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Knowl Paine

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Everything posted by Knowl Paine

  1. If the Region is offline, you would need to submit a case with Support. Request for the Region to be re-opened so that you may collect your items. The Resident who accepted your funds, does have a Contract with you. You have legal options outside of SL, but those options can be costly. If the Resident doesn't live in the same Country as you, that can further complicate matters. When I rent land, I only rent week to week. I look for land dealers who own multiple Regions, and who are long standing members of SL. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-contact-customer-support/ta-p/739385
  2. You must be really good at charades... is it an animal element of object..lol
  3. From the knowledge base Tip: The Land Use Fees calculator shows your current fees and has the option to calculate your estimated fees for square meters owned or donated to group.
  4. Hello Nyll, Thank you for taking the time to post that photo. I can agree that it is clear and understandable. :smileyhappy:
  5. Yes I did, It has been bothering me, in an odd 3 oclock High movie sort of way.
  6. :smileyvery-happy: I was just having fun with it. Rude E started it by writing about the Galactic Republic.
  7. The thread in Missed Connections keeps reminding of this song Edit: I forgot about the shaving scene, I've selected a different video. But then I think of this song and I feel better
  8. Knowl Paine

    banned from land

    It could be Group land and you may have to be wearing the Group tag to enter. The Maturity rating could block teleport. The Region could be full. You should get a message when you try to teleport to that location. If there is an adjacent Region, you could teleport to that region and try to walk where you want to go. A friend could try to invite you.
  9. The pin was assigned by asinine hierarchal monopolistic megalomaniacs. To earn something suggest that payment is owed. I've never asked for anything in return from the Residents I've tried to help. I think you know that. I agree with your point, LL does what it wants, SL is not a democracy. Have you met Rod? Our humble servant? Legally he needs to maximize profits for share-holders. Returning dividends in the form of lower consumer prices is unlawful in business.
  10. I only read fortune cookies and bumper stickers. Search engines are only going to repeat what you just wrote. I want to learn new things, like fresh water under the Ocean, I like that news story. NPR National Public Radio / scientists-map-vast-reserves-of-freshwater-under-the-seabed The only problem with this recent discovery is that others have claimed it existed a long time ago, but people who were certain they were right because a book told them what to think, refused to listen.
  11. I'm already in a Universe of infinity diversity, I was born here as a young star. It is said that we are stardust, starseeds, youngsters. The NSA isn't the only entity capable of listening. They said I would get a Mortarboard if I graduated from a University. Seeing as I can cap a bull, I didn't need an Ox fording on my cap. Nor did I need tassels to remind that it is all bullshyt. Pupils throw their hats in the air when they graduate because they won't need a brain anymore.
  12. I support the claims that humans are much older than history reports. Many of the structures that make up the wonders of the world, are built upon foundations which pre-date any known civilization.
  13. I signed up years ago, I don't know what the Premium page looks like when signing up. Does anyone have a screen shot of that? I really hope that LL is providing clear and accurate data about exactly when a Resident will receive the L$. 1-10 customers are likely to complain if there is a problem. I won't guess atm as to how many times the question of "where's my L$" is asked. It is a large number and that number represents only a fraction of the potentially disappointed customers. Make the font size 22 or 28. Do you think the offer is clear? What is your opinion?
  14. Do you have a theory which can explain why the Pacific and Atlantic plates differ so greatly in age? The Pacific is estimated to be 1-5 byo and the Atlantic is estimated to be only 200 myo. Prior to the break up of Pangaea, can you estimate what the shoreline depths may have been? If the average ocean deep is about 2 and 1/2 miles deep and the deepest depth is about 7 miles, what did the shores of Pangaea look like? Were they sloped? If they were sloped, when did that erosion occur? If I take an apple, and I carve out Pangaea on the apple, how did such and imbalanced body form? If the earth was spun into existence, how was such lopsided planet formed? If the Rocky mountains are 40 myo, does that mean that there were no Rocky mountains when the dinosaurs roamed the earth? Is this why people said that the world was flat? What does the term "the four corners of earth" mean? Where did Socrates get the information that he taught to Plato? Do you have a theory as to how Egypt appears to have had rose from nothingness, starting as a fully developed civilization? Any idea why the 1st pharaoh of the very 1st Egyptian empire is buried in the British Isles? If knowledge is a cumulative succession, where are the civilizations with a 3-4 letter alphabets? My teacher claims to want to teach us how to learn, but only ask that we repeat after the teacher. Independent thought is discouraged, it is tightly confined in schools to maintain the mainstream. Our solid Earth rings like a bell for more than 1 hour and 45 minutes after an Earthquake. Molten metal is Non-magnetic. These are just a few of the comments that the people who empower the NSA would prefer that we not discuss. The Informational Age is proprietary. Seeing as the only abundace we can create is shortage, we must covet knowledge in order to be able to sell it to children. Then we take that money and buy the things we cannot fix.
  15. Cooperation is mandatory. I'm not sure if we have any uncivil rights. I've never liked the word behave because it reminds me of the word beehive. It's kind of like Reba, but that is a much longer story. A person needs to create an online identity to prepare for the consciousness energy transition, better know as the Shift. Vibrations from frequencies in the solar plexus will begin to rise, breaking electro-chemical bonds which have held man in mineral servitude for the past... 400,000 years. When multidimensionalism is achieved humans will exist as spectral auras. I'm just guessing. We're supposed to be evolving. What will we be when we are done? Edit: who loves typos
  16. Lynda Baran wrote: WOW, I'm glad this seems to have finally petered out. I was so worried someone would expose the fact that ONI is spying on the sailing community. Now I can send a report to the Director that our secret is still safe, and still make my tee time at the Fort Meade Golf Course. I don't feel petered.
  17. I joined SL when it was still free. If an avatar is an identity I have always been a human in SL. It was a real quantum leap in imagination. I've always held a degree of admiration for Residents who venture to become something other than a human avatar.
  18. You should use caution when receiving invitations to upgrade your SL account. It could be a fake email link trying to get your password. If you have doubt, don't click on it. A link with information about Premium SL membership http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Premium-membership/ta-p/1054477
  19. I don't have a problem with spying. My complaint is that when it is done publicly, it is no longer spying, it's just tyranny. A rule of law is that both parties will use discussion and negotiation in an attempt to find resolution. Only after all reasonable efforts have been exhausted, should either party seek a remedy through the courts. If we look at that rule of law, we should inquire about the conflict or dispute which created the need for a matter to be resolved. What is in question? The Government doesn't trust the people. To add insult to injury, the government has no idea why anyone could possibly be upset with anything government does. They are in Higher Offices, they are saintly, they can do no wrong. Those are liberty bombs. Live in freeDom or die. My favorite recent government quote regarding the health care bail out order, stated that the Citizens who have signed up at the health care$ bill website "shows pent up demand". Only a psychopath would believe that the people who comply with what the psychopath is forcing them to do, is pent up demand.
  20. I forgot that you wrote that. It is good. :smileyhappy:
  21. Greetings hh3000, I cannot confirm atm if voice is active in Linden Memorial Park regions, I suspect that it is. I only suggested that location because it is usually empty and anyone who may wish to attend would only have to find the Park to get there. A casual meeting to explore some of the possibilities. A few short questions can establish how much time and or money each Resident may be able to contribute.
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