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Cinnamon Lohner

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Lohner

  1. Post a credit card or some other form of payment on your Dashboard - Account - Billing Information and then buy the minimum allowable amount of linden dollars. That's usually all it takes. --Cinn
  2. Not enough information to answer your question. What error message are you getting when you try? Use the Options - Edit to add information to your post. --Cinn
  3. Yes. Just go HERE and click on the Release Notes of the Viewer you want to download. You will find a download link for that version on its release notes page. --Cinn
  4. Sounds like you haven't Age Verified yet. Dashboard - Account - Age Verification And this is a resident supported forum, so all we can do is provide the most bestest advice possible. And as for your **bleep** problem, that probably has nothing to do with your age verification. Contact the seller via IM and let them know you did not receive your product. --Cinn ETA: Geez. I can't believe they bleeped the word for the male sex organ that starts with a p and rhymes with Venus!
  5. If the land is only SET to group, then you can't. The land needs to be DEEDED to the group in order for group members to change the media stream settings. --Cinn
  6. WOOOT! If you get a moment, mark the question as solved so that other people will know how to fix the problem. Thx! Cinn
  7. Under the My Marketplace pull-down menu --Cinn ETA: Not intuitively placed?? Only Pull-Down menu on the top bar called My Marketplace. Where else would you want it?
  8. Try using a different browser. That has worked for other people with this problem. --Cinn
  9. Your surname(last name) is Resident. You will only need it for older viewers that require a last name. Newer viewers use just the username. If you would like to display a different name while in world, use the Display Name options as described HERE. --Cinn
  10. Off the top of my head, looks like you have the viewer set to a foriegn language but your computer doesn't have the language font installed. Try this. Using the SL Viewer, go to Me - Preferences - General tab. The Language is the first option. I realize it will all be fuzzy and unreadable but hopefully you can make your way through the selections. I'll post a pic to help. Change the language to English. It will require a restart. See if that does the trick. --Cinn
  11. Turn off the language translator. Me - Preferences - Chat - Chat Translation Settings - uncheck the Enable machine translation while chatting option --Cinn
  12. Use a comma to set off parenthetical elements, as in "The Founders Bridge, which spans the Connecticut River, is falling down." By "parenthetical element," we mean a part of a sentence that can be removed without changing the essential meaning of that sentence. The parenthetical element is sometimes called "added information." This is the most difficult rule in punctuation because it is sometimes unclear what is "added" or "parenthetical" and what is essential to the meaning of a sentence. Put the comma in next time and avoid the confusion. --Cinn
  13. If "a well-known Virtual World" is the description for Second Life shoudn't there be a comma after World? I could be wrong. English grammer confuses me. --Cinn
  14. Yes you can easily make a case that surveys violate the Community Guidelines for spam since they reference (and link to) another website which is offering a service. Particularly when a person using surveymonkey uses the free version with the advertising attached --Cinn Spamming, Solicitation and Advertising: Spamming is not allowed. This includes aggressive self-promotion. No advertising or promotion of specific Second Life merchants, Marketplace listings, products, or services, unless the forum area is specifically for the buying or selling of Second Life products or services, for example, a “for sale” or “wanted” forum. Do not reference other websites offering any product or service.
  15. Generally speaking, an AO is a HUD attachment. Right-click on it and choose Detach. If you do not see a HUD then look at what you are wearing using the Appearance - Wearing tab. Find the AO and again right-click and select Detach. Finally, if you are using a 3rd party viewer like Firestorm that has a built-in AO, follow the instructions from the maker to detach or turn-off. --Cinn
  16. Sounds like you have an AO (animation override). Take it off or turn it off and the back flips will stop. The other thing you can do is get a new AO or find different animations for the one you have that actually runs instead of backflips. --Cinn
  17. There are no Adult areas in Linden Homes. And yes you can do "adult" things in private on a Mature sim. The best way to think about the Adult rating is that it is for commercialized (paid) adult activities, meaning in public. Not that different from zoning laws in certain towns here in the US. You can do whatever you want in the privacy of your home, but you can't open a sex shop in the local mall. --Cinn
  18. If you are referring to the Hughes satellite Internet service, then yes it is a horrible choice for Second Life because of the latency inherent in a satellite service. ETA: If you are looking for an alternative to cable and DSL, you might check to see if anyone is providing a WiMAX type of service in your area. This is a high speed wireless service. It requires an antennae and line-of-sight to the transmitter, usually on a cellphone tower. I'm using one because I have no cable service available and I'm too far from the local POP for DSL. While wireless is not always the best option for SL, some of them can work. I get 3-4M down AND up and my latency to SL averages around 50ms. --Cinn
  19. Yes there is a cache on your system. You will find the location in Me - Preferences - Advanced tab. You will also find a button there to Clear Cache. --Cinn
  20. How long ago was that? There was a network outage that affected a lot of systems including buying linden dollars. Grid status shows clear about 30 minutes ago. So try again or maybe wait just a bit longer and try again. --Cinn
  21. I follow Peggy Paperdoll around and pick up the lindens she drops. :smileyvery-happy: --Cinn
  22. Assuming you own the land where the club is located or at minimum have full land management control, you need to put a good description of the club in the About Land - General tab. Then on the About Land - Options tab check the Show Place in Search options. You will be charged 30L per week for this. That will allow your club along with its description to show up in the inworld search. --Cinn
  23. You should probably post your question over on the Forum - General Discussion where you can have a more active conversation about your desires. This Answers format doesn't lend itself well to that type of conversation. Couple things you should know. First, there are already other 3rd party sites that sell items for SL linden and for use in SL. You probably should visit them for further reference. Second, Linden Lab is currently in a beta program that will radically change the way Marketplace product is deliveried to customer, which many people consider as the weakess part of MP. This involves pulling product directly from avatar's inventories instead of using an inworld server object. Given security issues, I can't imagine that LL would be releasing an API that allows a 3rd party to access avatar inventory from outside of SL. I could be wrong there but seems unlikely to me. Again the General Forum is a better place for this conversation. --Cinn
  24. Since the Client is red, it really is going to depend on your computer specifications as to what, if anything can be done to correct the problem. Goto Help/About Second Life in the viewer, click on Copy to Clipboard and then paste the results into your current thread (Options - Edit) That way we can perhaps see what might be causing a red Client condition. --Cinn
  25. Your friend should mute this person and ignore them. She should file abuse reports as appropriate. Since you are not the one being harrassed, it will not do you any good to issue the abuse reports. Also, you should not engage the griefer in conversation or threats. Under most circumstances, griefers will stop harrassing when they get no response from the people they are bothering. One note. You said "somebody knowing where she lives" If you mean where she lives in SL then my advice above holds. However, if you mean where she lives in RL, then she needs to take this to the local police department if she feels threatened in RL in anyway. --Clnn
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