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Madeliefste Oh

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Everything posted by Madeliefste Oh

  1. You are not the only one who could not find this. It says more about the design of the marketplace then about you.
  2. Left upper corner, language.. select your preferable language there.
  3. Some of like to pioneer, Toy. Like I have pointed out before, my business is not only about making money. Ofcourse it is also about making money, but the first aim of me and my partners is to develop ourselves in the fields that interest us. 3D modelling is such a field. We also do projects outsite SL. Modeling for SL has it's specific character. I'm still finding out about it. At the moment I have daily discussions with my partner, cause we come across things to solve with almost every model we make. But it the same basic question every time: how can we improve the product for use in SL. One day we talk about how to use the physic shape, the other day we discuss texture quality and what is the best way to lay out the UV map to improve the texture quality in SL. For me this is the best way to learn, by creating things myself. I don't have much patience to follow tutorials step by step. I have ideas and I want to make them... only when I don't come out I go look for information that my help me to solve my problems. Sometimes I find the solution in a tutorial, sometimes in theory, sometimes I ask a friend and sometimes I give up searching for info and bend my own mind around the problem again. I don't sell much mesh objects yet. I sell maybe 1 mesh compared to 50 sculpties, maybe even less. Apart from meshes I still make new sculpties as well. I don't think the sculpty market will dissappear completely. In many cases mesh is the best option, but there are still cases that a sculpt is preferable above a mesh. When I release a new mesh it takes days before the first sale takes place. But when I release a new sculpt the selling start almost immedately. As long as the market behaves like this, I will not focus solely on mesh. But mesh is at the moment a more interesting learing field then sculpties, that is the reason for me to make mesh as well. 
  4. Medhue Simoni wrote: Most people are not even posting prim or PE counts. This is disturbing that so many creators would want to hide their PE. It is likely that they are doing this because their items have super high PEs. I personally feel that the prim counts should be maditory, as well as ARC scores for worn objects. I would suggest that no1 buy any mesh that does not list a PE or prim count, even if, or especially if it is worn. It might be a reason that people want to hide their PE because the objects have a high prim count. Another reason might be that it is not clear how to list PE count on the marketplace. For example, I have a product that contains two linked meshes, so there are two prims in the object. But the PE of the object is 1. It is not clear to me at all, must I use the prim count on the marketplace listing, or can I use the PE? I think it is more important that the final object weights one prim, so that is what I use in my listing. But there is no standard about how to list, so everyone might make different choices. Then we have also the matter that PE is linked to a certain size of the mesh. A mesh can have a prim count of 1 at a size of 10x10x10 meter, but a prim count of 6 with a size of 100x100x100 meter. The marketplace has no possibility to link PE count to object size. So this variable prim count might also be a reason for merchants not to put any prim count in the listing, simply because prim count depends on object size. In my opinion the marketplace is still not ready for mesh. It is not only this uncertainty about prim count, but also: where is the mesh category? Where do you list your meshes? Under sculpted prims, or in the main building category, or did you find other options?
  5. I have a free educational package available in my shop, where sculpts and meshes are compared. It contains two lamps, one is a sculpty, the second is a mesh. Both items are full perms item and both come with a Photoshop file. There is notecard includes that explains the main differences between sculpts and meshes. Feel free to pick up the box and experiment for yourself. Landmark
  6. Being greeted by a bot or script feels to me more as an insult than as a welcome. The first impression of your business is a minus, when you use such a greeter. By irritating me with this greeter, you have influenced my shopping experience at the entrance in a negative way. Your merchandise must be very good to make me step over it. It is just a little irritation, but when you are the sixth shop in a row that welcomes me with a greeter, it might be the reason I stop shopping and go back home to build, or log out to work on a sculpt or mesh. Though it won't irritate everybody as much as it does me, it still is the reason I don't use auto greeters in my shops. When I'm around in the shop I welcome visitors myself. But since I build more and more outsite SL, I'm not so often in my shop, so most costumers are not greeted at all. I do use a subscribers group. When our scripter was still working on the group script, customers often asked me why I had no update group. When I told them we were still working on it, they all asked to put them on the list or let them know when they could sign up for it. I never push anyone to join the update group. It can happen when I talk a while with someone and I tell something about a new products I have in mind and he shows interest in them that I ask 'are you member of our update group?' I have the possibility to put their name on the list without the need for them to come over to the shop to subscribe themselves. But I will never subscribe someone without their permission. It is a service, you are free to join and free to leave. 
