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Pussycat Catnap

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Everything posted by Pussycat Catnap

  1. It would seem like a trolling, except that there is a history of "what are all these perverts doing around here, somebody think of the children" types popping up in virtual worlds. Both MMOs, and here. Look in archives of the debates back when they made the adult content policy. Some in those debates wanted to take that as the time to make SL more PG than a Disney film. They lost in part... That doesn't mean they're gone. I've argued on my blog that SL will always be seen as a video game no matter how it defines itself or what content it has. What we see here is a reflection of that. This thing has cartoons, on a screen, in a 3D world. Ergo; it must be a video game. Video games are for kids. So it has to be made safe. - I don't like that logic. But its common. At least this poster is only talking about G land, and not about making ALL of SL into G.
  2. You're looking at this wrong. What it amounts to is naming someone in a chat log. All it takes to find out someone exists is looking up their profile (also known as feed). You can't make the excuse of disliking profiles as a reason to not see if someone exists.
  3. Most people "play" many different roles in their lives. Who they are to their SO is likely different from who they are to their parents, their children, their employer, their friends, the guy at the grocery checkout, and so on. - Most people reveal different aspects of themselves to different people, and put up filters on their conduct that differ depending on social context. So... in many ways, RL isn't RL. SL is yet another place in which we portray a self of some kind. It might be an attempt to be the self we present in from of friends in RL, in front of coworkers, or family. It might be a "truer inner self" that we are unable or shy about present to the people in our physical life. It could be a fictional character we have crafted to explore some theme. People who say "SL isn't RL" quite often are expressing a desire to screen their SL self from their 'meat body' self. People of any of the above types might do this. It might be for privacy. It might be for safety. It might be so they don't have to give up their ideal self. It might be to preserve a fictional character. It might be to explore things and themes they do not feel safe exploring with their meat body (How many people in SL D/s would feel safe going their if the details of it were visible to their employer?). People are often more genuine, more honest, and more willing to self explore when they are free from being held back by the expectations of RL social limitations. Some find this a bad thing - those filthy scum are getting away with this or that. How dare they lie about. Burn them all... (/rolleyes) Some find it liberating and honest - finally people can show how they feel about something, and you can really meet the inner true spiritual being behind that 'old cat lady at the keyboard.' I'm in the second camp there (most of the time - we all have our hotbuttons). I've had conversations with friends who tell me things like "I feel very strongly about X, but last time I visiting family my older brother and father ranted on about wanting to kill people who stand up for X... and their gun nuts..." Nobody's gotta fear an honor killing around here. Or even the less severe versions of just scorn. I really enjoy getting to know people as they -WANT TO BE SEEN- rather than as my own "RL Filters" screen them. Granted I am human, so I still will missjudge people based on how they present themselves and my own biases on those kinds of presentations... but that is still leaps and bounds aheads of misjudging them based on what I see of their meat-selves before knowing them. I'm quite certain that half the people I hold dear in SL in RL I would have passed by, possibly even in fear due to ethnic/class tensions; or vice versa. But in SL its so easy to ignore the 'lies of RL' and get to know someone. Its also easy to wrapped up in anger over the text someone leaves on a screen... and misjudge that way. Something I feel myself doing now and again, even today... But inworld at least... it just seems like the divide between 'RL' and 'SL' actually helps me reach 'realer than real life.'
  4. Czari Zenovka wrote: Pussycat Catnap wrote: In my post I also noted that the name in there of the old account IS NOT FAKE. I looked her up. Not hard to do on the feeds. Not everyone reads the feeds...just sayin'. That's no excuse for claiming someone doesn't exist as a reson to post up their name in a chat log. One who refuses to check a profile (feed) to be sure cannot use that as an excuse anymore than one could say "I removed the spedometer from my car, so I should be immune from getting speeding tickets."
  5. OP, read up on the history of SL - they started with a fee to make an account. When they removed it, SL took off like hotcakes. Its on the downslide now because its old, and too expensive in key areas. They -do- need to reduce the cost of land by a significant amount. But if they made mainland ownership free, estate land would die very fast... and curiously, the price of mainland would skyrocket. Like this: People would buy up dozens of free or $10 accounts... and get a lot of mainland, and then sell it on once all the mainland was grabbed up. - The estates, having to pay tier while mainland didn't, would evaporate. Almost none of them could stay in business under this model. One might have predatory estate barons, but one should not forget the amazing content out there among the estates: and that for every one predatory estate baron, there are likely 10 that do good work for little praise (ok made up ratio, but if the bad ones were majority, estates would be dead long ago). This idea would kill SL. Tier is too high... but a free for all is an equally opposite disaster. Mainland 512m ownership tier though is $9.95 a month. This, frankly, is probably the only spot in all of LLs land fees that is correct... At that price for that one product, you really do get the value you pay for. Especially with mesh and scaling down avatars, 512m becomes quite a lot of land. I still think they should up it to 1536m for mainland, or 512m plus a linden home - but that only to cause SL to seem low cost, and to boost premium membership while also driving people who become settled out of linden homes and onto mainland. Estate land tier, and the costs of tier upgrades above the basic - these should be halved or even cut down to a third of current... Its a question though of whether or not a reduction would drive enough added sales. So I'd do it in steps of about 10-15% per quarter and measure the results before taking the next step. As for marketplace, that should have its shopping cart removed. Instead make it a listing with a button to the location of the object inworld. Thus driving merchants back onto the land and helping continue to fund the reasons we "play" SL: for places to visit and socialize or explore.
