darrius. But to me as an outsider it seems more an observation of things going on in this forum, in general. And I do recognize something in this observation, but I don't connect it with you, or the way you express your concerns here. I must admit I don't read all of the quarrels you both have here, so I might oversee some things. But is this case I think you pick it up as something personal, while it was honestly ment as a general observation.
  10. Josh Susanto wrote: It's not the theory, itself, that people are rejecting; they reject it because they trust LL more than they trust me to come up with credible explanations. That is; they reject the theory because they find LL's explanations easy to believe regardless of what is actually said or what evidence is provided. In other words, they reject the theory only because they reject me as a theorist because I'm not a Linden. Or they just don't care for your theorie at all, because they are not doing business with you, but with LL.
  11. Loki Eliot wrote: 2. Allow a 'FOLLOW THIS CREATOR' button or 'VIEW CREATORS PROFILE' to allow people to follow the creators feeds for further updates. I have asked for this several times already. When Grant Linden was still in charge of the marketplace he found it a good idea, though it would not be implementated in the first release of the marketplace. Since he left it never became clear if the plan is still on the table or not. Please let it happen this time!
  12. Complaining has an important function in the proces of making things better. It works best when the complains are picked up by the people who are in charge of making things better. For a long time this is not done by the Lab, because we were simply not their focus group, LL aimed for getting businesses into the platform in stead of hobbyists. Users felt massively they were not valued by the lab, they were not heard, they were not considered important, they were at best just labrats. But despite of the behaviour of the compagny, we stayed because we love the product despite all shortcomings. We kept renting land from the compagny, despite all frustrations about the service. But frustrations have go somewhere. You can bring them to a place where they don't belong, like shouting at your partner or your dog. Or you can share them with peers who are in a simulair position as you, and that is what happens on these forums. Because LL didn't care for its customers complaints and concerns for years, a culture of corumination arised. And this culture is most vivid in the merchant forum. This might have to do with the interests that people have who are active in the commerce field. Steps that LL makes or doesn't make, can have influence on our income. Because we have no inside in the strategy of LL and are powerless when it comes to decission making we seem to find no other ways then just keeping complaining. Maybe this will be productive in the end. I think we already gained a lot compared to two, three years ago. Nowadays we are the focus group for LL; the focus on future clients (compagnies) in stead of existing customers is gone, together with M. Linden. They listen to us, now and then. Not always, and maybe not enough, but 'now and then' is still better then 'not at all' which wat the case in the past. But on the other hand, this culture of complaining puts me in a kind of split as a merchant. On the one hand I also need LL to improve things, because that is better for my business. But on the other hand a culture of complaining has never been good for any business. I'm convinced that a culture of happiness would lead to more sales for all of us, then a culture of complaining. It is for this reason that a compagny like Coca Cola nowadays promotes with the slogan 'open happiness'. I was a mesh beta tester. In this group I experienced a very different way of working together between Lindens and residents. It was productive. And in general there was not much complaining going on. Until it came to the crucial point of prim count. LL had deciced that the minimum prim count of a mesh would be two prims. There was a lot of protest about this. And that was effective as well. People who had been very cooperative for a while were venting their concerns and frustration about this prim count in all possible ways, but also people who had never showed up before start raising their voice about this issue. After a few weeks LL changed the plan, and mesh was released with a minimum prim count of 1. But you can ask yourself would this protest have been as effective when their would have been a culture of complaining from the beginning in the mesh beta group? Complaining a lot can also cause that the people at the lab that you depend on, become less open to listen to you. Because they can feel like 'no matter how I do my best for them, they are always blaming me or my team for their frustrations'. It is not a pleasant atmosphere to communicate in, when you are attacked every time you show your face somewhere. In the end you might simple start to avoid those places. And what have we archieved then? I hope that in the end we can grow over this current culture in the commerce forums. This process will take some time. The lab is an important party in that, because our happiness as a merchant partly depends on them. But not completely, you are also responsable yourself. Despite of some frustrations about the system and some critism I have, I'm still happy to be a merchant in SL. 
  13. Another point I have is this: While there are two categories for sculpties in the section 'building tools', there is none for mesh. Can you please add one?
  14. Hi Brooke, You have added this new field to the marketplace for mesh, 100%, 0% or partial. Any plans on making this field searchable? So customers can refine search for 100% mesh objects, partial mesh objects or excluded all products that contain mesh?
  15. Yes, it is possible. I saw a pic and a video of someone who experimented with this
  16. When I take a good look at both models, I come to the conclusion that these are two different models. The creators might have used the same blue print. But the car in SL has much better quality then the car in TGA. For example the rounding above the wheel is much smoother, the corner at the bumper is more round, and the texture quality is much better in the SL car.
