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Sy Beck

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Everything posted by Sy Beck

  1. Lucinda Bulloch wrote: So that all the meteor hunters out of business then, lol, still don't explain how you tell what is what, you think guessing is the best way, LOL. I'll 'fess up and admit it's all to do with the Annunaki who will shortly return aboard planet Nibiru. Who on Dec 21st will reveal themselves as the genetic creators of all life on Earth, charge up the pyramids, show us zero point energy uses for our digital watches, crown David Icke as the Lizard King ruler of Earth and install the Illuminati as his counsel of advisors and the 11 secret herbs and spices in a KFC will be given unto all of us. Happy now? All this is verified by You Tube videos...so there.
  2. Lucinda Bulloch wrote: OK so for 4 billion years it has been inactive, agree? In that case the surface rocks scatted about can't be moon rocks can they, most of the rocks on its surface must be from somewhere else, as it is covered in impact sites it would seem that its has been scattered in rocks from all over, so implies how do you tell a moon rock from something that landed there, this fact is ignored so make one think that they know the so called moon samples are in fact earth samples and they don't have any sample of rock from the moon, because they cant go there and drill under the crust that is covered in rock from elsewhere they will never know. Quite the opposite in fact. Meteorites hit the moon's surface and depending on speed and density will more than likely bury themselves into the surface causing an eruption and shattering of surface and sub-surface material upwards and outwards or the meteorite will dissolve to dust on impact.
  3. JeanneAnne wrote: No, Second Life doesn't need to be "governed." Yes it does The human spirit cries out for freedom. And laws to protect that freedom Real Life is already far to regulated & unfree Maybe, depends on perspective, time and place We go into SL in order to exercise complete freedom. An over exaggeration as you signed a ToS to do so. There is no "crime" in SL Yes there is. ...there is nothing to steal or vandalize Yes there is Anyone can Role Play being a cop or dom or master or whatever .. & everyone else can simply ignore such control freaks. Yay a true fact!
  4. Madelaine McMasters wrote: If you haven't thought of this Pyrex sphere theory, may I claim it. I'd like to name it MAD for "Madelaine's Atmospheric Dome". Yes, I'm vain. No, no. Surely, "Pyrex Installed Envelope" - In The Sky
  5. SL is "governed" by it's terms of service and US and other countries' laws and policed for the most part by SL's residents/creators. What is a point of contention is how those measures are enforced, but that issue expands out and further than SL into the internet as a whole and how you would achieve global enforcement or indeed whether you should.
  6. I didn't say that. I said there was no rainfall or surface water. I readily agree there is ice below the surface, but water in the form of ice is not a solvent so therefore it cannot wash potassium out of rocks above it on the surface.
  7. Lucinda Bulloch wrote: With respect but radiometric dating is flawed in many aspects. Water can leach Potassium in hours. Jeez another You Tube armchair expert and a creationist too. So God is now planting lunar meteorites in the earth as well as dinosaur bones to fool us, what a trickster he is. Anyway from Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_rock Mare basalts Mare basalts are named for their frequent rate of constituting a large portion of the lunar maria; they are made of mare basalts, which are like terrestrial basalts but have many important differences. The basalts show a large negative europium anomaly. Extraordinary potassium content can be found in a specific basalt, the so-called VHK (Very High K) basalt. There is no rainwater or surface water on the moon to wash potassium from something. That's a 101 too. So the radiometric dating of moon rock stands at 3.1bn to 4.25bn years old.
  8. Lucinda Bulloch wrote: Do you have any proof that those rocks came from the moon. You can't carbon date rocks, only things that were living first can be carbon dated, that is basic 101, lol. I stand corrected, please replace with radiometric dating, but the dating still remains a fact. The lunar meteorites discovered on earth share the same radiometric dating and chemical composition as lunar rocks found in moon craters from where they were most likely expelled.
  9. ROB34466IIIa wrote: I think I'll call you moonstruck in Latin ... :robotindifferent: Since the Apollo 11 missions, moonrock has been tested on age and has been proven to be the same billion year old basalt rock the earth is made of. Carbon dating shows moon rocks to be even slightly older than earth rocks, presumably because it was smaller and cooled and became stable more quickly. Also rocks from the moon that have been discovered on earth (lunar meteorites caused by impacts upon the moon) point to the fact that the moon has been around from very early in earth's evolution and easily pre-date life on earth.
