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Madeliefste Oh

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Everything posted by Madeliefste Oh

  1. Good thinking. I have put it as a question in your DD Q&A thread.
  2. Can you please make it happen that I can deliver the goods from my inventory to several stores on the marketplace. I have three inworld shops for three different brands. I don't work with alts. I need three separate marketplace stores as well. Please, this was promised more then a year ago already.
  3. Same here. I also get mails for things where the transaction is still in progress, while the mail says its delivered. And mails arrive just now and then. But even worse I almost have no sales. A bit more in world sales then normal, but my marketplace sales dropped to the lowest number I have ever seen...I guess this is the most effective respons of my target group, builders and creators, to a borked marketplace. Be sure I do feel their pain in my wallet.
  4. Some marketplace jiras are still assigned to Grant Linden, so they are just sitting there to gether dust?
  5. What happens with a jira that is assigned to a Linden who is not longer working at the lab?
  6. We have ask for this when LL was still building the marketplace. It would be a future feature. Please watch the jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-2324
  7. Toysoldier Thor wrote: See Made you lost me there. So you are saying that a Mesh object that comes into the SL grid by default does not have any physical along its surface? If not, we need to do more and import more to make a mesh object in SL have physics along its surface? And this is also where you and Alisha are confirming what Landscape Mesh will likely not be an economically feasible alternative to Sculpties until the PE costs are reduced for mesh. The whole point with mesh is... all is flexible. What you can do with it is flexible, and that it costs in terms of prim count is also flexible. When I make for example a small barrel, it will have prim costs of 1. Now when I decide to make a barrel town, and I make my barrel very large after uploading it to SL, my barrel might end up in largest size with a prim count of 8 (not sure about this number, but something like that). So that is the first disadvantage you have when you are a creator of large objects. The larger the object, the higher the primcount. So this is pain point one for landscape objects. Physics is a second thing. The final prim count of a mesh is calculated by three factors. One of these factors is the weight of the physic shape. (The other two are download weight and server weight). The more complex your physic shape, the higher prim count the final mesh will have. Now say I make for my barrel a physic shape that increases my primcount by x2. My normal sized barrel mesh will be 2 in stead of 1. Now when I make this barrel really big, the largest size of the mesh will have a prim count of 2 x 8 = 16 prim count.
  8. Toysoldier Thor wrote: I would love mesh over sculpty for terrains so that the BOUNDING BOX issue can be addressed once and for all. The mesh terrain will need its physics enabled so avatars can walk on the mountain, volcano cone, hills, cliffs, etc. But it will be far better than with sculpties where avatars either walk 2 meters+ over the surface or invisi-prims are needed. It is possible, but prim expense. The more accurate you want your physic shape to be, the more prims it will cost. But why not try it out for yourself? Just safe your sculpt model as a colada file, and use the same model as physic shape while uploading to SL. Then reduce the polygones in your sculpt model, make it as low poly as possible, then upload that model as physic shape while uploading. And notice the difference in prim count. Also note the difference in SL while walking the mesh. Decide if the higher prim count is worth the more accurate physic shape.
  9. Is there a back up system for inventories? With a magic box I can more or less create my own back up system. I can choose to store my boxes on different servers in SL, so if one server breaks down my merchandise can still be delivered from another server. With DD I will be forced to store my merchandise in just one single place: my inventory. In the past I have experienced that 6000 items just disappeared from my inventory. Whatever I tried, cleaning cache, install the latest viewer, ask help by ticket,nothing brought back these 6000 items. Then suddenly about three weeks later I logged in and my inventory start to load fully again and all items came back. Now what if the same thing happens again and my merchandise that I have active on the marketplace suddenly disappears from my inventory. Will it only for me not be available in my inventory, or will my merchandise it not be available on the marketplace? What can we do to weapon us against inventory loss of our merchandise?
  10. I'm not sure, because I have not experimented with large meshes very much yet, but what I have understand from others is that mesh is not very effective for landscapes. When this is the field in the market you want to stick too, and how no plans the broaden your merchandise, you might as well stick with sculpties. Though I was a beta tester, I'm just slowly building up my mesh merchandise. Actually I have just two mesh products available yet. And the next creation I'm going to do will be a sculpty again. At least for some time I will go on with making sculpts as well. My customers still ask for new sculpties as well. At this moment sculpts is still a good market. But I'm glad I have experimented some with meshes already, so now I more clear image how to integrate mesh in my current business model. And I don't know what the future will bring. I think that most avatars don't give a damn of something is made out of mesh, sculpts or prims, as long as it looks fab and isn't too prim heavy. But my business is not only about making money. My business is the first place a way to challenge ourselves, to learn new things and to become better skilled in fields that interest us. Sometimes you have to find these challenges in yourself, sometimes you find them by listening to customers and this time we found one because SL is offering us new toys in the toolbox. It is interesting to play with those tools, for your own development as creator. But I found it interesting to pioneer in the beta program as well. I cannot say I have had a big influence on the development of mesh for SL, I was not a very intense tester myself. But still I found it very interesting to follow the proces of a part of the creating community working together with Lindens. I learned a lot from it, it gave me a broader view on 3D design (which is handy, not only for SL but in general). One of my conclusions is: if you want to contribute to SL or have a voice in the development of (parts of) SL beta programs are a much better place to state your opinion then the forums.