  7. The only way to make it possible for you to sell the templates full perms, is to get the rights to do so from the merchant you bought it from. As long as you did not become these rights you must stick to the user license you have become.
  8. The merchant should refund you in my opinion, and you should delete the object from your inventory after the refund. But the fact that the merchant doesn't want to refund, gives you in no case the right to use his content in the way you like. You are responsible to get all necessary rights when you want to sell content that you did not make yourself. TOS: 7.8 You agree to respect the Intellectual Property Rights of other users, Linden Lab, and third parties. ... You acknowledge that the Content of the Service is provided or made available to you under license from Linden Lab and independent Content providers, including other users of the Service ("Content Providers"). You acknowledge and agree that except as expressly provided in this Agreement, the Intellectual Property Rights of Linden Lab and other Content Providers in their respective Content are not licensed to you by your mere use of the Service. You must obtain from the applicable Content Providers any necessary license rights in Content that you desire to use or access. ... When the object is advertised as full perms, and the eula of the merchant limits these permissions, then the product is false advertised. When you bought the product on the marketplace, you can flag it for this reason. 
  9. With a valid paypal account you don't have to buy lindens to be able to sell Lindens. Here is a list of sellers: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_Marketplace Many people are satisfied with VirWox.
  10. Dx Exhange is bankrupt see also: http://www.gcmadvocaten.nl/faillissements/verslag/6509
  11. What browser do you use? For me all works fine (Firefox browser).
  12. I never use prices on ads. For the reasons already named, you can have a sale, or after a while you can come the conclusion that an item is not priced right and you might want to change it. But apart from these practical reasons there is another reason. Putting prices on boxes doesn't fit into the image building of my brand. My strongest selling point is quality. My pics must show the quality of the products, every thing else is secondary information and it leads only from the statement I try to make with the ads. But when you are a real pricefighter, and low price is your strongest selling point it might be worth to put the price on the boxes. So think I it depends on the aims you have with your business and the image building of your brand.
  13. Sure there is a legality of disclosure. You must make the conditions of the buy available before selling. But when you sell me a car that is for example guaranteed for five years, then next month you change your policy, and only put a guaranty on the car for four year, you still have to stick to the guaranty conditions for my car for 5 years. Because that is the deal we made on the moment of buy.
  14. A merchant can change his eula, but the changes don't work backwards for already sold objects. The limitations set to the object at the moment of buy are valid for you. The moment of buy is the moment you agree on the limitations that come with the objects. When a merchants changes his mind afterwards, you are not obligate to stick to the new limitations. Compare it to prices. When a merchant changes his price to a higher amount, he cannot ask customers who already have purchased the item to pay the price difference. The price at the moment of buy is the valid price for the buyer. With tos or eula, it's the same. You bought the item with the eula that was valid at the moment of buy. It will stay valid, no matter how often the merchants changes his mind and applies new conditions. The new conditions only count for products sold under the new conditions.
  15. But where is it documentated for people who don't know?
  16. You best send a ticket to the marketplace team to ask help for this issue.
  17. Sure, participating in beta testing is not such a thing as sitting on Rod's chair or on the chair of some team leader at the lab. It is mainly about fine tuning details that fit the bigger picture that is already drawn. For DD I didn't want to participate either. With mesh I had the idea I can only gain knowledge by participating, but with DD I have something to lose, I put my merchandise at risk. For DD I think about the same as you. I'm glad that there are brave merchants who do want to participate and help to solve the bugs. I do hope they are all filtered out before the first product will be sold from my inventory in stead of my magic box. I just don't want to put a source of income at risk by experimenting with an unfinished product.
