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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. I seem to recall that they were as I contacted them privately to ask.
  2. Has been for ages. The D one and the H one although the H one does dish out the goods but the web engine has broken so people have to put the animations into a different controller. The D one is JUST a reseller with exceptionally bad service with a reputation that goes back years but being a reseller, the transaction is somewhat riskier. Same shop where merely visiting gets you added to the spam list and when asked, he refuses to remove you but wants you to jump through his hoops of a ticket system to make the request. Ridiculous!
  3. L$100 bet that it's a dance store vendor where one of the initals of the owner is D.
  4. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1GVPYpbSeqMdgWY3nwsP0_XlM7jONMK5R7X41VklF8lc/viewform?c=0&w=1
  5. Akemiaiko wrote: So you feel the need to vent your anger at me? Who are you to to think you know me to do that? You think it is normal to comverse in that manner to a stranger? If you do then i suggest you get anger managment as i certainly do not need your abusive remarks. You mistake "anger and abuse" with statements of asserted experience. That's your choice to make. I don't know you, nor do I need to know you (or anyone else) to converse in any particular style, however, if you wish to play the victim, I DO have products for that. Let me know if you want some, otherwise, have a lovely day
  6. No problem, it's not just me saying so. I have numerous, time served products out there, in the hands of customers that do this stuff all day long. *shrugs*
  7. Geez there's so much misinformation and junk here from two directions. To wear a mesh avatar you add an attachment and wear an alpha layer to hide the LL avatar. THAT'S IT! To change the LL or a mesh avatar you:- Remove all attachments Offer an inventory folder of new content Call the RLV api to wear the folder content Anyone calling this impossible or other than the above, REALLY knows very lilttle about RLV. Akemiaiko, in your example, appliers are NEVER overlayed onto the SL avatar, they're used on mesh objects, which are nothing more than attachments and the applier is really nothing more than a scripted texture setter for a mesh object face. The SL avatar is just hidden with an alpha layer and there's an RLV api to wear/unwear clothing layers including "alpha" because that's all it is, a clothing layer. RLV is not designed to work with appliers, that's true but there's an Omega API that is working on that for the benefit of RLV but the pure fact is that none of that is relevant here as the requirement is to change to a different avatar and that's just the steps above. I have no idea what you mean by "The RLV coders RL status is not for public viewing". What does the RL status of Marine Kelley (RLV) or Kitty Barnett (RLVa) have to do with anything. Don't know about you but i've had plenty of dialogue with both Marine and Kitty over the 7.5 years that i've been scripting for RLV. Clearly there are those of us here who have done this, with plenty of success, there are those of us that know exactly how to acheive the result sought and then there are those who haven't done it, have introduced hugely irrelevant factors and don't know where to start. Usually, when one doesn't know the right answer, it's better to either seek advice, state that the offered answer is a hypothesis but definitely best not to state clear incorrect statements that are misleading.
  8. Yes...you can. Just as Cerise described. Read what Cerise described, read the RLV API. Trivial, common.
  9. CarlottaAdagio wrote: Because there is so much more to it. It is not about whether a real child is hurt or not. It is about the idea of having sex with a child. Every sane person would agree that this idea is sick and wrong. And so it is exactly the same with the idea of kidnapping, raping and torturing women. Rape-, Torture- and Capture Roleplay are an assault on the dignity of women. The rape and torture groups in SL are violating the human value of women over and over again. First of all, please define "child". You may consider this argumentative but you do realise that age of consent differs across the world and your idea of a child may be vastly different from that which is completely legal elsewhere. Example, looking at countries across Europe, as low as 14 in several countries:- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe Africa, you can go as low as 12. Of course I understand that LL uses 18 and wouldn't suggest otherwise, it's an easy and safe distinction but you should cease preaching your own values when they're alien to people in other countries. Second, I suggest you spend more time searching and reading the results of studies on female fantasies. Ravishment fantasy is in the top 3 and depending on study you read, up to 57% of females list ravishment fantasy as one of theirs. That puts it right up there as normal and since perversion is deviation from normal, guess who the pervert is...? Enjoy! (now I can go back into NOT posting on the forums but couldn't resist this one for obvious reasons to some )
  10. Sounds like you have answered your own question. It appears that their logic is incorrect by apparently requiring you to have L$ before being able to proceed. Anyway, if it's just a cube with optimised vertices, it will cost L$11
  11. Unlikely to be the case. Animations are local assets. Rez the hud and move the animations to inventory and then put them in a different animation system. If they're not there, most likely is that you're looking at a copy of the HUD or never put them there in the first place.
