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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Offensive? I think it should have its own thread. It would be freaking hilarious!!
  2. Recognizing that your posting this here is not an endorsement . . . I really dislike this kind of social science-y study. First, because I don't like how they tend to determine "aggressiveness": we've seen this kind of approach for decades used to gauge the effect of violent video games. I just don't buy that it's a reliable measure. And secondly because reductive approaches that connect aggressive behaviour with physiological or biological traits, such as excessive testosterone, etc., have the effect of "naturalizing" aggression and discounting free will and choice. I can obviously accept that there are those who are more prone to aggressive behaviour. Some of that will be because of social conditioning, some of it will have something to do with personal history (for instance, being abused as a child), and, yes, possibly some of it will be biological. But focusing on the biological link tends to imply that aggressive people "can't help it": they are "naturally" aggressive because of their biology, and so not really to blame if they break your nose. No, you are not a mindless bio-machine governed by your hormones. You have free will, and you have choices. I think it's bad science, and I think it's even worse logic.
  3. Cute! I'm glad you did! Basic rule of thumb: any photo, regardless of how "technically" accomplished it is or isn't, is worthy of showing off here if you are happy with it yourself. This is you expressing yourself! Through your avatar, and through the camera. It brings us a little closer to you, and that can't be a bad thing, right?
  4. If you're still looking, you might try Lux Aeterna. Vintage (20s and 30s mostly), with a darker accent.
  5. This thread? You should ask Drake, and those who have posted here? The other one was supposed to be a joke, and my own posts in it are clearly not "glam shots" -- but, again, ask those who've posted? I think some are tongue in cheek? Others, maybe not so much. Either way, no one dies. They're just pic threads.
  6. I don't think there's an easy or short answer to the issues you raise. Personally, I'd not use the term "crass," although I know entirely what you mean, and it's something I feel (somewhat guiltily) myself, because it has a slightly elitist or classist connotation. It's like the term "vulgar," another one I avoid (despite constant temptation), because it's superior and highly subjective. But, again, I do understand what you mean -- this isn't a criticism. In general, I dislike the idea of "packaging oneself" for display, particularly when the point is to attract romantic or sexual interest. It's so superficial, and, of course, it's objectifying oneself -- willingly turning oneself into an object to be admired and, at least potentially, "consumed." There's so much more to all of us that makes us valuable than what can be presented in a mere cheesecake photo. And it encourages superficiality, like people who approach one with sex or romance in mind merely on the basis of one's looks. That said, "packaging oneself" is, of course, something we all do, every day. Women, including myself, like to say that we dress up for ourselves, rather than for others, and there's a lot of truth to that. Certainly, I don't deliberately pander to what I think will attract men's attention in my stylistic choices: they have to reflect, to articulate, who *I* am, and not what someone else wants me to be. But it would be disingenuous to suggest that none of us care about how we are seen, or whether or not others think we are attractive. I mean, duh? I probably prefer women commenting on my appearance to men doing so, but that's because 1) I'm not looking for love or sex, 2) women are less likely to have an ulterior motive for complimenting me, and 3) I trust their sense of style more than I do a man's. (Yes, I'm sorry. Not universally true obviously, but on the whole, women have better taste, at least in terms of what makes women look good.) If a man tells me I look beautiful, I'm probably suspicious, but it would be lying to say I'm not also flattered. So, on the whole, I have nothing against "vanity" pics. And in terms of what people choose to wear -- well, that's their business, and their right. (That doesn't exempt them from criticism, of course, but, again, it is their right). And this has nothing to do with how "sexily" we choose to dress: the amount of skin I show need not have anything to do with attracting the male gaze. It's not about how much we show off, but rather about what we communicate about why we've chosen to dress a certain way. So I do think it sends the wrong message when we wrap so much of ourselves up in our appearance, and when we consciously, deliberately, and overtly package ourselves for consumption. I think it's much, much healthier to take a more holistic approach to our appearance -- to recognize that, yes, pleasing others is a part of it, but that it is also another way in which we articulate important dimensions of ourselves that are deeper than the surface. And if people like how we look? That's great! If they are attracted to us because of how we dress? Also, generally speaking, great! But I'd hate to think that the opinion of others was the only reason for dressing as we do.
