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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Well, it certainly won't render terrain or water. Not sure about clouds, but I have platforms fairly high up (between 3000 and 5000) and I do get clouds there: I know because I use them for pics. My platforms also have a substantially better FPS, but again, I am pretty sure that's only because there is less around to render.
  2. Again . . . not a geek either! But I don't think there are particular "altitudes" (although I do know that altitude can effect how some mesh appears) as such. It's about how much is within draw distance that your computer has to render. Overall, optimized mesh, more sparse (and less complex) structures, smaller textures that are reused (tiled, and so forth) is going to have the same kind of positive impact on the ground that it would in the air. In the meantime, the SL sky is already pretty polluted with junk -- skyboxes, platforms, abandoned vehicles and god-knows-what-else -- all of which can be a hazard for flying. I don't think there's anything wrong with putting some stuff in the air. But building a "facility" there for people probably doesn't make a lot of sense?
  3. "I'm smarter than your average be . . ." No, wait. That's the wrong one, right?
  4. I may be wrong about this, but I think the reason that platforms and skyboxes are currently less laggy than ground level is because they are less built up. If you start crowding a particular altitude with structures and stuff to accommodate lots of people, it's likely to become just as laggy as the ground.
  5. Original working title of T. S. Eliot's "The Waste Land": "He Do the Police in Different Voices" I actually prefer it.
  6. I've been watching this going down in the UK on Twitter. It sounds as though it's going to be a miserable winter for many people. You have my sympathies.
  7. I'd agree, except that the Moles really don't impact much on the dissemination of ideas in-world, or here. That they have an outsized influence is unquestionable, but they work mostly in the shadows. They don't influence thought. Not directly, anyway. But if they write poetry, I'm ready to read it! @Quartz Mole? @Dyna Mole? As regards Candide, Voltaire was actually satirizing that view, as propounded by Leibnitz. It leads to mere complacency, something the Intelligentsia is supposed to disrupt.
  8. Pretty dumb. (And I'm sorry to hear that!) But the fact that the Stalins of the world dislike the "intelligentsia" so much is a pretty good indication that it just might be a good thing in some regards.
  9. Well, of course there will always be people who don't pay attention. I still find it absurd that a platform that is, among other things, preeminently about social interaction and communication, can't communicate effectively with its own customers using its own platform. It's just palpably ridiculous. And, again, LL ultimately loses by it, because "rumours" and "misinformation" destabilize the community and create panic and misunderstanding unnecessarily. A good business doesn't look at an upset customer base and shrug it off with "Well, it's their fault." It finds ways to rectify it.
  10. Well, yes! /me smiles brightly More seriously . . . I don't think of the relationships I enter into in either RL or SL as a matter of finding people who match my "expectations" or my "standards." I don't have "standards" -- I am not looking for credentialed "smart people" or demonstrably "good looking" ones, yet alone people who match an imaginary "standard" I may have arbitrarily set for people who are "good enough" for me. I have preferences -- things I like (or dislike) in people, and, in practice, the vast majority of people with whom I hang will demonstrate the possession of some of these things, and nothing of others. I see my social interactions as a bit like Epicurean atoms, bouncing randomly off each other, and occasionally bonding to create something new. And I've been lucky enough, in a number of instances, to have "bounced off" people who have become invaluable to me -- as lovers, or as friends. I'm not judging people for their fitness for a particular role: if they are the kind of person I'm likely to become friends with and they reciprocate that feeling, the chances are we'll become friends. If I find someone for whom I feel more deeply, and they reciprocate that, well . . . I'm partnered to someone in RL like that now. I don't see the people around me as contestants auditioning for particular positions in my personal social life, and I certainly don't have a set of criteria. You (Maddy) possess a great deal that I find attractive, maybe even in some cases indispensable in a friend, but there are other areas (such as your gender, sexual preferences, etc.) in which you wouldn't match up if I were trying to slot you into a different role than the one that you have naturally, organically, and over time assumed in my life. And that's fine. You're beautifully perfect for where you are in my life.