  10. evoluchun1981 wrote: what world is like sl besides osgrid and imvu? InWorldz http://inworldz.com/
  11. Iggwar wrote: removeing temp uploads isnt an immediate thing. but Quarl linden hates em and wants the whoul temp uploading removed Do you mean Qarl? And if you do he ain't a Linden anymore.
  12. Marianne McCann wrote: Tiffy Vella wrote: Oh--I must add that I just met Elvis inworld (am never washing my left hand ever again!!!) There actually is or was a user with avatar name "Elvis Presley." Actual name, not "ElvisPresley Resident" or what not. Was partnered to a "Priscilla Presley," wore a 70s-ish Elvis in a jumpsuit avatar, the whole thing. Needless to say, I friended him. Still have the calling card, though I suspect the account is long gone. Of course if you play World of Warcraft and have a Night Elf Priest you have the option to call yourself ElvishPriestly.
  13. They will only tell you something if they can pin the blame on somebody else (another company), they would never tell you about a DoS attack or that a cheap piece of junk they've bought has just been fried or that some server monkey unplugged the system to charge his iPhone up.
  14. Phil Deakins wrote: evoluchun1981 wrote: but that dont help the people that jsut rent ingame from people the days or hours we lose after paying anyways No it won't but when this is over, it won't really matter because these things usually last for just a few hours at most. Probably like you I remember when these outages could carry on for days. Jeez, avatars these days, don't even know they're rezzed.
  15. Lexbot Sinister wrote: By they way, does anyone know if ANYone at all can log in? Or is SL down for everyone? Whats the concurrency? Concurrency = 1 but it's Chuck Norris!
  16. Wow, cool pic, but a bit X rated for here don't you think?
  17. Argus Collingwood wrote: got logged out myself and can't access dashboard either. at least since none of these systems are fully integrated we have this forum to bond;) Try logging into https://my.secondlife.com/ then ;-) they deaded that too.
  18. Medhue Simoni wrote: See the problem is, what is sound science? Your opinion of this is obviously much different than mine. I do not believe in giving kids a chicken pox vaccine that is far inferior than them contracting the disease and using their innate system, which will give them immunity for LIFE, not just a few years. Contracting the disease later in life has far more risks than when they are younger. This is just 1 example, and there are many. Well in the UK only children with weak or damaged immune systems are given a chicken pox vaccine, otherwise if they were to contract chicken pox it could cause meningitis, scepticaemia and or pneumonia . It is also important to vaccinate adults who have never had chicken pox who in the course of their work come into contact with high risk groups such as people with immuno deficiencies and pregnant women in case they pass chicken pox to them. The vaccine does not last for a few years. One dose is good enough to cause lifetime immunity for 90% of recipients and 2 doses gives near 100% life immunity. The vaccine does exactly the same as the chicken pox in creating the exact same antibodies to fight the disease because it is the chicken pox virus - varicella zoster! It is only weakened in so much that the body can easily and quickly overcome the virus before suffering the full onset of chicken pox such as the crusty, itchy scabs, which all occur days after contraction and after your body has started producing antibodies to fight the virus and therefore suffering those symptoms plays no part in the body producing antibodies. Unless of course you want to toughen the children up mentally as well.
  19. Paladin Pinion wrote: ...These children do evolve slowly and what you may attribute to this cure or that thing turns out in the long run to be their natural progression. It was easier on us when we stopped looking for fixes and just accepted who he is. But that takes a long time. In retrospect I wish we hadn't submitted our son to unnecessary restrictions and all the other hogwash that was going to "fix" him. I know you want something to work; you will absolutely WILL it to work. I suppose you need to go through that stage. We did. This I recognise to be the truth, as probably will other parents of children with Asperger's and autism. There is no magic bullet and that the best we can do is to provide the best environment for them to learn and mature in.
  20. Or, Void Singer's One Stop Shop for all LL's help resources. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Official-Resources/m-p/1212519/highlight/true#M35623
  21. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Here is the post Nalates did on the current music photos, I think they are great. http://blog.nalates.net/2012/04/12/second-life-interesting/#more-7052 Before the music it was Gogo's photos http://juicybomb.com/2012/03/02/sl-start-page/ and before that we had fairies http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/New-homepage-image-Looks-good-this-time/m-p/1386021#M51293 http://www.flickr.com/photos/51510227@N03/6865308541/ So all in all I think the photos that are being used are fantastic! ^^ This!
