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Knowl Paine

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Everything posted by Knowl Paine

  1. I spent some time creating the beginning of a Story. I wanted to share what I have written so far; feedback is welcomed. If you would enjoy expanding upon the Story, I would like that also. I would be curious about how others perceive, and project the story's evolution. I have drafted Scene 1, part 1, and Scene 2, part 2. Both are purely drafts. Now I'm making excuses, if you like it, I would like to know. SCENE 1, part 1: The evening air was cold, and crisp. The moon was shining brightly, its rays cut sharply, through thin windswept clouds. Autumn’s cold embrace had long since shed the leaves from the City trees, leaving a landscape cast in gray. The sound of heel clicks began to splash echoes across the plaza square. A tall, finely dressed woman was approaching the Central Plaza Gate. She walked alone, even though her rank entitled her to an entire squadron of sentinels. The heels on her IGA issued boots, clapped loudly against the smooth stone walk, breaking the quiet silence of the empty plaza. She stepped confidently onto the queuing station; the station’s lights instantly rose to full intensity, and the sound of heavy gears set in motion, resonated throughout the station platform. The Central Plaza Gate began to open. A gentle burst of warm air, swept across the station platform. She stepped through the Gate. Scene 2, part 2: I remember not being able to sleep, and I kept getting out of my bed. I was in a well lit hallway, and some people were talking to me, as they walked me back to my bed. The one person wore a robe, and the other wore a Doctor’s half coat, over a spandex bodysuit. I was wearing pajama pants, and a pajama shirt. We entered a very large dimly lit room, with a V-shaped ceiling. They walked me to my bed, and I sat down on the edge of the bed. The two people left. The bed was a large single bed, mattress only, on a raised metal platform. There was a headboard, which also looked like a shelf. A large pillow, two sheets, and a blanket, neatly made, with the edges tucked tightly under the mattress. I prefer the blankets un-tucked. The top corner of the blanket had been folded down, but it didn't’t appear as if anyone had slept in the bed. My eyes began to adjust to the dimly lit room; I sat quietly on the edge of the bed. I realized that I could hear a man breathing, and then another. In the distance, was the distinct sound of a woman’s sleeping sigh. I gazed about the room, and for as far as I could see, there were rows, and rows of beds. I looked up at the low hanging ceiling and scanned across it, looking for an edge, a wall, or a corner in the distance, there was none. I guessed that here might be thousands of people, strangers, all sleeping in this room. I could start to hear echoes, of the sounds of the sleeping people. The room had a metallic tinny resonance, the floor was a clay color, it looked like stone, the surface appeared smudged, yet polished. I tried to lie in the bed. The blanket was too thin, the sounds of thousands of sleeping people was deafening. I was not going to be able to sleep here. Lying there, I tried to block out the tide of sleeping sighs, and bed rustles. Looking up at the ceiling, staring at its blankness, my thoughts turned toward feelings of frustrations. “Why can’t these people sleep silently”, I thought to myself. We are supposed to be guest, and behaving clamorously, is by no means, proper conduct for a guest. Was I the only person not sleeping; and that is when I heard the sound. At first, it sounded like water dripping, but then the drips became taps and then a fast clicking sound. I could see two people walking, both wearing the long hooded robes. They were carrying a young woman, who appeared unconscious. The hooded figures where discussing something and appeared to be arguing. They were speaking amongst themselves, using sharp clicking sounds. I watched them move across the room, and how they carelessly held the woman by her arms, allowing her feet to drag on the floor. When they found an open bed, they casually half dragged, half dropped the woman on the bed, and continued their apparent debate, as they exited the room. I was as quiet as a mouse, for more than two hours. The blanket which was previously too thin was now like a wall of fire. Peeking out, from under the edge of my blanket, I was watching her. She hadn't moved since being placed on the bed. I was sweating from head to toe; it was mostly from fear, and partly from the blanket. Who is that woman, does she need help, and was she awake like I was? I couldn't wait any longer; I decided to make my move... End - TBC
  2. You could review the data in the link, to try to discover a possible reason why. At the bottom of the page is a notice about how relisting may be perceived, I don't know if the system is automated. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/listing_guidelines?