  11. I think this is a good idea. And I hope for very strict moderation of such a thread, so it can work effective for all of us, to see the questions and answers. And we don't have to wade through pages of complaints or troll posts to find the actual questions and answers.
  12. Toysoldier Thor wrote: The Mesh Evangelists dont care about the business viability of mesh - they just are so excited to creat mesh objects in SL that the business side is not a factor to them. What makes you think the business site is not a factor for mesh creators? Being the first one can be a strong point for a business, or being the only one in a niche. By the time you start learning others who started as a beta tester to build up their merchandise may have well filled shops. Working now for future profits is not such a bad business strategy at all. Mesh is still slow and it will take some time to be adepted. But by the time everybody can see mesh, they at least have a range of products to sell.
  13. Still mesh can be interesting for lower primcount, not in all cases but in some. The 'hidden advantage' with mesh is linking. When you have one mesh rock it will always have a minimum primcount of 1. But when you link 10 low poly mesh rocks that all have a primcount of 1, the total prim count of these ten meshes becomes 6. When you link 20 mesh rocks the primcount becomes 11. So as single object mesh can never win on prim count compared to sculpts of prims, but as soon as you start to link meshes you surely can save on prim count.
  14. Toysoldier Thor wrote: Why didnt they make all MESH objects 1 prim like a sculpty? Because a sculpty is limited in size, but a mesh is not. One mesh can have the size of 1/4 sculpty or the size of 32.000 sculpties. So this would completely overask the system and destroy the current SL economy.
  15. Thinking out of the box: finding new work-arounds for old bugs
  16. In world store: formerly known as a place to shop, nowadays a small space to store magic boxes Forum: place to put the 2 cents you have earned by selling your creations Ticket: a way to let LL know that live chat could not help or tell you anything you didn't know already SL Developer: Hairy homo sapiens banging on things that are not broken
  17. Oh, in that case I would call it a failed buy. But those hardly happen, at least to me. I only had it once, since this marketplace exists.s I guess it was because the customer had not enough money on his account for all items in his cart. Every time it happens to me, I do receive the money, and the sale is in my transaction history, but the customer didn't receive the item. When I'm in world I just drop them the item, when I read it in the mail when I'm not online I redeliver it from the marketplace.
  18. Pamela Galli wrote: I don't see the problem; I just contact the customer and let them know that if they want to try to purchase the item they can use the slurl I give them. I don't give a free item to everyone who has a failed delivery, and no one expects it. How to handle this depends also on the permissions you have set on the item, I think. When the objects have copy permission, it is not a big deal to give a customer a new item for the failed delivery. But when the object has no copy / trans permission, it's a very different case.
  19. In the current circumstances you may applaud that the listing still shows a date and a product name. I think you best option to get helped is by sending a ticket about this issue. A jira might be helpfull for solving this problem for all of us.
  20. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: The old site done almost single handedly by Apotheus was far more well received than the one we have today by a revolving door of Lab employees. Apotheus had a very good reason to listen to his customers and have a satisfied customers base. He directly depended on merchants for his income in the form of commission.When the old Slexchange didn't work for a day, Apotheus felt this in his own wallet as well. LL employees are in very different position, they get their salary any way, whether the marketplace works or not works, whether there is loose in commission payment or not, whether bugs are solved in an day, in a month or not at all. None of this is felt in their own wallets.
  21. Rabid Cheetah wrote: ...especially if it's not just some dude in his underwear in front of his computer in his mother's basement posting on the forums, but rather an official press release from Linden Lab. Keep in mind that it always can be worse... just some dude in front of his computer in his own basement wearing his mothers underwear.
  22. Not everyone has to know or be convinced yet. Actually we only need just enough people to make this machinima. The rest of the community will be convinced by the facts that will be shown in "Conspiracy, the movie."
  23. There is a kind of trick for the other way around, when you still know your Linden name, but forgot about your merchants alt. You have to take two things in mind that you daily do at the lab. For example you drink a lot of coffee and you daily push the power button. Bring these activities back to two key words. Then you go to the marketplace and type in search 'coffee + power', and then you will see your alt(s) pop up. 
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