  12. Nothing as drama fueled as that Dres, the question was asked, I responded. Will I succeed? I don't know but no, i'm not looking for anything at all, just a passing answer in a thread that's all I could have said "to get fitter" but I already have a gym membership though according to studies, it's not effective without actually going and putting in effort.
  13. Mine is to leave SL this year and quit posting in the forums
  14. We weren't, that's the irony. We *can* but we can't use the phrase "watch T.V." My point is that such a need for a word filter has no purpose in private messages, even if it was implemented (badly) for the forums. You can't say "watch t.v." without the dots in the forums.
  15. Heh possibly, though a wonderful piece of journalistic fail. I think they meant ANY form of sitting doing nothing for 6 hours per day vs being active.
  16. Gabrielle Hamelin wrote: Thank you so much for this feedback and clarification...can this thread be moved now?? *apologies* I couldn't find the Merchant forum...but will look harder now. Only a moderator (when they're not sleeping) can move this. I'm not fussed where it goes but marketplace threads tend to get more attention in here:- https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/bd-p/Merchants
  17. Darrius Gothly wrote: Why am I continually surprised when these things come to light? Because your Linden-fu is lacking today. You just have to assume the most weirdly whacky way of workflow that nobody would choose to use and that's the one to use. :matte-motes-nerdy:
  18. Darrius... always listen to Sassy:- https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Sassys-Rigged-Cube/5366291 (I just created the folder called "Instructions")  Edit: I suspect that the issue is that in the example given in the JIRA case, they copied over a folder structure from inventory and VMM incorrectly handles that case. What I did above was to create a new folder directly in the VMM pre-existing listing. That may be the discrepancy.
  19. Nah, I vote "take down anything reported" as that's the usual behaviour except for run of the mill stuff which you see in clear violation for days which is "already flagged" everyone you try.
  20. I thought you just created the folders within the main active listing folder? Direct Delivery had this option so to go from this to removing this ability would be a retarded implementation of viewer managed marketplace. What you cannot do is have one listing for colour variants for example but I don't think this is your example. If they have spoiled the old DD method, then I can only surmise that the listing you refer to is a migrated one. By the way, this thread belongs in the merchant forum.
  21. Isn't it ironic that in private messages... yes private, ya' know, ones between myself and a friend... I can discuss bomb making and terrorism but just fell foul of discussing the most heinous of acts:-  You just can't make this stuff up. Thanks for the laugh LL.
  22. I'm just replying to Darius' post because I can't be bothered to pick on any particular point. The issue is right up there that the target frame rate is aimed at Oculus Rift. What a lovely idea... until you stop for a moment to figure out just how many of your potential users will have one or plan to get one. First off, Oculus Rift doesn't even sell one retail so it's basically down to Samsung Gear VR at present. Am I going to rush out to buy a Samsung S6/Note 4 or higher to even begin down that path? No i'm not. Am I going to go out and spend several hundred on a VR headset to play with LL's next platform? No I'm not and yet I am highly invested in a virtual world so if i'm not a potential customer, exactly who is?! Of course it will be usable without such hardware but as i've said before, without that edge, other platforms already exist and some of the touted use cases that have been presented are the same ones that have been trotted out and failed for SL. Those of us who were around for M Linden's epic fail with the failed attempt to take SL "behind the firewall" and offer it to corporates...who have absolutely no use in the main for dressed up avatars sitting in virtual conference rooms. For this type of customer, if it doesn't run in a browser and on a typical non specialist GPU accelerated laptop, it just won't take off. Education? Maybe this time they'll factor in about providing some core platform tools that meet presentation and communication needs. Every student will need an Oculus Rift type device? Fail! Also, the notion that people will "just learn" to make efficient content hasn't been demonstrated to be the case within SL. Instead, some creators have made a big success out of marketing "high detail, high polygon" offerings simply because within SL, we have the ability to cam in to within a few cm. (Darrius, 2.54cm = 1 inch, so that's a couple of inches for you. I felt obliged to clarify that for you, with you being an old luddite fart and all that ) If the plan is to ensure that all content that's imported meets strict criteria, that's a fine goal but then the content will ultimately be limited to an equally limited audience because over and over LL forgets the key question:- "What is the business problem that this is solving and for whom?" (anyway, that's a post bomb because i'm not going to discuss the above, there's no point, anyone that knows me enough, knows i'm always right *beams*)
  23. Well, in the absense of any supporting information, I would suggest that you read the error message and address the points it makes. If it says, it only supports Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 and later, it rather suggests that you need to install Service Pack 2 on your Windows Vista platform. I'm not sure why this would be confusing but i'm open to learning why.
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