  3. Welcome, There are land settings that can be adjusted which allow Residents to share abilities on a plot, or lot, of land. If you join as premium, you could get a Linden Home, and share that. Security is very good, but this the internet. Most people expose themselves, and many people have nothing to expose, lol. I mean that in the sense that they already have a Public presence at other online sites like FB, You Tube, or Twitter, and they don't mind sharing info. You have to decide how much information you wish to share. Never share your password, or email linked to your Account. Read the terms of service. One hundred percent privacy, in a virtual world, interestingly enough, cost money, just like outside of SL. 100% is your own private Region, and that cost a lot of money. You can rent 98-99% privacy, from one of the many Private Regions owners. The Mainlands, and the Linden Homes Regions, are about 50-50 on privacy, because it's public. sorta. The Linden Homes where created with the idea that it's your house, it's not public. Explore the Inworld map, or the Map link at the top of this page, to get an overview of the Grid. Watch some tutorial videos on You Tube, for fast paced learning. Have fun, don't take things too seriously.
  4. I would say No, you should not seek a remedy through the Courts. You should consider continuing to report abuse if you witness it, or experience it in SL. Sometimes it just takes time, for LL to track down an account. Courting, is a two way street. Their lawyer can delay, just like yours. You get their info, they get yours. A quality abuse report, includes only the facts, avoids any personal attacks, or interpretations of policy. Who, what, when, and where. Why, is a much longer story, of why some people are crazy. We're not going there. Each message, is another violation, they will eventually burn their own bridge. I'm sorry that your peace is being disturbed. There is relative safety in numbers. Seek out friends, or activities with lots of Residents. They may also report abuse, if they experience it.
  5. Did you get, or discover an email from LL after your last post? You stated that you did not receive an email from LL. My comment may have been more of a political statement, rather than a logical approach to your original inquiry. Sorry about that. As you have stated in later post in this thread, you should consider seeking a legal, or tax professional, for advice.
  6. It could be lag, you could look for an empty Region, and then relog using your last location option. Open your inventory, wait for it to load. Prompt it to fetch by typing single letters, a,b,c, You could lower your draw distance. Increase the cache size and bandwidth. Sometimes just logging out, and restarting the computer can fix things.
  7. You are a citizen of a Sovereign Nation. You are not obliged to respond to any communications from the IRS. Much of the information in the link, defines obligations set upon LL. It basically says that if you don't want to jump through the systems fictitious contractual hoops, there's a flat fee of 28% on amounts above stated limit. (If you're making that much, you might get rich, so we need to tax you)
  8. I don't think so. If the landing point is blocked by the land owner, that may prevent people from teleporting in, or if the land is set to group only, then only Residents wearing the group tag would be able to enter. A person could ask to be banned. If you feel that you're spending too much time in a Region, or in SL, the best solution is to take break. SL is not going anywhere, it will be here when you get back.
  9. SL has operated at a profit for many years, all the bills paid, plus extra. Nobody is pulling money out of their pockets to "help" us. If they have, they have been repaid several fold. If I sound snippy, I don't mean to be. "Your World, your Imagination", is an accurate statement from LL. I have been an avid map viewer for a long time. I support adding water Regions, but advocate strategic placement, to fill critical gaps across the grid. On the suggestion, or question of connecting all the continents, I would guess that the LL might need to add 400 Regions. It's just a guess. I'm thinking 2 regions wide, a road on one region and water on the other, 3 regions wide in some places. I haven't put much thought into SL construction projects. I've visited a number of the works created by the LDPW. I know that there are many things which need to be fixed across the Inworld grid, and that some of those projects are complicated by heritage builds, and private land holdings. I think Residents are due a LL renovation project, and I'm sure the Moles wouldn't mind; if we still have moles. Many projects have been completed, and almost every project has added value to SL, the surrounding Regions, and Resident experience. I still think it would be a massive project. idk :smileyhappy:
  10. They're too far apart. It's too many Regions to have to add. It would take months to implement. The Pro is all for Residents. The Con, is that Residents will pay for it. If we had a say, I would say no. There are better things which could be done with the time and resources.