  17. For me July was about 10% below my normal sales. In August it seemed to pick up again, but last two weeks my sales in the weekends are very low, compared to other weekends. So all with all August gives me the same result as July, about -10% of my normal sales.
  18. On the marketplace, in your page 'manage inventory' you should use the button 'Sync Marketplace with Magic Boxes'.
  19. I'm a premium member, but these new advantages don't offer me anything. I have my own land to build, I have no need for freebies, and I don't like unfair competition. I think LL should make a better analyse of her customerbase, and offer several packages for premium members, that are attractive to different kind of users. A more attractive package for creators and merchants could be one that contains things like: - 5 free mesh uploads and 20 free texture uploads per week or - pay only 2,5% commission on your marketplace sales or - 50% discount on one 'featured item advertisement' on the marketplace 
  20. I'm a premium member and you don't make me happy with these features. I build on my own land or in my 3d proggie. I have no need for freebies. I don't like unfair competition among designers. I think you should make a better analyse of your customerbase, and offer several packages for premium members, that can be choosen from. Premium only sandbox and virtual gifts can be one of them. Personally I would be more happy with a package that contains something like: - 5 free mesh uploads and 20 free texture uploads per week or - pay only 2,5% commission on your marketplace sales or - 50% discount on one 'featured item advertisement' on the marketplace
  21. I don't have this problem, I can download my records normally. It might be fixed in the meanwhile?
  22. Don't rush too much with your logo. Take the time to think about it. It will be visible on all your products, it will represent your brand. It has it's own design proces.... can you find a way to visualise what TKBackstage stands for? And play a bit around... maybe just 'Backstage' as brandname or 'Backstage by TK' , or some like: Backstage TK (tk at top as superscript). Play, play... and think about your logo as the face of your brand.
  23. The idea is good, good choice for the background for these kind of items, showing both the template and a model wearing the blanc template. It gives good information for the customer. But a price on a box... I wouldn't do it. On the marketplace customers see the price already, and inworld they can click the box to see the price. There might be reasons in the future for you to change your price, and then you have to adjust all your textures. And the glow around "TKBackstage" is too heavy to my taste. And another little thing... the shadow behind the model... why not let it fall on the template, so the model comes a bit loose of the template? I think that will work better then how you work with the shadow in the current pic. It can be a bit larger but softer as well.
  24. It is part of the tos (paragraph 7.1). So you refers to you, and only you, since it's the agreement between you and Linden Lab. But paragraph 7.8 is even more clear about this subject: 7.8 You agree to respect the Intellectual Property Rights of other users, Linden Lab, and third parties. You agree that you will not upload, publish, or submit to any part of the Service any Content that is protected by Intellectual Property Rights or otherwise subject to proprietary rights, including trade secret or privacy rights, unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission from the rightful owner to upload, publish, or submit the Content and to grant Linden Lab and users of the Service all of the license rights granted in these Terms of Service. You acknowledge that the Content of the Service is provided or made available to you under license from Linden Lab and independent Content providers, including other users of the Service ("Content Providers"). You acknowledge and agree that except as expressly provided in this Agreement, the Intellectual Property Rights of Linden Lab and other Content Providers in their respective Content are not licensed to you by your mere use of the Service. You must obtain from the applicable Content Providers any necessary license rights in Content that you desire to use or access. Linden Lab and other Content Providers may use the normal functionality of the Service, including the permissions system and the copy, modify, and transfer settings, to indicate how you may use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, or perform their respective Content solely In-World. You acknowledge and agree that the permissions system and other functionality of the Service do not grant you any license, consent, or permission to copy, modify, transfer, or use in any manner any Content outside the Service. You agree that you will not copy, transfer, or distribute outside the Service any Content that contains any Linden In-World Content, in whole or in part or in modified or unmodified form, except as allowed by the Snapshot and Machinima Policy, or that infringes or violates any Intellectual Property Rights of Linden Lab, other Content Providers, or any third parties. Linden Lab reserves the right, but is not obligated to use technological measures designed to prohibit the copying, transfer, or distribution of Content outside the Service when we in good faith believe that such copying, transfer, or distribution would or might violate the Intellectual Property Rights of our users, Linden Lab, or third parties. You copy and use Content at your own risk. You are solely responsible and liable for your use, reproduction, distribution, modification, display, or performance of any Content in violation of any Intellectual Property Rights. You agree that Linden Lab will have no liability for, and you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Linden Lab harmless for, any claims, losses or damages arising out of or in connection with your use, reproduction, distribution, modification, display, or performance of any Content. 
  25. Uhmm... English is not my mother tongue, I'm not really sure what you mean by specific use of the word 'you'. But I ment to say you as in 'you, the creator of original content'.
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