  6. Melita Magic wrote: Did you read that part of my OP? That would take less time than digging up a similar past link. The link I posted was my post quoting the same text you did, one day earlier, but editing out the name in order to comply with the rules here. In my post I also noted that the name in there of the old account IS NOT FAKE. I looked her up. Not hard to do on the feeds.
  7. Funny, but I shop all the time in SL and have no trouble finding normal clothing that covers the body to whatever degree I need. If I want a bikini I can get one with ease, if I want a burqa I can get one with ease. If I want a sweater, jeans, skirt, dress, hat, shorts, blouse - revealing, covering, whatever. No problems. People who blame Marketplace might want to use different search terms or look at different shops. Its easy to find any sort of fashion. If all you're finding is tramp wear, that's because its what you're looking for. So you can pretend or tell yourself you weren't looking for it and them try to blame the system, or you can just start looking for something else. There is a -lot- of tramp wear in SL shopping, but that's not all that's out there, not by a wide margin. I have no trouble spending way more than I should on clothes in SL of varying cuts.
  8. Sl is meant for adults, and recently includes older teens. Sorry, but you can find underwear on public display at your local department store. And very often with display ads featuring real life models wearing it. Its perfectly G rated. The Christian Taliban/GOP War on Women has not taken over -that much- of America yet... nor anywhere else thank goodness. Consider not playing SL when your child is around and looking over your shoulder...
  9. If the idea is to make A and M land premium only - SL would die overnight. I think this would be the one move LLs could make that would literally manage to kill the grid in a near instant. But if the idea was to make A and M limited to PIOF people, SL would just shrink by half or so overnight. Still a disaster, but not instant death.
  10. I've always been intrigued by two contradictory social norms in western societies: 1. Women are expected to show a lot more skin, but are required to cover more. 2. Men are expected to cover up more skin, but are allowed to show almost everything.
  11. Giving away free the tools I used to make my proportion screenshots. See my sig below or feed to figure out where to go to find it since they're all up in arms about links in posts these days... A proportion tester. Just take a copy and stretch it to match your height. The colors should change at the bottom of the crotch. Top and bottom of it should reach head top and feet base. You can take a copy of my pose stand too. (Need to right click these and copy. They're not for sale, but copy).
  12. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Pussycat Catnap wrote: Facts are facts. Opinions are not facts. Science is not opinion. Anatomy and Proportion are what they are - like it or not. And disgust is not science. So you choose to misconstrue one single word from the sum of all of my posts and images on this and take it as if it was my entire point in order to not have to pay attention to the facts and science behind proportion. It is very unwise, and highly illogical, to let your judgement be clouded by anger. You don't have to like me. But I am correct. Look up any article on anatomy or proportion. The facts simply ARE.
  13. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Pussycat Catnap wrote: Heights might be seen as normal if that were the case, but proportions would still be disgustingly incorrect. That's not exactly "live and let live." Facts are facts. Opinions are not facts. Science is not opinion. Anatomy and Proportion are what they are - like it or not. The problem: Wingspan -must- equal body height from base of foot to top of forehead in anyone without a birth defect or tragic accident or malnutrition (diets low in protein in former generations in some regions led to stunted leg growth, this is now dramatically illustrated in the last two decades, especially in Korea; where the youth are often a foot or more taller than their parents, and have the healthy divide where middle of height is at the crotch - a direct result of becomming a first world advanced nation). But notice that to achieve it on this short avatar shape in the images, I needed to set arm length to 100. On my newer shape, which no longer uses prim hands, I had to go up to 100. That leaves NO ROOM on the dial for people taller than me... not much space. Penny has found ways to game it so she can get a female avatar into the middle 6 foot something range... possibly by making the chest wider... but this then breaks the proportions for females where the shoulders should be equal or thinner than the hips... - The dials are just messed up.
  14. Noticed this a few days back: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Panhandler-bot-at-Vista-Anims/m-p/1795273#M89112 A slight modification. BTW, you left the bot's "old name" in your post.
