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Annabell Wandsworth

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Everything posted by Annabell Wandsworth

  1. The op is one month old, and does not have this business in her picks. Just saying.
  2. I hear you, but you could spend your whole life telling people they are wrong, and what purpose what it serve?
  3. If your goal is to call out all those who don't follow instructions, you will be very busy, and, I suspect, not do any good.
  4. Hi Lovely. Ditto what Karen said. You don't have to pay people to help you. I im'd you inworld. Annabell Wandsworth
  5. Hi Emily. I contacted you inworld. I hope to hear from you soon. Annabell Wandsworth
  6. Inverse has good builds with decent size rooms at good prices. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/42973?search[category_id]=34&search[maturity][]=General&search[maturity][]=Moderate&search[maturity][]=Adult&search[page]=1&search[per_page]=96&search[store_id]=42973
  7. Hi Ginger. I sent you an im inworld. Annabell Wandsworth
  8. Henry, I don't think you got what I said. Your post was too much. I suggest cutting it down.
  9. You might want to focus what you are looking for, You are throwing out a lot of requests, including asking other people to invest in your business (whatever that is), so focus is even more important.
  10. I was contracted to create the building.The OP said they was pleased. Pic attached. Please contact me for custom builds, landscaping, sim design, and custom tattoos.
  11. I conducted one service successfully. Please contact me inworld for my experience with the op.
  12. I contacted the op inworld and received no response.
  13. I contacted the op inworld, and it was a different thing entirely. She said they were looking for hosts and "models".
  14. Hi Henry. Just my thought- that was quite an essay you posted here. I personally didn't read it all. I bet others lost interest because of the length as I did. Maybe try posting a summary of what you need and then you can give details when you have a bite. Annabell
  15. If that is true, what is the purpose of this forum category?
  16. I think people post in the forum, and I could be wrong, to look for people to make friends with.
  17. Give the girl a break and don't attack for trying to make friends.
  18. You seem to be asking for a lot. It's a job but the employee has to supply your customers. Not sure how well that will work out.
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