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Cinnamon Lohner

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Lohner

  1. I saw this in Linden Realms yesterday. Lots of invisible mesh objects. All the bridges were missing their rock base and the Shattered Caves were missing all of their interior walls. My first assumption was the viewer upgrade to 3.2.8 but then I connected from my XP system that also had 3.2.8 but an nVidia card and everything looked fine. So that got me thinking it was a side effect of the ATI issue. Then I remembered I didn't clear cache after I updated the viewer. Once I cleared the cache on my system, all the mesh reappeared. So at this point I'm blaming it on a cache problem but keeping a close watch. --Cinn
  2. November 18, 2010 Although the announcement of the change was about 4 months before it was turned on --Cinn ETA: PS Don't I get a cookie or something for knowing the answer! :smileytongue:
  3. Conference calls that I have gotten usually come from a group I have joined and the easiest way to stop getting them is to leave the group. If its not a group you belong to and not from a friend, then click on Only friends and groups can call or IM me in Preferences - Privacy tab and that should also take care of the problem. --Cinn
  4. One thought. Perhaps your land was group owned? If so, the money should be recorded in the My Groups Info window under Land/Assets. Group dividends are distributed once a day, so if you are the only person in the group that is set to Receive Group Dividends, then you should get the full amount of the sale within 24 hours of selling. --Cinn
  5. A high ping means that a small packet of data (the ping) took a very long time to get to its destination. This is usually a network problem. Sometimes something as simple as rerouting your Ethernet cable because its sitting on top of a poorly shielded power cable. The first thing you should do is eliminate your viewer from your testing. Do a standard ping test or download a free ping utility. Then use that to ping a sim (see example below). If the ping is still a high number, then you know its a network problem and you can focus you efforts there. --Cinn
  6. Update your ATI graphic card drivers. See the thread below for a link with more details. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Second-Life-has-turned-all-pink-today-Is-the-problem-with-me/qaq-p/1381185 --Cinn
  7. Update your ATI drivers See this thread below for a link to more information about the problem http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Second-Life-has-turned-all-pink-today-Is-the-problem-with-me/qaq-p/1381185 --Cinn
  8. Driver update may be all you need to do here. I just loaded 3.2.8 without an issue. I've got an ATI Radeon HD 5570. Running Catalyst 11.12 which is not the very latest but I updated a month ago. Current version for my card is 12.1 --Cinn
  9. Try it now. Looks like the first copy/paste messed up the link. --Cinn
  10. See Ansariel's post in Answers for a link to the discussion on this in the Firestorm wiki. They also have seen this problem and it appears to be related to a bug in some ATI driver. Quite a bit of info available at the link she provides along with workarounds and fixes. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Second-Life-has-turned-all-pink-today-Is-the-problem-with-me/qaq-p/1381185 --Cinn
  11. See Ansariel's post in Answers for a link to the discussion on this in the Firestorm wiki. They also have seen this problem and it appears to be related to a bug in some ATI driver. Quite a bit of info available at the link she provides along with workarounds and fixes. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Second-Life-has-turned-all-pink-today-Is-the-problem-with-me/qaq-p/1381185 --Cinn
  12. The 1000L signup bonus is paid after 45 days. Your weekly 300L stipend is paid on Tuesday mornings. So if you signed up a couple days ago, you should have your first stipend tomorrow. --Cinn
  13. As for your first problem, try using a different browser. This issue came up a couple days ago for someone else and they loaded Google Chrome and was able to use the page. I can access it with Firefox no problem. In looking at the page, I think LL redesigned it a bit and maybe introduced some incapatibilities in the process. As to the second problem, you are going to have to deal with your landlord there. Although, it wouldn't surprise me that changing browsers might help that problem as well. --Cinn
  14. Do a search for "public boat launch" or "public plane launch" and you will see quite a few places where you can go and rez your seaplane so that you can use it. However, just like a sandbox, public launch locations will clear rezzed objects on a regular basis. They are there so that you can rez and fly (or sail) but not permenantly park. And yes, if you get out of your plane or boat, it will usually be auto-returned. This is true of Linden property and also true of most private locations since people don't like abandon planes and boats littering their property. There is no way to prevent your vehicles from being auto-returned if you leave them on someone elses property.
  15. AFAIK there are 2 ways this can be done. First, it could be a simple push tool. For that to work, the land parcel setting have to allow pushing. To avoid it, just sit on something. The second is when people use RLV which is a way that you release control of your avatar to another person. These tools are used in many BDSM roleplays and usually both people are aware of having these controls "turned on" so to speak. If you are using an RLV enabled viewer, you should know that. --Cinn
  16. Along with Irene and Roling's good answers, you should also know that group dividends are not paid immediately. They are queued up and paid once a day, usually at night (California time). So while you will receive the linden into your account as per the group abilities described, it may be a half day or more before the money is paid because of the way LL processes group dividend payments. --Cinn
  17. As per the Linden Realms FAQ: How do I get more help? If you tried the troubleshooting steps above and were not able to resolve your issue, please create a support case on the Second Life customer support site. If the issue is particular to a specific inworld location or object, please provide the name of the object, along with the coordinates and Linden Realms instance number.
  18. Try logging into a quiet sim like Pooley, Aqua or Smith. Once there, wait patiently for your inventory to load. --Cinn
  19. Graphics Processor ATI RADEON Xpress1270 HyperMemory I think you will find that the graphics chipset may not meet the requirements. A quick read through some of the forums that popped up when I searched this processor stated poor performance with standard games and SL is usually hard to please. You might try updating the graphics drivers by downloading the latest from ATI (AMD) for this chipset. Just because the laptop is new doesn't mean it comes with the latest drivers. Also you can try to run the viewer without the hardware check. Use --noprobe in your startup string. See Viewer parameters for more details on how to use it. --Cinn
  20. What do you mean by payment systems?? Not sure I know what you are talking about. Timeclocks? CampMasters? Use the Options - Edit to add addition information to your post. Maybe we can figure out the problem once we know what "payment system" you are talking about. --Cinn
  21. The land HAS to be deeded to the group for group members to change media settings in the About Land Dialog. Rezzing a tip jar should work just fine with the land being just set to group. Yes the group "owns" the land if you deed it, but it is very easy to limit the group role abilities so that only you can sell it and control major land functions. NEVER make someone else an Owner. Just one exception to that rule. Its good to have an alt account who is also a group owner. That way if you do something silly like leaving your own group (it happens!) your alt can add you back to the group --Cinn
  22. Not much data to go on, but I'll take a wild guess. I had problem where the water looked ok on my XP/nVidea system but was dull looking on my Win7/ATI system. Windlight was just not working. I upgraded my ATI drivers and that did the trick. ETA: Just to finish the saga, the change occurred when the viewer was updated from 3.2.1 to 3.2.4. I thought it was a viewer problem since I rarely use the XP system. Plus 3.2.1 has a window sizing bug that made me crazy. So I didn't upgrade until 3.2.5 came out. That's when I saw that my windlight was still non-functional on the ATI system and noticed for the first time that the nVidea worked fine. --Cinn
  23. I just tried it and it works. Looks different than the last time I saw it. Kinda fancy smancy. Try a different browser and see if that makes a difference. I suspect something is happening as you are the second person today with this question. ETA: I notice Roling's response to the other person and she makes a good point. You are already registered since you have a name and can log into the website. Are you trying to create a second account? --Cinn PS: Page should look like this
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