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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Oh FFS. Seriously? I'm offering advice to f***ing Green Lantern? /me facepalms
  2. If it's not even your parcel or region, I don't understand the issue. Is there something they are doing there that impacts directly on you? Is the particle spam hitting your land, for instance? Why are you there? Just block them. I'll repeat: if you are going to "fight" them, you're just playing their game. And it IS a game, literally.
  3. Um, I watched about 1 minute of the video. We've all been there -- or most of us with public land, anyway. There are tools, such as bans, mutes, parcel return, ARs, and so forth. Why on earth are you "fighting" with them using RP combat tools? If that's your parcel -- and you certainly seem to have land perms there -- why not just eject them and be done with it? You're just giving them what they want.
  4. Presumably, but if LL and residents who are looking to attract a newer demographic had a clearer notion of what "it" is, it's something we could use as a marketing focus, and as a guide to building more interesting, engaging, and exciting venues in-world.
  5. Really interesting and insightful point. So, how does one find out what such people are looking for from the platform?
  6. Yes. The Land forum is a thought-experiment in Hobbist conceptions of life in a state of nature: solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.
  7. Yes, prepubescents are roughly 5 heads, and infants 4.
  8. It's a pretty common calculation for artists. Note that "8 heads" tall is not common, but more sort of an ideal for models, etc. Seven or a bit more is more realistic.
  9. And your boobs should each be the size of two and a half heads.
  10. I'd try it in Firestorm, but there my FPS using the PBR viewer and NO mirrors is lower than it is in Alchemy at Ultra with mirrors on! I can make this work in Alchemy, even with the interface on!
  11. Yes you are. Stop being so modest! That's a bit wild. So, their two new Shinies don't play together yet? I had a problem a bit like this with mobile, as I think I mentioned earlier. No amount of waiting was going to rez either my avatar nor my surroundings, I think.
  12. Ah, ok. So not just Alchemy. I'll try it with the interface included (which is a drag but doable) and we'll see if that works!! Thanks!!
  13. And if I had been accosted by a recruiting serjeant yelling at me when I first tried SL, I'd have left in seconds and not come back. And that, I'm pretty sure, is true of most of my friends.
  14. @Istelathis, have you tried taking a pic of a mirror in Alchemy yet? Because I just tried. I had everything pretty much maxed out, and the mirror itself worked on screen (at 2048 resolution, so my FPS was like 6), but the reflection does not appear in the pic itself. Have you been able to make it work in a pic? What am I doing wrong?
  15. Someone waaaaaay more knowledgeable will show up shortly to correct me, but I think the mobile app uses entirely its different rendering system. Also, it CAN bake some older phones I think.
  16. Ok, who's been talking out of school!????? No more leaks, guys!!
  17. I think this is very much true. The Destination Guide helps . . . a bit. Events is a mess. There are residents who've produced things like tour HUDs -- there used to be one for galleries, I know -- and there are blogs like that of the Nature Collective. The problem is that the noob isn't directed to any of these sorts of resources. LL I think depends on residents to do this sort of thing -- but then doesn't provide them with any access to noobs. Why isn't there a grid-wide Experience for noobs? Or is there?
  18. Then it would see to make sense not to seek those things in SL, and . . . do them elsewhere, where they are done better? If your thing is racing cars -- only -- then there are certainly better places to do that. But if you enjoy racing cars in combination with other things, then maybe the disadvantages SL has to offer are compensated by those other things?
  19. I really don't understand this view. My problem has always been that there's too much to do, with the result that I don't get to do as much exploring and other things as I'd like. What is it that you like to do that you can't?
  20. Oh, I'm not faulting them for telling us. On the contrary, it's a bit refreshing to feel we're being at least somewhat apprised of what is happening. It's the content of the message that's a bit worrisome.
  21. Not many, no. Which is actually why the announcement is mildly worrying. Mostly, when LL goes silent for a bit, they don't draw attention to it.
  22. They are, but they're also "every man." I think we are meant to aspire to be like a smart-talking American comic hero, but we see a bit of ourselves in British ones.
  23. Somewhat related, Stephen Fry, as you might well know, did a great job of explaining the difference between American and British comedy. American comics, he argues, are "above" their targets: they're smarter than the people around them. British comics tend to be themselves the target, and are immersed in a world they can't escape from because, in part, they are contributors to it. It's not merely dark and sardonic -- it's a little despairing. Mr. Bean is never going to solve the world's problems.
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