  11. It's good to hear that you've discovered another way, and that SL helped. My experiences in Second Life, have positively influenced my opinions on a number of topics. I've met all kinds of people, each was unique. I prefer to just be free, as freedom is an abbreviation. Is appreciative the same thing as thankful? "hey LL, thanks for not coveting knowledge".
  12. The website show news after the date of the wiki article. Time will tell. http://bluestarline.com.au/
  13. Hello Rolig, It might be spreading to Adults, because I have some of the signs and symptoms :smileyvery-happy: Free form building, is confidence in ability in action. A good build definitely evolves; I might make the same object 20 times, each time a little different. A number of my builds, started from seeing a shape, in a different build I was working on. :smileyhappy:
  14. I don't know the entire reason why. Reading the changes, helped to remind me that SL is a game for residents, and a business for the lab. I was looking for an excuse to take things less seriously. The timing was pretty good. I could continue to ridicule ridiculous policy, but doing so, is prohibited under my personal sleepiness policy.
  15. Another link, that may help, if you were holding the baby when you lost it. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Finding-lost-objects-and-attachments/ta-p/1316943
  16. It is my opinion, that it is best to learn everything you can, using the tools you already have. If you can create something beautiful, using rudimentary tools, you will have the foundation to master the advanced tools. Creation is the manifestation of an idea. The best solutions, arrive on a "need to know" basis. You can have too many options. If you see a Builder standing in a sandbox, staring down at a single lone cube, for about an hour, that is person with too many options. When you can build anything, you start to question what is worth building. "Well, how many prims is it? Maybe I should make it offline, that means I have to log out. Then I get lost in a 3rd party development software program. I'm have so much fun building there, I forget about SL". I have the most fun, and build the best things, when I don't worry about the prims, or what other people will think.
  17. We are encouraged to report Abuse in SL if we witness it, that is about the only recourse you have with LL. You have options outside of SL, but pursuing those processes, can be costly, and is often not worth the time. There are a lot of honorable land dealers in SL. I usually look for dealers with an established presence Inworld, and outside of SL. The older the Resident is, the better. I'm sorry to hear that you lost time, and money. From an overview, it appears that you are not the only disappointed person, involved.
  18. If it is a Linden Home, and you have selected one, it should be available immediately. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Homes/ta-p/700103
  19. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Base-de-conhecimento/Den%C3%BAncia-de-abuso/ta-p/989983
  20. Scene from "Good Will Hunting", Working for the NSA, 1997
  21. It is my opinion, that exchanging money in SL, is too easy. This discussion continues to return, because it has not been resolved. If I was LL, I would build a registry of "known" accounts. Then pursue the known unkowns.
  22. Cerise Sorbet wrote: They refactored the libraries that do things like fetch textures and inventories so that they don't choke the viewer like they did before. With the viewer unchoked, it would be free to ramp up the rendering work and use more CPU. An SL viewer will try to use as much CPU as it can get to keep frame rates going, so it's possible that a bottleneck was simply opened. There was nothing in that change that could cause hardware failures, if your had a hardware failure then it was on its way out already. Some of the changes in that library aren't actually used yet, they won't kick in until some server changes, not yet released, activate them. It is an old system, yes, thousands of hours on the processors.
  23. I think I was just hoping for an easy fix. This computer could use an overhaul, I have a few dated programs. I just haven't had the extra time.
  24. Threaded Optimization is one of the first things I turned off. I've searched every "SL high CPU usage" I could find on the web. Many of the CPU usage problems relate to a Viewer being idle or minimized with high CPU usage. I have high CPU usage during normal use. They're just cubes, it shouldn't be using 80% of my CPU to rez 1 cube in an empty sandbox. I'm just a little upset. I will add the second processor, update and reconfigure the pc, and if I still have a problem, I will start jumping through the Support hoops. Thank you for all the replies.
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