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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. EBM5555 wrote: I think they wants to know if SL would be a red or blue state on the map. What's a "state"? Think less provincially! SL is global. Besides, it's all irrelevant, all politicians are an unneccessary waste of space and time.
  2. Darrius Gothly wrote: Thank you Dakota. Hey .. you wouldn't wanna give me your phone number .. would ya? Just in case ... ? *grin* Darrius...nice try but Dakota doesn't have time to date you, she's too busy nuking listings on Friday afternoons for the fun of it (I'm confident that Dakota recognises my humour here)
  3. You won't be able to, different platform. Doesn't matter what you've spent here, it's not valid in a different environment.
  4. Yes but if only it would keep me signed on during navigation. Maybe it's just on my phone, dunno but it's annoying to have to keep signing in.
  5. Darrius Gothly wrote: The Game Modding community is perhaps the business model they're targeting .. I just don't know. But if that same sort of market performance and return are their goals, they will need something with massive appeal (like games have) to spark enough interest to reach break-even. As others have pointed out clearly, the competition for development environments is already very crowded with much more worthy opponents. This is where I suspect they're going but i'm wondering if they're hoping that the pull of Oculus Rift will be their edge. However...that's one hell of a niche piece of equipment and for me, unless my avatar is animated according to my real world skeleton, i'm not really interested in a 3D VR headset, watching pre-canned animations. Similarly, my Leap Motion sensor sits idle on the shelf because other than 30 minutes playing "air harp" in the lounge, it's just another niche gadget. We shall see when the big day arrives.
  6. Darrius Gothly wrote: I just wish there was a guaranteed way to make the lessons of the past stick in LL's brain as well. Sometimes it seems they purposely discard past successes and forge off into territory that is known to harbor dragons and quicksand. *sigh* The answer was in your post. When you make a mistake that affects oneself negatively in a personal way, one makes a big effort to avoid it. When the mistake has no personal impact and nobody is held to account for the consequences to others, there's no feedback loop that gets closed.
  7. Yes unfortunately things like teleport and MP links are all static and the tools for manging then are non existent. To deal with merchants who have abandoned SL, some of us have asked for a MP listing refresh function. Such s every month, the months, could be a variable value based upon activity but if no SL logins and no MP refresh, auto delist the merchant. None of this is difficult but yet another thing that is so low on the LL radar that it's subterranean.
  8. Time to go and watch/vote on this JIRA Not that LL should really need to be coerced into increasing the security, it's a pretty darned good practice that responsible organisations take on board. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-5753 Unfortunately status is Triaged, Unassigned = Can't be bothered! Re-read my second paragraph to understand the issue here.
  9. Darrius Gothly wrote: (this is becoming a scary habit but ...) You and me both. Yes, totally agree with you Prokofy. The whole flagging system is fundamentally broken and I much preferred it in the old days when you could add a paragraph as to why you were raising the flag. Whenever I do see certain items, usually for gratuitious keyword spamming and flag it myself, I see it is "already flagged" yet still there... sometimes for days or weeks and never gets attention. On the other hand, a single flag against my L$1,000,000 poseball for "inflated listing price" gets it removed instantly. I just leave this one up for flagging sport now because, it's NOT in violation of anythying, the listing even carries the apology from LL for incorrectly removing it and yet it still gets flagged and removed, proving that those who flag often do not understand the criteria, cannot read and similarly the droids who act upon an erroneous flag, also cannot read.
  10. I think you're just going to have to call the function twice, once for each face. The ALL_SIDES is a convenience thing.
  11. Open Google Play store, use "second life" as the search and its almost by magic that the first result is a second life app for Android. No idea how that works.
  12. It could only be a failure if it failed to meet its objectives. Since we don't know what the objectives are, lack of inworld creation tools or cheap land may not be relevant. I suspect many will be in for a surprise when they discover what and who sansar is aimed at.
  13. Let me ask you this. If the next time you went to the supermarket and found that all the products were randomly distributed such that you had to look everywhere and I mean the same products such as beans, spread throughout the store, v repeat for every other single product. Would you happily shop and accept that you just have to hunt the whole place to find everything? Complain to the store manager? Just walk out? Keyword spamming isn't a trivial, minor issue. It destroys search and wastes people's time, it is not a waste of their time to fix it and errant merchants need to be pulled up on it. That's why there's a flagging system on MP listings for this exact purpose.
  14. No worries Dakota. We don't usually open a store more than once so if a requirement has changed but not made it to the instructions, that's something that could easily sneak in. It should be said that your contribution to the forums is always appreciated.
  15. Really? They have to completethe IP tutorial which was only required for mesh import to nite create a store? When did that come in and why haven't the instructions in the wiki been updated to reflect this? Ok ok, the wiki is an afterthought I know, it still says you can let someone else use your account though the latest TOS is clear about removing this and any doubt.
  16. If someone else has edit permissions to your objects, this is possible. However, they will have permission on ALL your objects. You could use a script in the object to perform the functions you describe.
  17. And does it have payment info on the account? https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700193
  18. If you can accept a slight performance reduction of SL but want to keep a quieter laptop that won't cook itself, you can set a debug setting in the viewer called YieldTime to somewhere between about 20 to 100. Debug settings are in the menu once you've enabled advanced settings and developer settings, Google because I'm only replying on my phone and don't have the viewer handy for newbie friendly advice. What YieldTime does is reduce CPU use because it yields for the set number of milliseconds without doing anything hence the reduction in SL performance slightly. Start at 20 and go up in 20's. If you don't like the result, just reduce or set it back to -1 (disabled). This assumes that the fan ports aren't blocked and that other air intakes aren't blocked and that this setting isn't masking a general cooling problem.
  19. Same as this maybe? https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Avastar-does-not-correct-the-upload-to-SL/m-p/2983999#U2983999
  20. Ok so after a little while, is like to change my feedback here. Under the new TOS, I think it's awesome that this has been nearly fixed. It's an improvement that at least we can reply and not have to play find the thread but what would be even more awesome would be if I didn't have to keep logging in every few pages. Example, I access the forums, immediately sign in, read and reply. Then change topic, navigate a bit and I'm signed out.
  21. Well at least I wasn't the first one to be contentious and suggest that choosing a phone with only 18% market share, as is the case with iPhone, isn't going to get the greatest support. *ducks and runs*
  22. Mesh. No need to even discuss sculpts for this anymore.
  23. While sellers sometimes can put whatever keywords they like, there are guidelines and keyword spamming contravenes the guidelines. When you're looking for a mesh t shirt that's non specific, it should not contain something like "black, white, shoes, sexy, mesh, slink, Maitreya, dog, cat, house, kitchen sink" etc. Instances like this should be flagged as market place listing violation, keyword spamming, using the flag option in the listing. To view keywords easily, there's a Grease Monkey script add-on for Firefox which adds them in red to the listing. Examples like I've just given stand right out.
  24. But they are reading and responding in the forum thread (new beta) that I posted
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