  15. Imnotgoing Sideways wrote: Shamefully, there are a ton of camera position and angle options which aren't in the preferences panel. My own camera is adjust via two debug settings. I keep a notecard inworld with the settings. Next time I'm on, I'll post them here. () I like my camera just behind my avatar by one body length and about butt level, angled slightly up or slightly down. Here are my personal settings: CameraOffsetRearView X: -2.5 Y: -0.100 Z: -0.300 FocusOffsetRearView X: 0.4 Y: -0.100 Z: 0.100 I cannot stress how important this Camera one is. It will make SL look a heck of a lot more like a 3D world looks in most games – which allow for objects to not seem as cramped as they tend to in Second Life. The above are from the "Show Debug Settings" under the Advanced menu: Finish it off by adjusting view angle and distance in preferences to avoid how the default settings can fishbowl the edges of your screen: See my sig for the full guide to this, on getting started in SL.
  16. Phil Deakins wrote: It's the use of the word 'meter' that's caused it all. If LL had chosen a different word, or made one up, for the unit of length, then there would be no way to relate SL measurements to RL measurements, and avatar heights would simply be seen as being normal. It's because people consider an SL meter to be the same length as an RL meter that some people think of avatars as being generally taller than RL people, and they don;t like it. But if they assume that the SL meter is not the same as the RL meter, then the problem goes away. But that's not even really the issue. Heights might be seen as normal if that were the case, but proportions would still be disgustingly incorrect. Orca Flotta wrote: Actually lately I see more and more "natural" sized and proportioned avies all over the grid. And the builders are adjusting their weird sized builds to the new realism as well. Most modern furniture doesn't make me look like a dwarf anymore. My blog article on proportions gets a crazy amount of hits every day. I assume Penny's articles are the same. I don't really care about height like she does - but I go nuts about proportion. The end result is the same though due to messed up sliders causing T-Rez arms when you get too tall. So me and Penny arrive at the same place for slightly different reasons. The hit counts on my blog tell me that a lot of people are concerned about having a good shape - ie: proportional. So I'm not surprised that I too see more and more of them inworld over the last year or so. Mind you, while Penny states that if we all scaled down giants would be possible. I do not agree on this. If we all scaled down, "giants" would still be stuck with messed up sliders... For me, the solution to all of this can only come from LL's fixing the arm and hand sliders (the hand slider should be for width, not length. Hands are always the size of your chin to mid forhead, but men have thicker hands - which the SL hands copy. All SL hands are man hands... even on the female avatar...).
  17. 16 wrote: i had a look back and had a remember the deletions started from the comment/suggestion that you and Penny are invalid to chat about realism bc of your anthro avatars. every post that was replied to off that got deleted as well. is fair ok for that post to get deleted and some of the responses to it. include my own is just a pity about all the good posts underneath that had nothing to with that. that got chucked in the bin as well oh! well I completely missed that discussion... Had no idea anyone ever even said that, let alone who or why. And didn't know a Neko was considered anthro. But I've got a lot of alts - human, neko, usagi, and assorted furries. I suspect whoever it was has never even looked at my feed screenshots or flickr, and has no actual idea what my avatar looks like... (hint: recent images on the flickr are furry, but more recent images on the feed are my newest Neko concept, my end of 2012 makeover - and proportions are the same for a human or a furry unless you're talking something extreme like a dragon - even they tend to use the same proportions, and then add on a long neck: look at source material in comics/cartoons).
  18. Trick yourself with new categories for clothing. My big motivator was mesh. I made a mesh category, and then quickly found I needed categories inside of it... Suddenly I had all sorts of new folders in there, and then it became more obvious which of my items I was not using. So I grabbed all the things I'd figured I didn't need, and if trans - gave them to alts I rarely use. If not... Well, I started boxing things, but that's such a chore, so I gave up. But... after that start, I deleted ALL of my landmarks and notecards. - I figured if I couldn't remember or find the place, it wasn't too important to me. And if I hadn't read the note yet, I wasn't going to. But the really scary moves were to wipe out lost and found and trash... I'd been hording those for ages in case something I'd lost was in them...
