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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Well, that's the point. You can't know anything about the person behind the avatar, which means you can't discriminate against them. Banning discrimination against an avatar would have a different point to it: it would essentially be the same as banning hate speech -- because the discrimination is directed to the representation of a group, rather than at an individual. The US doesn't have laws against hate speech, though, so it isn't going to be a question of legality. A decision to ban discrimination against representations would be purely an LL decision.
  2. I think that you could make the argument that banning people who are, say, Asian IRL is against US law. I don't think the same could be applied to avatars that represent as Asian. That said, as I've suggested before, I don't think it would be an awful thing to enforce non-discrimination against representations of groups who are subject to RL discrimination. I just don't know how you'd do that.
  3. If you look at the "Worn" tab in your inventory, it'll tell you what your avatar is wearing. Do a screenshot or something if you want to try putting them on one by one after changing?
  4. I'm sincerely hoping that all of this Pythonesque vituperation is not directed at me? Sweet, lovable me?
  5. My personal sense is that this thread has now likely been derailed beyond all hope of redemption, and is now relying largely upon personal abuse to keep it going. Which, yeah . . . no. I have better things to do.
  6. I'm actually referencing the turn that this thread has taken, rather than the OP.
  7. Possibly it's time to ask the mods to retitle this "The Child Avatar Advocacy Thread"?
  8. The info provided in the dialog really isn't complete enough to assist most people with making an informed decision anyway. For that, you'd need an impossibly detailed list of what will or might actually transpire if you accept something. In fact, the list as it stands now is probably more likely to be panic-inducing than otherwise, like an application that tells you it wants to access your camera or gallery without telling you why, or what it is going to do with that.
  9. The fact that we can continue to have discussions such as this one is important. I was initially worried that the intent was to turn GD into a sort of glorified Answers section. I can live with this.
  10. The title of the thread, just to remind you: "Discrimination rules to be added to TOS?"
  11. Not necessary, I'm happy to do it myself. I know what a pain in can be to make sure one has quoted something accurately. Here's what Prok actually said: Prok didn't attend the meeting, so far as I can recall, and therefore is not suggesting that he is one of the "Concerned Citizens" who may, or may not, be somewhat like an "intelligentsia" on the forum (which contains elements of such a group). Now, I have no idea whether Prok considers himself a member of the SL intelligentsia or not: you'll have to ask him. But he hasn't asserted that here, so far as I can recall. I also doubt that Arielle would so label herself. As for me, I'm on record in this thread stating several times that I don't believe that SL has an "intelligentsia," and that the communication tools with which we are provided are inadequate for the formation of one. Which would, of course, make it odd for me to identify as a member. So, you still haven't identified anyone here who is a "self-appointed member of the intelligentsia." Care to try again? YVW!
  12. I will be careful to think of Seicher first, always, for all future posts. And make sure I have at least one hard, heavy, throwable object in my bag at all times.
  13. Well, yes. But this is motherhood-and-apple-pie stuff, Luna. If everyone were reasonable, accepting, and inclusive, we wouldn't need laws at all, here or in RL. Personally, I didn't detect a lot of "hurt" in the OP, or in the subsequent (now deleted) posts in support. But I can't see any objections to providing support. I just don't think that's what they were looking for.
  14. I can agree with that, personally. But the OP's title specifically references the ToS, so it's pretty clear that they were advocating legislation of some sort.
  15. And that's dumb. The vast majority of child avatars are guilty of no such thing, of course. But the fact that reasoning is dumb doesn't mean that it should be legislated against. Who gets to decide what is unreasonable?
  16. I can't even imagine the push back there would be if LL were to start dictating who can or cannot be banned from private regions and parcels. Here on the forums, we'd be swamped with angry posts. I've suggested, above, that I can see some logic for enforcing non-discrimination rules in cases where the identity being discriminated against is an RL one, and especially an RL one that is subject to discrimination in RL. So, for instance, banning representations of black or Asian people from a sim. But even that is pretty tricky. Does that mean also that one shouldn't be able to ban men or women from certain places? To be honest, I have no problems with banning child avatars if that is your preference, and it need have nothing to do with fear of AP. And of course there are those regions where the immersion might be spoiled by certain kinds of avatar.
  17. I'm not sure what you mean by "projecting," but I'm sort of interpreting the implications of what was said: that one shouldn't be able to ban avatars "that other people don't like," based on dislike or fear. In other words, that they should not be discriminated against. Where does this suggest that there are more valid reasons to discriminate?
  18. I don't think LL wants control, or they would enforce their non-discrimination rules (in whatever way that would look). One of the appeals of owning land, or even renting, is precisely that you can make your own rules. To change that would make the whole thing much less attractive to some people, and would impact on the bottom line. As for the ratings, they aren't really "control," in the sense that one is forced to be general, moderate, or adult. While it's true that you can't be "Adult" on mainland outside of Zindra, these are really just "labels" rather than mechanisms for control, censorship, or what-have-you.
  19. Yep! But with the exception of the digression on BDSM, I think most of the discussions here have been germane. This isn't the "Answers" section, after all -- discussion here isn't a bug, it's a feature.
  20. They wanted LL to enforce the non-discrimination declarations in the ToS and CS very literally and stringently, and apply them to all regions and parcels. So, in other words, private region or parcel owners should not have the right to ban furries or child avatars, because that constitutes a form of "discrimination." For obvious reasons, that's a non-starter.
  21. And who would that be, Love? Can you point me to someone here who has declared themselves part of the "intelligentsia"? Or is this just generic snark and anti-intellectualism?
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