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Annabell Wandsworth

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Everything posted by Annabell Wandsworth

  1. After reading your application/info notecard, I get the impression you are similar to a self publisher in real life. Is this correct?
  2. What is tag dancing? I have never heard of that.
  3. Wow, Raven, you got a few super cool and free options here. I hope you thanked them. 🙂
  4. After looking again at your pic I changed my mind about system pants but the forum won't let me delete my post.
  5. Rowan's options look great, but honestly I think you might be happier with system pants.
  6. It might be good if you said what kind of assistance you are looking for. I don't see any business in your profile.
  7. Your profile is completely blank. Not even a profile pic. I visited that restaurant and it looks very nice. I suggest get your avatar together and ask them how you can add to their team, if you are really interested.
  8. I was hired recently, and I can tell you that management is very nice. I recommend them.
  9. Hi. It doesn't seem like you need a photographer- your pics are good. That leaves two other things- a blogger and ad boards. Ad boards are easy. So sounds like what you really need is a blogger. Just saying.
  10. Your profile is blank. That is going to make it harder for people to take your proposal seriously, imo. You also have not said if you require them to make a financial contribution or not. If you at least had something on mp it would be better for making people thinking about working with you feel more comfortable. At this point I really can't see you finding someone.
  11. I highly recommend Quistess Alpha. She is very talented and easy to work with.
  12. Free small tattoo offered if you contact me in the next 15 minutes.
  13. Wow thanks. He has a completely different name now
  14. Hi Zayne. I wanted to contact you inworld but couldn't find your profile. I can help you with your sim. Please contact me here or inworld. Annabell Wandsworth.
  15. I can provide references. Price can range from 250L for a small simple tattoo to 3000L for full body. BOM/system, Slink applier, Maitreya applier, and Omega applier available.
  16. She does have a profile. I can't tell you how to view it since you are using a different viewer, but it does exist.
  17. She mentions one should apply if one has the skills for the positions, but does not define what skills she is looking for. Best of luck to the op. Annabell Wandsworth
  18. That is a firestorm glitch I wish they would fix. It has been a problem for a long time. Once you have that box, paste the name under people and you will get her profile.
  19. Need a specific tattoo and just can't find it? I can help you out. Here are some pics of some I have done. Annabell Wandsworth
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