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Tristizia Demonista

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Everything posted by Tristizia Demonista

  1. Never seen this before, looks more like a server issue though
  2. Avariado wrote: In fact, Second Life takes too long just starting/loading... even withOUT updates. Too long , is a highly subjective statement. What do you expect, start program and BANG ? For me the startup process is ok, if i log into an MMOG or something else, it takes time too.
  3. Did you try to log in on a different region ? Protected Lands like Pooley or Benach are allways good for this.
  4. Just install SL on your new laptop and log-in. All your data and inventory is stored by LL , not on your PC.
  5. Marybeth Cooperstone wrote: "Now that we can have mutiples of each clothing layer this isn't as much of a problem..." How does this work? When ever I put on one layer (e.g. underpants) whatever I had on comes off. Assuming you are on Viewer 2, you can wear multiple layers of clothing by right-click and "Add" them, "Wear" simply replaces the item currently in use on that spot. If you use a V1 based Viewer, you simply can't ! (And no, multiattachement points are NOT the same)
  6. If you are still in "Basic" mode, log off and switch to "Advance" Mode at the login screen.
  7. You might want to take a look in this Thread too http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Fashion/Quality-clothing-spots-what-are-your-suggestions/m-p/1011951/message-uid/1011951#M1011951
  8. Not in Mesh per se, but rather in what designers will make out of it. It's another tool for them to work with and therefore i'm pretty sure at least a few of them will make something awesome !
  9. Apuh DeVinna wrote: Maybe its related to what they say in this thread, sales down: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Decline-in-sales/td-p/1026607 Would make sense, if noone can log into MP
  10. Whitepelt Habsburg wrote: Ich hatte vor einigen Wochen das gleiche Problem. Ich hab den Router komplett neu gestartet und mir eine neue IP zuweisen lassen. Danach konnte ich wieder einloggen. Es scheint so als ob meine vorige IP von SL gebannt wurde. Warum und wieso hab ich bis heute noch keine Antwort von den Lindens bekommen. Das mit der IP Adresse liegt wahrscheinlich daran, dass es eine Dynamische IP Adresse ist. Wenn also irgendjemand mal irgendwo mist gebaut hat und dafür gebannt wurde und zufällig diese IP Adresse hatte, musst du es nun ausbaden Hmm, warum erinnert mich das an etwas in SL was mit IP Adressen und bannen zu tun hatte ?
  11. Zeaig Zabelin wrote: So this is just something i finally decided to ask about even tho its been around for a LONG time. Does anyone else ever get the strange Phenomenon where The client randomly decides to try to teleport you somewhere. You never actually go anywhere. But example. I may be standing in a spot and randomly il get a teleport screen. It wont actually send you anywhere but it acts as if its attempting to. This generally seems to happen most frequently if your moving your avatar to a new sim using the search feature. Never experienced this. Not even something roughly similar.
  12. In what Viewer 2 are you able to enable these ... menues? Certainly NOT in LL's. No Debug setting for that in there!
  13. No problems here (V 2), maybe you should try Chelsea's tips.
  14. Well, IF you don't need it, disable the service for Roaming Profiles in Windows and see if it works then.
  15. Deinstall the Viewer (and manually delete the folder in Programs if necessary) and delete the cache folders. Then do a clean install of ONE of these viewers at first, maybe start with the Dev-Viewer. You will have to redo all your prefs, but this might do the trick for you.
  16. Weige Edelmann wrote: i have purchased a structure which they advertise as fitting perfectly on my land parcel, however it has twice the amount of prims than what the land allows. Can i add Prims to mt land parcel to allow this structure on it?? No. The only way to raise the allowed Prims is to get more land
  17. Merkwürdig. Normalerweise ist das ein fehler der auftritt wen der Server irgendein problem hat. Am viewer selber liegt es wohl auch nicht. Was du aber mal probieren solltest wäre, deinstaliere SL (ALLE VIEWER) und lösche ALLE sachen die in den installationsordnern UND in deinen persöhnlichen einstellungen vorhanden sind. Bei Windows XP z.B. in Dokumente und Einstellungen/(dein name)/Anwendungsdaten/ & ..../(dein name)/Lokale Einstellungen/Anwendungsdaten/ . Damit löscht du zwar alle deine einstellungen aber kannst danach eine saubere neuinstallation vornehmen. Ansonsten, wenn das nicht funktioniert, keine Ahnung mehr ausser das du den Supprt um hilfe bittest Zum eingeben des Nachnamen noch. Gib dort einfach "Resident" ein .
  18. FranticIch wrote: Hallo erstmal, Ich spiele seit kurzem Second Life und kann mich eigendlich immer einloggen. Sobalt ich mich aber auf der Website ein- und ausgeloggt habe kann ich mich nicht durch den Viewer wieder einloggen da seteht irgendwas mit entweder ist was mit dem Grid nicht in ordnung oder es liegt an der Internet verbindung. Ich weiss nicht mehr weiter ich will nämlich einen Shop eröfnen und dafür muss ich ja sone Kiste hinstellen und dann hole ich mir sone kiste und kann mich wieder nicht einloggen XE PS. Bevor ich es vergesse am nächsten Tag kann ich mich wieder ohne Probleme mit dem Viewer einloggen?!? Du musst dich eigentlich nicht auf der webseite ausloggen um dich im viewer einloggen zu können. Hast du es schon mal probiert gleichzeitig im webbrowser auf deiner webseite UND den viewer laufen zu haben ?
  19. Lillith Firebrand wrote: I recently ordered some L$ direct from my viewer, Paypal confirms payment and yet I have not received my L$, any reason why this is? L$ were ordered 6 Aug 2011 still waiting This happens sometimes, it simply means that your order was somehow canceled Go to your Dashboard and look under Account -> Account summary. Normally the amount you entered when you bought the L$ now shows as credit under "US Dollar balance: ". Simply buy the L$ from your dashboard then, every amount of Lindens will be first taken from your credits.
  20. Ever tried to switch viewers the other way around ? I did, and i couldn't get used to the other Ui either! Anyway, as you allready pointed out, it is NOT only mesh that makes V2, there are a LOT of other things that, in MY opinion, make V2 the better choice for ME! I actually don't care what Viewer anyone uses, because everyone of us has their own reasons for that and that's fine, but i absolutly do not like this "I use this, the other Viewer is crap, so you have to use my choice!!" attitude that was displayed in the post i replied to!
  21. This is a bug in all viewers 2.8 and upwards There is allready a JIRA for this .
  22. Hmmm, log into your dashboard (www.secondlife.com) and look there if it still shows your groups. You mentioning that you can't rejoin, speaks more for it that you are still a member. As for the fact that you can't see them, is this still happening after a relog ?
  23. First, you DO NOT speak for most ppl. Second, it seems ppl like you, just scream the loudest and that don't necessarily make you a majority!!! So, if this old viewer works for you, fine, but stop trying to impose your opinion on others.
  24. If this amount does NOT show in your transaction history but is really gone, i guess all you can do is file a ticket and/or contact support
  25. Ann Holiday wrote: Could we PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have an option to disable key mappings. I'm so tired of jumping when I want to chat. I know how valuable some people find those remappings, but for some of us they're just a terrible annoyance. As long as the chat window or tag is active , they ARE disabled ! ETA: Also, under Prefs -> General you can choose if the keys start chat or move your Avi
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