  19. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Pussycat Catnap wrote: In competing MMOs a service like this would be $10-$25. Based on the costs of doing this to your character in WoW or some other MMO. If its as trivial as the OPer describes, then it should be about $5-10, like a minor makeover or moving a guild to another server. But this is SL, where it's all jacked up... It is easy for LL to move a sim, but they still have to pay someone to do it. If they made it cheap then sims would be moving around the grid all the time and it would probably take one or more full time people to handle it to say nothing of the chaos it may cause if hundreds of sims were moving around. I can understand why they want to discourage it. I noted competing MMOs in my post for this reason. They could make the same argument while charging you $150 to change your human to an orc... but they don't. Instead they charge $25 - low enough that people who want it do it, and high enough that they think about it first. The actually process should take about 30 seconds of an employee's time. LL's fees all around are outdated. Lower fees would induce more business. They could make profit off of $25, and estates are not connected anyway most of the time - so if people asked to do this hundreds of times, that's just more money for LLs. Syo Emerald wrote: As with many things LL probably failed to see the great option of offering additional services like this as a regular thing. Its the same with changing names, which would have been a good source of income, if they had left some room for this. EXACTLY. LLs couldbe making money hand over fist out of this. Making a program to automate it might cost them a week of already employed engineering time, maybe only a day... And then its just pure $$$ coming in. They don't even need to care about us to do this... its a big money maker for all of their competitors, not just Blizzard. The real problem is that they don't understand what business they are in. If they treated more of this place like an MMO (even without making it game like - but just in terms of community promotion, and low-cost 'microtransaction' ways to make money off of us), they'd be growing right now.
  20. Sometimes with little kids there's a game where they cover their eyes with their hands and then yell out "you can't see me!" - That's how muting works in SL. It covers your eyes, but not anyone else's. This is still handy as a way to avoid the stress of seeing a hostile person, especially a drama stalker. It also means they can no longer IM you, send you things, or post in your feed, nor even read your feed. And for these reasons it is very useful.
  21. Phil Deakins wrote: There was an interesting dicussion in another thread about avatar sizes as compared to RL people's sizes. Unfortunately it was all removed, perhaps because it was off-topic for the thread. I know it's an old chestnut but some things were posted in the thread that I thought were were very interesting - not only because I posted them , but I think they are valid. So I'm starting a new thread for it. I may not be able to post much in it but I don't want to let it slip by. One of the forum mods is aggressively removing posts that have too much tutorial info or links under the advertising rule... If that thread had links in it, that may be why it got zapped...
  22. Been told I can't put links to tutorials in my posts... So check my sig for my blog. There's a guide to getting started here in there.
  23. In competing MMOs a service like this would be $10-$25. Based on the costs of doing this to your character in WoW or some other MMO. If its as trivial as the OPer describes, then it should be about $5-10, like a minor makeover or moving a guild to another server. But this is SL, where it's all jacked up...
  24. Well, I at least did verify that the name the bot claimed to have once been was a real account from September 2009. With a blank profile.
  25. Slightly adjusted. Now includes a name of their "original account" to pretend to be older, and perhaps make it ARable for people who paste the script without seeing that first... I'm not even sure where this came from, as I didn't see this person where I was. [16:01] **********: omfg it's been so long!!! How have you been [16:01] **********: I'm just kidding, we aren't friends but we can be! I was just bored waiting for everything to load [16:02] **********: Happy Holidays!! [16:02] **********: I just decided to log in today after 2 years! But for whatever reason my password on my old account won't work BLAH - [16:03] **********: my name was *** ****** before which was such a cool name now I am stuck with this stupid name and RESIDENT - that is an ugly last name! [16:03] **********: were you thinking about cursing me out? haha [16:04] **********: omg I can see you! you're precious [16:04] **********: You made your shape yourself!? looks so nice! [16:05] **********: I logged in for like the first time in a year yesterday, can't believe how it has changed here [16:05] **********: you look like you have been in SL for a long time, have you? [16:06] **********: I think I need a new shape for all of this new stuff, I tried to make one but I don't think I came even close to yours [16:07] **********: .. mesh is so crazy! and the new skins, I don't even know many of the creators anymore. Who makes the best skins now? [16:07] **********: I quit because this guy I was seeing from SL asked me to stop playing ( and I listened because I am stupid [16:08] **********: he said there were too many guys in here and he got jealous.I should have thought it was weird that he was so insecure... [16:09] **********: meanwhile, he would come on here and give girls his phone number, which I didn't find out until one of them messaged me and I got the offline in my email. [16:09] **********: I was seeing him IRL and everything like once a month, usually I paid for the plane tickets - meanwhile he was calling girls from SL telling them he loved them. [16:10] **********: have you ever dated anyone in SL? [16:10] **********: sorry to treat you like you are my therapist or something guess I just needed to talk about it [16:11] **********: then right after that because I was so angry, I wanted to message the girls and tell them how I felt, but I couldn't bring myself to do it [16:11] **********: but here I am back again, starting over as a newb. Everything that I had in my inventory was so out of date anyway [16:12] **********: your avatar is really nice though truly, one of the best ones I have seen since I have been back, you should be proud of it, you did an amazing job [16:13] **********: mind if I ask a favor [16:13] **********: Would there be any way possible that you would consider letting me borrow 300l so I can make my avatar a little like yours? [16:14] **********: I want to reinvent myself in SL, no dating unless the guy is just like so amazing that I can't resist it [16:14] **********: thank you so much!!!
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