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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. So, it's complicated! This doesn't need to be an either/or, right? The world is full of amazing and brilliant and beautiful things made by others. Art, literature, music, well-crafted and beautiful instruments and objects and devices. I like making stuff -- this is why I spend so much of my SL time on photographs, planning them, building backdrops, experimenting with light and shadow, modifying them in Photoshop. I want to make beautiful things too, and sometimes I even come a little close. But I want also to experience the beauty others produce. I'm never going to write a To the Lighthouse or Paradise Lost. Not if I did have eternity. I'm never going to be able to craft a beautiful guitar that is a joy to hold, play, and sound. But I can lose myself in the beauty someone else has created -- and connect through that with the artist and craftsperson, and with all of the others who are also doing so. I can imagine a very happy eternity doing both of those things. Making and sharing -- they are flip sides of the same very human thing.
  2. it would make it easier to be patient and accepting of being unable to get into really busy events to buy stuff, though.
  3. Well, totally. I mean, I can think of a zillion really useful applications for some of the technologies here. Imagine if you could save that data to reproduce healthy copies of body parts that go wrong with disease or age! And it would be useful to have a reliable copy of me to work for me while I went shopping at Uber or C88 instead . . .
  4. I learned a lot of really interesting sciency things from the Kaku video -- but he's so caught up in the "how can we do this?" that he never asks "Should we do this?" or "What are the implications of doing this?" He's well aware that his teleporter isn't actually teleporting anything other than data, and making a copy of the original elsewhere, but he doesn't even acknowledge that until the very end of the video. So, what do you do with the "original" at the departure point? Continue to replicate it (you) every time it's teleported, with the result that there are potentially endless copies running around? Or destroy it/you? This is the kind of "science" that sometimes scares me. Larry Niven's piece was much better in that regard. I didn't learn nearly as much "science," but he asks the right questions, and frequently responds with what I think are the right answers, because he is thinking about this in human and in ethical terms, and not merely as a science problem that needs to be "solved."
  5. Lady, that's an add-on you don't need or want. You look fabulous just the way you are.
  6. It never occurred to me to delete scripts! I already use separate body copies for each outfit (a holdover from pre-BOM days), so this would actually be pretty easy to do! Thanks Ceka! ❤️
  7. I do use the Maitreya Petite add-on a lot. It's pretty well-supported, and it looks generally pretty good (although a bit perkier than I'd prefer), but it's a pain in the . . . well, not the butt exactly, to load when it's part of an outfit, because it frequently loads before the main body, which means it doesn't auto-hide the larger breasts. So, you end up detaching and re-attaching it. I wish there were a way to turn off auto-hide, as there used to be in the old Slink bodies.
  8. For me, it would also depend on finding the right kind of dress that is also rigged for it. And that seems, frankly, unlikely. /me sighs
  9. The tops I would wear it with would be mostly square cut, I think. What I'd be looking for is a bit of . . . overflow, if you know what I mean. But just a bit. If you don't get that effect, I'm not sure I see the point for myself.
  10. The only social media accounts I have are for SL: Facebook (which I barely use), Twitter (which is under Laskya's name), and Discord. It's actually useful: it gives me a window into the world of social media without having to commit my RL identity to any of them. It's much easier to ignore Facebook when I have no RL friends or family there.
  11. That is what I noticed as well: it doesn't actually replicate the natural curve that a breast takes in that sort of garment?
  12. And yet it's been a fashionable look. The Robert Cruikshank cartoon I posted above is from 1817: it's a caricature, but it is also a statement on a real fashion trend in the late Georgian era. YOU on the other hand would be right at home as a flapper. Or in the 60s. You could be Twiggy! She was only 5'6"! ETA: Actually . . . why don't you have any nice flapper outfits? Could it be time for . . . some shopping?????
  13. Yeah. Not so much that even, as the "This will kill you, disassemble you, and then reassemble a simulacrum of you that isn't actually you at all somewhere else" thing that gets me. As I understand it, contemporary experiments in teleportation (there have been some!) don't even reassemble the original with the same atoms: they produce a duplicate of the original at the new site. I feel about it much as I feel about the transhumanist "dream" of storing one's mind in a computer. Even assuming that one could transfer all the data from my mind into a hard drive somewhere, what makes you think that it would transfer my consciousness, the "me" that is aware of myself? Thought experiment: suppose they transferred multiple copies of your mind onto multiple hard drives. Which would be "you"? All of them, simultaneously? Or none of them? Such copies might have their own consciousness: they might even believe they were were "me." But they wouldn't be.
  14. Yeah. It's a pretty specialized look -- not "perky" so much as "I really need to get a better fitting bra." 😄
  15. Well . . . does it come with a vacuum cleaner attachment?
  16. Thanks @Rowan Amore! Not my look, really, but as I said, I can see it maybe coming in handy for Georgian/Regency era gowns?
  17. Pix please! I'm curious! I don't have a lot of use myself for the push-up look, or prominent decolletage . . . and my boobs are on the smaller side, so the effect wouldn't be as pronounced, I suspect. But I can see it maybe being useful for period outfits.
  18. This is interesting. Are there particular reasons why the furry community might be especially interested in and/or excited by this feature? Are they generally more engaged in Vtubing?
  19. I hope I am "wary" rather than "cynical." I think that if this is done well, it might be a net positive. If it isn't, it's just going to be another metric that doesn't make SL look good next to things like VRChat, and will actually have a net negative impact. I also don't, personally, still see a whole lot of use for this for most SL residents. It seems pretty niche to me, still. Personally, I'd rather have an in-viewer poser (a la Black Dragon) -- but I recognize that the needs of SL photographers are also pretty niche. It will be interesting to see if this brings in a new type of user. I am, again, a little wary about how that might impact on SL's overall culture, but at the worst it would likely lead to the kind of fragmentation / disconnection that currently exists between those who favour voice, and those who hate it.
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