  11. I'm going to come down somewhere in the middle on this one (and no doubt earn a scorn laugh or two, but I'm tough! I can take it! DO YOUR WORST!) Facebook and Twitter are lousy ways to get information out to the SL community as a whole, or to individuals within it. Very few SL residents have Twitter, relatively speaking. More will have Facebook, but not necessarily for their SL accounts -- and burying something in the endless torrent of garbage that is the typical Facebook news feed isn't very effective. I am going to guess that a hefty majority of residents barely even know that the SL blog exists. Emails are an effective way to send out information -- to individuals, and I have less sympathy for someone who was notified in this manner and didn't notice. But the reason we have a "rumour mill" churning out misinformation about this process is that the information has not been disseminated widely enough. I'm pretty sure that had I asked aloud in chat at the club I was at last night how many people knew that LL was doing this, most people would have responded with something like "Huh? What?" It's not really good enough to say that it's their fault, even if in some sense it is. If you are not reaching the majority of people you are supposedly serving, and misinformation is causing panic or upset, then, frankly, it's your fault, and you need to find better ways to communicate with your customers. Effective communications in such a context is just good business. Otherwise, this smacks a little of the "Wait? You didn't read Sec.5 Subsection XIII.1 Article "F" of the ToS, where it explicitly says this? Well, it's YOUR fault then!" It strikes me as ridiculous that SL, which is, among other things, a kind of social network, can't find better means of communicating using its own platform. Relying on 3rd party social media platforms to get the word out broadly is, frankly, ridiculous. LL needs to do better.
  12. I don't think it can be said that you have any "standards" at all, as such. Or you wouldn't be hanging with me, would you?
  13. So, this is the penultimate draft of a pic I took of Salty Newell, @BelindaN's "sister." I may futz with it a bit more later. Most of the effects here are using an in-world projector (like my shot of myself against DaVinci's "Vitruvian Man."
  14. Confirmed Membership Roll of the SL Intelligentsia 1. Coffee Pancake
  15. I watched a video about the making of this song and video just yesterday! It's in black and white because they scrapped the first video they made, and had little money left for a new one. True story!
  16. Maybe what we need is Boot Camp for some Lindens? I'd like to imagine Sgt. Major @Lindal Kidd working with them . . . "Ok, you maggots! Get in a line. A STRAIGHT LINE! Good GOD people! Two metres apart! Ok. You've got 30 seconds to find a dance animation that works with this song! Last one to do it ge . . . WAIT! YOU! YOU WITH THE DOG IN THE BAG! WHAT ARE YOU GRINNING AT????? YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY? YOU THINK THIS IS HABBO HOTEL, FUNNY LADY!?!?!? Get down on all fours and give me 20 crouch animations! WITHOUT using the movement dialog!!!!!"
  17. What about silly clips from classic movies / plays?
  18. I'll second this as well, @qpmomma13. As Rolig says, if you want some solitary time, exploring is great, but it's even more fun with a friend. All of the mainland continents have a fairly extensive infrastructure grid -- public roadways with "rez zones" where you can rez a horse, a car, a bicycle or (my personal preference), a sporty little baby blue Vespa. The continent of Bellisseria is very pretty, and has been extremely well-laid out with streets, trails, and parks; there are as well many community-run events there. I think there are rezzable free bikes there in some places, but it's been a while for me. There are also railways on Heterocera Atoll and Sansara (two of the mainland continents) with "trains" or "pods" that are publicly accessible: just leap on one when it shoots by, and you can get a tour that way. My alt Laskya's home is at a SL railroad station, and I'll sometimes just walk along the tracks, exploring that way (and dodging the occasional train). For horse riding, there are some nature trails that offer free rideable horses (temporary) that you can use to explore that particular region or parcel. Oh, and there's flying -- there are a number of public airports in SL -- but that's less useful for touring as such. And of course, if you just want to hop somewhere directly to explore, there is the Destination Guide which is imperfect (because typically a bit out of date), but not a bad way of finding places to go generally. The Editors' Picks section is usually pretty current. Mostly I explore on my own now -- it's sort of deliberate "me time." But I used to explore with friends, and it can be a hoot. A fun thing I do with one set of friends sometimes is use a backpack that you can buy on the Marketplace that randomly teleports you and your friends places. A lot of the time you'll end up in weird places, sometimes unfriendly ones, and occasionally scary ones, but it's always a bit of a blast.
  19. This is really lovely to hear! SL is full of really delightful people, although, like RL, you can certainly run into some awful ones. But friends are the most important reason I keep coming back year after year. Also, I'm glad you found some live music! I tend to do mostly clubs with DJs myself (not sure why), but I know that's definitely part of the appeal of SL for many. And clubs, if you can find good ones, are great places to meet people and become attached to a community. I tend to prefer ones where there is a lot of banter and chitchat (as opposed to waves of *APPLAUSE!!!!* or whatever), but, search around a bit, and you'll find one or two (or three) that will come to feel like home. I hope your excitement continues, and grows! Mine has . . . after 14 years. 🙂
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