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sirhc DeSantis

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Everything posted by sirhc DeSantis

  1. Its not exactly 'news' is it? Even been discussed here before. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Twitch-Bans-Second-Life/td-p/2936931 *shrugs*
  2. A simple one : What is Project Sansar and what does/will it do? Some concrete examples instead of more fluffy generalisations would be nice. (Afraid my initial frisson of nervous excitement has rather evaporated, replaced with ennui.)
  3. Also to be a Habs fan again. Trouncing Yanks makes me a Belieber .....
  4. 'Mine is to leave SL this year and quit posting in the forums' well didn't have one til now:)
  5. Easy. Whenever you try to go somewhere and find you can't, be assured that you are banned but your 'someone' is having a good time.
  6. "What are the incentives.." does rather cut to the heart of it. Extend it to perhaps - when will we have actual news (not snippets such as scrpts will be c#, other tools than maya will be supported, oodles of land, vague possible screenshots, 'experiences' etc) about this new platform and its capabilities/possibilities? Or even if it is going to follow the user generated content for all model at all? Right now, SL is still the big fish - amongst SL model grids of course that seem to appear like algal bloom but the alternative to the status quo is growing, even if the overall market remains pretty flat - most stuff made for 'here' works 'there' too. Even the Labs introduction of mesh has led people to realise that skills learned for here are indeed marketable - outside. I have no problem with learning new things at all, its one of the strengths of SL that have kept me here. Concrete news of what is being developed would be helpfull, to put it mildly. I will wait for the transcript though, as this voice talkie show format leaves me cold.
  7. Not been any indication that there will be the equivalent of a 'rez date' but even so.. No, doesn't bother me starting as zero age again. If people really need to affirm a quick check of the SL account (mysecondlife etc) takes care of that anyway, if names do even get 'transferred'. Perpetual noob here anyway.
  8. OK, how about from your sig there ' vitality in Nature' - 'Red in tooth and claw' (as a quick search gave not suitable for pearl clutchers) Although Gammonification I think has a niche if you can provide ready to eat versions
  9. 'Do you guys think we should get free linden homes? Epecially those who have been on a long time?' Nope. Never had one never wanted one. Since First Land (and only by the skin of whats left of my teeth what with all the pouncing want-to-be-barons) been happy to maintain a teeny pawhold even as personal circumstances changed. Best 512 L$ I ever spent.
  10. "You both sound hot" possibly the most cogent reply yet (apart from Ser Huntress of course) A refreshing change to all this 'parenting' nonsense. Its not exactly hard is it. Several billion and counting after all
  11. OK, some of your points. 'users don't have computers that will be capable of running the NGP' Please point out some links to what equipment will be required. Not to run some "distributed platform", naming no names, but to actually access what the Lab are working on. And also please point out how this would be any different from the years of the same complaint anyway ( admission - there are toasters out there with better specs than my old boxes ). "..tinker.. learn all these outside programs " Been using 'outside programs' in conjunction with in worls tools for all the time I've been on. Yeah, maya is a bit daft but if I can make a resonable stab at bender and the Gimp (all free with boatloads of info) so can anyone ( admission - I can't draw a straight line with a ruler ) "currently no plans for a Mainland" Actually, I reckon this is a big mistake - but* (see below). If you take a look at all the little wannabe grids they all have raised the idea of or are trying some sort of Mainland equivalent. Its what makes SL unique and yep still spend time there even now. I agree, old danger even asking why its important does point to a special sort of - disconnect. ( admission - barely bothered even skimming that thread after that bit ) *But - wherever did you get the idea that 'We' ( current SL users ) or You in particular were ever the target audience anyway? The 41k logged on as of the top of the hour isn't *too* bad, considering, especially compared to the alternative similar VWs but if you think thats what the new stuff is aimed at with a hope to grow bigger....erm can I interest you in some slightly swampy prime real estate? Yep will still dip a paw in and perhaps more. Just as I do for anything else.
  12. I heard of this closing a week ago and - yes had a sad. Even went to the old place to see... 'Freebie Culture' ah well its changed since (insert mist of times here) but yes. Still have some things I took apart (and swore at) to see how they worked. Still don't know how most do to be honest - and I think thats good. Now I can sling a dae. BTW the Blue One (!) is still active all over vws (merci le Monde) the last I checked. And when I win the premium bonds I will - well maybe see if they have it all stored still:) Things pass. Some remember. And thats good.
  13. Tick would be my vote. As in 'annoying parasite with no known redeeming wossnames'. TelegraphReader would have a certain nostalgic thingy too. And 'TediousRepetitiveDrivelAboutESL' would be oh so fabbylicious. That would get lots I think. Although WeAreWannabeClique is trademarked - well is now
  14. Yes, for 1250 US you could possibly buy it. Bargain really. Maybe Lucy Laz was asking the wrong question ;()
  15. 120 US per month available which I believe was your question.
  16. Then you are too young to remember the time before 'New Math' Lucy
  17. An interesting question. As a group (which you may define as you will) the budget (cost in fact) is 120 US per 4 weeks. The figure is approximate due to local exchange of course. That is tied to the existing LL product. That amount can be easily used elsewhere. If the Lab are going to offer a product that interests us enough to spend the same - then that is the amount available. The other factors in your list are minor for me. The group has other opinions. That is the amount that, as a group, we have. As a caveat we as a group of makers have been cross platform creating for some time. Imagine a little Victory Garden with a 'HyyperGate' outside so we can huddle over tea. Or not. Plans available for non US readers Yes found a hums
  18. Agreed. The convenience would be nice but after all this time - I have too many scripts created by me out there to make use of it. Support going for a way to run anims via UUID - just not with that caveat
  19. A Secularist - One who waves the banner of the split between 'religiion' and 'state' yet feels secure enough to pik n mix from other faiths/sects/practices and blend in schmaltz faux camaraderie and a tinge of consumerism. Plus time off work because, you know, 'the holidays'. Amusing. Almost as much as the Humanist - who embraces 'Science (sorry 'rationalism, empiricism') except 'Not those bits which contradict stuff I like'. I wish you Joyeux Noël and peace on Earth too - and if you find some - please share.
  20. Perhaps it helps generate new trite footage for the ut00b thingie the OP is a fan of?
  21. Hence the phrase 'deader than dolcett' (well, makes a change from flares anyway)
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