  18. No, any land is good. I cannot be the land I just tried to buy your rsg tattoo. And indeed I could NOT receive it. I get this message in my order history: 1 item has not yet been delivered This item is queued for delivery. Merchants cannot redeliver the item at this time, and have not been paid. If the item is not delivered within 8 hours after purchase, you will automatically receive a refund to your account. If you make a purchase while the transaction is in progress, the refund credit may be applied to your next order.
  19. Toysoldier Thor wrote: What I think LL should have done in being more strategic regarding Mesh deployment was for at least the first 12 months to make the PE costs of mesh a firesale cost that is equivilent to sculpties. This would have drastically sped up the adoption rate of mesh on the grid by the sculpty makers. Then once both are well established on the grid, come up with a plan to engage fair PE for both. Ofcourse you can have your opinion and state it here, other merchants might find in interesting to read. But when you want to have influence on the strategy, this the wrong place and the wrong time. You don't want to participate in beta testing, because you don't want to risk losing time by bugs that are not filtered out yet. But beta testing is not only about finding bugs for LL, it's gives you also the possibility to contribute from your perspective as a merchant in SL. You can have influence on the way things will be done finally. Of course your voice is just one among hundreds of others, but still there is the chance that your opinion is considered valuable for the whole mesh implementation.
  20. Dakota Linden wrote: Linden Lab has no way of knowing that you refunded the buyer unless you contact us and tell us If ANY Merchant refunds a buyer in world, please submit a Support Case with the SLM Order Number, name of the buyer, a copy of the entry for the refund from your L$ Transaction Log and a short explantion stating that you refunded the buyer and we will be happy to refund you the commission that was paid on the sale. I didn't know this. Why is this not described in the marketplace guidelines or on the wiki pages? Or did I just miss this in the marketplace documentation?
  21. This is a nice blog about marketing strategies: secondmarketing.wordpress.com/
  22. Though lag is something that influence us all, and we all will profit from less lag on the grid, in my opinion it is not something that has much influence on sales. You won't sell a pair of shoes by the argument that they are low lag. Or maybe a few to roleplayers, but the average fashionista who is not ashamed to walk around with 10k avatar attachements, doesn't care a bit for low lag, and might not even know that attachments cause lag. Or when people experience a lot of lag from scripts that their neighbour runs, you hear them for example talk about 'I have bad land'. 'Maybe you are on an old server'. 'I don't know, but I decided to move'. My idea is that the majority of residents is very aware of lag, but not of causes of lag. When making a purchase the contribution of an object to lag is not taken in consideration (except by a specific group of the market, mainly role players). It must look good and it must be as low prim as possible. I'm convinced that 'low prims' sells above 'low lag'.
  23. More then the half of the people that make double purchase don't contact me. When I see double purchases I check them. Sometimes people buy the same thing two times, to send one to a friend or alt. But sometimes they made a double purchase for themselves. When they don't contact me about this, I often contact them, and ask it the person is aware and what happened. 8 out of 10 times the answer is: I accidently didn't accept the item, while I was clicking away messages. I refund them the full price, because I think people don't have to pay twice for the same (full perms) item, even it was their own fault to deny the item. I consider it te be part of my customer service. But still I think it would be a good service by the Marketplace that, in cases of double purchases (of copyable items), the refund could take place on the marketplace, and LL took the responsibility for the refund of the 5% commission.
  24. Each month can have a few bad sales days, I fully agree. But yesterday was my worst day ever since the existance of the marketplace. The chance that this is a coïncidence is much smaller than that this is causes by the current bugs in the marketplace.
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