  22. Medhue Simoni wrote: Sorry Sy, but you totally missed the twisted logic you are promoting. You don't have the right to inject toxins into little babies because of your own fears, based on propaganda. OH and please cite 1 bogus scientific example posted in this thread? You can't. None of Maddy's arguements are even arguements at all, or they are just twisted logic. Again, you should reread the thread OP. My partner and I have every right to choose what medical precautions or procedures that will ensure our children's good health. We base it on known and qualified medical knowledge available to us at any time. I'm pretty sure sure that not allowing them medical treatment would, 99% of the time, result in being injurious to them and criminally negligent on my part. What other parents choose to do is up to them, but I would only offer the advice that they do their research carefully and not take a You Tube video as the state of the art authority on a subject. For your information and this is something that I would have rather not shared, but my eldest son has Asperger's though fortunately in his case it is mild. This was flagged up to us by a pediatrician when he was about a year old because of what appeared to be a less than usual development of his motor skills and social interplay with us and others. This was 6 months before his MMR injections so like Celestial I tend towards the genetic argument. As regards the bogus, I'll stand by Maddy's observations of the doctor's wayward interpretations of facts. To add to it, I will link Dr Boyd Haley's Wiki page wherein it cites that nearly all his conclusions regarding mercury contamination/toxicity are refuted by leading medical and dental organisations. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyd_Haley To quote from the opening paragraph, "His views about mercury and dental amalgams go against the consensus held in the medical community." Furthermore, to follow up on the Thiomersal controversy... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thiomersal_controversy The thiomersal controversy describes claims that vaccines containing the mercury-based preservative thiomersal contribute to the development of autism and other brain development disorders.[1] The current scientific consensus is that no convincing scientific evidence supports these claims,[2][3] and a 2011 journal article described the vaccine-autism connection as "the most damaging medical hoax of the last 100 years".[4] I fear we will have to amicably agree to disagree with each other here.
  23. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Okay, I've watched the entire video and have some notes. I have quoted (sometimes paraphrasing slightly) at various points in the video and offer my comments thereafter. 6:40 "You know what, the EPA is right, but you have to interpret it a certain way." The doctor implies that the "certain way" is improper without offering any explanation for why that's so. In truth, one must almost always interpret things “in a certain way”. It’s already becoming clear that Dr. Ayoub is doing precisely that, interpreting data in a way that distorts it to his ends. The transient and chronic effects of heavy metal exposures are different, and treating them the same, as the doctor does, does not mean they are the same. 6:55 “That’s like taking a six months supply (of a cardiac drug) today.” Cardiac drugs do not act on the human body at all like heavy metals do. Digoxin, a popular cardiac drug used to treat rhythm disorders, has a low therapeutic index (the margin of safety between efficacy and toxicity), warfarin does too, it’s a life saving blood thinner at low doses, an effective rat poison at high doses, causing lethal bleed out. The doctor (the video states he is an MD) was surely taught this in medical school. 17:40 “They could have killed a horse with the doses they were giving.” This was offered as proof that mercury was unsafe. On careful analysis, this statement actually works against the claim and simply states the obvious that horses are bigger than people and if you give someone enough poison to kill a horse, you shouldn't be surprised if it kills a human. 34.56 “The number one cause of death in the US is not heart disease or cancer, it’s medicine.” Having read “To Err is Human” during a period in my career when I worked on methods to reduce medical errors, I am familiar with this particular misrepresentation of the facts. There are indeed hundreds of thousands of deaths each year in which adverse drug reactions, medical errors and the like are proximal causes. The suggestion that medicine is therefore the number one cause of death is fallacious as it ignores the deaths that would have occurred in the absence of our health care system. If I wished to make an analogous argument for heart disease, I would claim that, while heart disease killed 699,647 Americans last year, the complete absence of hearts in Americans would produce more than 300 million deaths. So, though hearts aren't perfect, I'm glad we have them. 44:40 Dr. Ayoub posits theory #3, that somebody (never mentioned) might be using mercury as a population control tool (or for genocide). 