  7. Well, bearing in mind that the original post for women was intended as a sort of joke in the first instance anyway . . . I think both threads could usefully die. I don't really see the point of threads for pictures that are specifically targeted at one gender or the other. And it's kinda heteronormative, no? I'm not allowed to be attracted to a photo of a woman in the other thread, because they are only for men to admire? Be as sexy and provocative as you want (or as the mods will permit)! And people will respond as they will. I don't see any need for threads that are literally soliciting wolf whistles.
  8. What a really sweet thing to say! Thank you so much! ❤️
  9. Nice look, Bobbie . . . although I can't decide whether you're about to take out that guy behind you, or if that's some sort of high-end weed whacker thing you're holding. But I like the streaky hair, and you look good in black. (EVERYONE looks good in black, of course.)
  10. Lovely pic, Taya. I'm still planning more pics at Cravone over the next few weeks. Maybe I'll bump into you there. 🙂
  11. You should be happy with it! It's a very nice and quite accomplished pic! Also, I admire your enterprise in making your own tattoo. I've tried that too, with much less success than you've attained here! One question: did you want the "materials" so high on your body? You're very shiny, something that is only really visible with ALM turned on (i.e., at Ultra). You may well want that effect, which is totally fine: as I said, you look great! But if you don't, you can turn this down on your body HUD (that looks like Maitreya?). I am sometimes caught off guard myself with how glowy and shiny I look under certain settings and lights in SL. Really looking forward to seeing more from you!
  12. Aww, thank you so much! What a lovely to thing to say. Oddly enough, I was talking to a friend about this yesterday, and he noted how "clean" the urban backdrop for this recent series of shots has been. And he's right: the sim I'm using, Cravone, is a very non-grungy setting, actually, because I wanted to place a more positive spin on cities. They are so often "dystopian" -- but I love living in a big city. I love the noise, and the crowds, and the smells, and the lights. But I can totally see why you'd say dystopian: the neon and lighting has a sort of Blade Runner (or similar) feel to it!
  13. Time to take stock? What men have gone missing and unaccounted for here recently?
  14. Yeah. I've been more than a little peeved at the management here. But I miss the people.
  15. It must be, I don't know . . . months since I last told you I love you, Ceka. Ceka? I love you. ❤️
  16. I have no idea if this is "appropriate" for this forum or not. The "rules" and moderation here are so completely inconsistent that it suggests that even LL doesn't really know what this place is for. What I do know is that so much stuff is horrible and crappy right now, that I need the affirmation of knowing that there are people who care about others -- who will speak out with them, march with them, fight alongside them. I need to be reminded, occasionally, that mostly people are pretty good, and that, little by little, actually, the world does become a little less dark every time someone reaches out for someone else's hand. This march is about a lot of things -- but right now, for me, that's what is most important. Phoebe Bridgers has recorded a cover of Bo Burnham's "That Funny Feeling" from Inside. It's a dark little song, in some ways -- neither Burnham or Bridgers are known for their cheerful optimism -- but what transforms it, somewhat, is that the money it raises is being donated to support various pro-choice groups in Texas. So, dark though the song might be, it is also a hand reaching out to help.
  17. Why would anyone want that, Bree? Yes, I know you are being facetious in your own special Bree-ish way, but the point is a serious one: no one is "pro-abortion" in the sense that they think abortion is a wonderful thing they want to experience. That makes no more sense than being "pro-chemotherapy" -- and there'd be just about as much demand for RP of that in SL as for abortions. It's not actually about medical procedures. It's about choice.
  18. Remember back when the forums weren't just a glorified dating app and centrespread? /me swipes left on the whole thing
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