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Tristizia Demonista

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Everything posted by Tristizia Demonista

  1. Or take a look at the Starlight Skins here : http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Viewer_Skins/Starlight
  2. Then better get used to it FAST And saying that that V1 is comfortable to use , is , well, a matter of aquired taste imo.
  3. Guess you don't have to worry about that, because FB & G+ do everything to delete ALL profiles that do not belong to a "Real" person
  4. Viewer 2.8.0 here. When i open ANY folder in Inventory, the viewer "hangs" for a moment Strange thing though is, inventory fetching at login is much faster than before. Unfortunatly the inentory stuttering is so heavy that i switched back to older viewer version.
  5. Quinn Morani wrote: .... Recent posts are no longer visible on Dashboard. That's a significant loss, because seeing posts in the Dashboard was how I ever discovered the forum in the first place. I second that! It was a great way to see instantly if there was something new and interresting.
  6. Torben Trautman wrote: Ein Like-Button, nur für Dich Geschieht mir wohl recht :smileyhappy:
  7. Nun, bin mir noch nicht ganz so sicher was ich davon halten soll. Ein paar Sachen sind ganz ok, so zum beispiel das alles mehr oder weniger unter einer Haube steckt, anderes ist erst einmal ...gewöhnungsbedürftig. Ich hoffe ausserdem das Ishtara unrecht hat, von wegen alles was nicht passt fliegt raus, ist aber eine eher schwache Hoffnung Ich werd mir das ganz einfach mal ne weile anschauen. PS: zumindestens werden wir hier (noch?) nicht wie befürchtet mit irgendwelchen "Like" Buttons zugemüllt.
  8. Well, it is a start Nothing more though. At least LL , for the 1st time EVER, acknowledged that this "device" is violating the TOS. hmm, now that rZ can't reveal alt's no more, i guess there are quite a few ppl out there who are VERY depressed
  9. Hung out at other forums and actually spend some time inworld :smileyhappy:
  10. Nice to see some bugs fixed About the new Webbased Profile ? Takes to much space on screen, loads too long and because of this the usual "lets have a look at his/her profile" is rather bothersome Also, for ppl like me who don't have (or want) FB, Twitter etc. it is kind of useless!! PS: Favorite LM's at startup don't work for me either
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