51:50 It is suggested that, during the Nixon administration, the government decided that population control might become necessary and there was no reason to tell the public if and when the government does something about it. 57:10 A female reporter writes about GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization), provoking some unnamed nefarious entity to fly black helicopters over her house for three weeks. This makes me wonder if anyone has done a study of the efficacy of flying black helicopters over people’s houses. 1:00:00 “Doesn’t good health promote (population) growth? If you can’t feed yourself, why would you want ten kids?” Ayoub’s conjecture does not agree with the data, as you can see in Hans Rosling’s research. Population growth slows as infant mortality declines. Rosling's work is known to many people, including me, but apparently not to Dr. Ayoub, who claims to have worked hard to understand these things. 1:00:39 “Nigeria’s growth was leading Africa, so it doesn’t surprise me that GAVI was immunizing the heck out of Nigeria.” Dr. Ayoub is suggesting that governments were conspiring to reduce Nigeria’s population by vaccinating them (presumably to inflict the fertility reducing properties of mercury on the unsuspecting population). Oddly enough, if you believe Rosling’s suggestion that lowering infant mortality and increasing lifespan will lower the birth rate (because women don’t feel the need to have replacement children to counter the infant mortality rate), vaccinations will indeed lower population growth by improving quality and length of life. At this point, I stopped taking notes because because the mountain of logical fallacies was threatening to bow my desktop. If I wanted to curb world population growth, would I taint vaccines with mercury in small doses, causing an anecdotal death rate? Or would I simply find ways to make the vaccines less effective, killing millions of people in the process? Apparently Dr. Ayoub thinks governments are smart enough to carry out genocidal conspiracies of global proportion but too stupid to find effective ways to do it. Simply avoiding intervention in the Congo probably eliminated a few million people, didn’t cost a dime, and placed the blame right in the Congo. The toxic effects of heavy metals are somewhat known and research continues. There truly is a sort of grandfathering effect in medicine, where old methods and practices do not receive as much scrutiny as new ones, simply by virtue of their having been in place for so long, with no obvious deleterious effects. This is no secret. But this not mean that there is no scrutiny. But, to suggest that vaccinations are a tool to control the world’s population by increasing infertility, with the side effect of autism makes no sense, even ignoring intent. It takes very little research to show that any harmful effect of mercury is vastly outweighed by the benefits of vaccination. Dr. Ayoub’s ignorance of some very well understood relationships casts the veracity of his entire argument into doubt. CDC reports a 57% increase in reported Autism cases from 2002-2006. The removal of thiomersal from many vaccines should provide some epidemiological data points over the coming years which will reveal or dispute the mercury causation theory. So Medhue, I have watched your 90 minute video and found it unconvincing. I might have been swayed by Dr. Ayoub if he hadn’t exhibited a convincing lack of understanding of things that were actually not central to his argument (population control) but upon which he dedicated the bulk of his presentation. He also used misleading analogies in the areas where he should have known better. I do hope that the mountain of logical fallacies in Dr. Ayoub's presentation don't dissuade people from keeping track of the issues he attempted to address, and I don't think it will. I have just spent three hours bringing myself up-to-date on this issue, which would not have happened if not for your post. Thank you Maddy for saving me an afternoon of RSI. I couldn't help, but remember when we discussed this subject tangentially before and the dangers therein of giving bogus science, bogus scientists and bogus interpretations, airtime and credence. Fake MMR Scare Causes Deaths As much as a dose of even handed media has to be taken with care there is far more danger in believing internet messiahs peddling snake oils and silver bullets dressed up as credible and evidenced science without refutation or rebuttal. All the latest medical research papers are out there in credible journals and organisations for anybody with a critical mind to examine and to weigh up. To propose that what some fringe scientist might say has credence does not disprove the efficacy of what is already is known in this case or that on balance it should not be continued. If 4 out every 100 children vaccinated died because of a vaccine, but 5 out of every 100 unvaccinated children died of a particular disease then cruel logic says that you should vaccinate.
  24. There is no famous person in Second Life. I'm pretty well known around my own family household, extended family, workplace and neighbourhood, but that doesn't make me famous. Stop a random person in the street while out today and ask them to name somebody famous from Second Life and enjoy their blank stare.
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