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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. You'd think there'd just be a simple "In violation of ToS and CS," wouldn't you? Good catch, Tarina, in any case.
  2. Flagged on MP. The available categories aren't terribly clear. I chose "Disallowed Listing Practices" >> "Harmful or disruptive content."
  3. It does sound rather Red Zone-ish, but without the high pressure fear elements (own one and your own alts will go undetected!), and without the all-important network and database. I don't see how this could work effectively except in a very limited way. What made Red Zone a powerful tool (albeit extremely questionably for the purposes for which it was putatively designed) was 1) that there were hundreds if not (at one point) thousands of the devices out there harvesting IPs, and 2) generating a database that all users could access. It also fails to note that it's only effective if one has media enabled -- which I think is still needed to detect and IP? On the whole, a bit of a scam, but one that should be ARed because its intent is clearly in violation of the ToS, just as Red Zone's was.
  4. I love the expression and pose here. You look very approachable. (Which, to me, is an important thing.)
  5. You were busy elsewhere running over frogs.
  6. In which Scylla, foolishly dancing in a parking lot at night, gets run over.
  7. I never met Ebbe in-world, but he did engage with me on Twitter and (along with others) here, in his early days with LL. He was accessible, friendly, rational, and open to new ideas. I think he was a good CEO -- and I very much have the feeling that he was a good man. I think it says quite a lot about him, and about SL generally, that some of us are evidently feeling his loss on a personal level. We're a cantankerous, bickering, obnoxious lot sometimes, and of course enormously diverse; we are a community of communities, perhaps, rather than a very coherent group. But we are a kind of community nonetheless, in ways that, maybe, are are not true of some other online platforms? And Ebbe understood that, and was a part of it.
  8. That's so terribly sad. I always kinda liked him. And, as Coffee says above, I think he actually "got" SL. My condolences to his friends, family, and work colleagues at LL. I think we're all going to miss him, though.
  9. Another day, another installation opening! Today, an exhibition by Kunisaki Izumo opened at @manoji Yachvili's Onceagain Gallery. Entitled "Runaway Bride(s)," it features a series of shots built around a loose narrative of a Japanese (I think) wedding. Lots of wonderful street shots, some gorgeous photography and lovely clothing . . . and this pic of the bride on the water that I really loved. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Peaceful Mountains/213/92/26
  10. I could say the same about sooooo many men I've dated.
  11. This afternoon, I got to attend a show opening at the Dixmix Gallery. The exhibit was a set of works on the theme of spirit animals by Lika Cameo. There was, as there usually are for these things, music and dancing and lots of people. And, in this instance, some wonderful art. Lika's work is really pretty stunning; I really like Lika's images. She included this text with the exhibit: I need to spend more time in the woods, To listen to birds in trees I need to look for flashes of fox. Which animal speaks to me? When I discover who it is I will watch where that animal goes Sketching to understands everything My spirit animals knows And then I will live with new secrets I will follow advice from my guide Even my dreams will be different Goodbye ... I am going outside ... And the fact that I was her model for one of her pictures has nothing to do, whatsoever, with my enthusiasm. She made me look waaaaaay better than I've ever managed to do myself. It was a real honour, and also kind of fun: it's only the second time I've ever modeled for someone else's pics! (BTW, my spirit animal is a quail.) Totally worth checking out. The Dixmix Gallery is here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Madori Bay/46/213/22 PS. I forgot to mention that Lika and Dixmix are giving away one of her canvases as a gift . . . a spirit wolf.
  12. La Couturière "Jusqu'en 1931, mon arrière-grand-mère habitait rue Chabot à Montréal, dans une chambre louée à l'arrière d'une grande maison appartenant à un banquier et à sa famille. Pendant la journée, elle travaillait à la confection de robes pour Ida Desmarais, qui s'était installée sur la rue Sherbrooke Ouest. Et la nuit, elle se faisait des robes à la maison. Belles robes! C'était une femme très élégante. Je pense que le bruit de sa machine à coudre l'a finalement amenée à être expulsée de son appartement, mais au moins elle avait l'air bien." [A story of old Montreal: "Until 1931, my great-grandmother lived on rue Chabot in Montreal, in a rented room at the back of a large house belonging to a banker and his family. During the day, she worked on making dresses for Ida Desmarais, who had settled on Sherbrooke Street West. And at night, she made herself dresses at home. Beautiful dresses! She was a very elegant woman. I think the sound of her sewing machine eventually caused her to be kicked out of her apartment, but at least she looked fine."]
  13. As first posts go, this is an excellent one! Lovely! I like the overlay and the use of contrast! And welcome to the thread! I look forward to seeing more!
  14. Mic drop. Thank you, Lewis, for your eloquence and passion and rationality.
  15. Yes, yes you do. What you haven't demonstrated, and almost certainly can't, is that trans women represent a statistically significant threat to your safety. As Lewis has pointed out, you are vastly more likely to be assaulted in your own living room, bedroom, or just about anywhere else. And cis gendered males are vastly more likely to be a threat. Do you think we should ban them from public and private spaces? Why? And define "genetic women" -- it's a lot more problematic than you probably think. If there is a jurisdiction anywhere in the world that is trying to prevent you from doing so, I've yet to hear of it. That, it seems to me, rather depends on whether what you've said is transphobic or not. It's rather special snowflake-y of you to insist that people don't have the right to say negative things about you, surely? If you feel that you're not transphobic, or that what you've said doesn't fall into that category, then demonstrate why it is not. Sorry, but you don't get to restrict someone's right to freedom of expression (which you yourself are exercising here by suggesting that trans women represent a serious threat to women's safety) merely because being called a "phobe" or "TERF" hurts your feelings. Again, who is stopping you? The fact that there are other people who also demand the right to be women in no way impinges on your right to be so. (An aside: why is it that, so often, demands for rights really boil down to take someone else's away? Just a question.) As for the Twitter vomit you posted . . . Surely the best solution is to ban the taking of selfies, carrying of swords, and various forms of s*xual assault from washrooms? Or maybe just public spaces, generally? Rather than banning people, and stomping on their rights because you some how feel that these cheapen your own?
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