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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. DONE! Gone in split seconds! A Claudia got it. Congratulations new neighbour! May she enjoy it
  2. Sorry that was a typo - I had searched for Well Springs and then I got that adress instead of the point I was standing at. Allready corrected it.
  3. I can hardly believe it!! I managed to get the house I REALLY wanted in Blackwater ... the one opposite in the FIRST row with balcony towards the sea! My alt did ... it was empty and I just IMed the owner and she said she did not want it and could release it right away... and it HAPPENED - I refeshed manually and GOT it!! I had tried this several times before - as giver and as taker and NEVER succeeded ... but this time I did! Must have been a quiet time ... had autorefreshed for some hours and seen NOTHING ... no posts in the forum either... So this was my day!!! hurray!!! And that means I will be abandoning the one I got yesterday ... in 25 minutes from now at the full hour at 1pm SLT http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blackwater Shoals/33/151/33
  4. Like some others I am addicted to the catch and release game - just to see what I can find. By now my standards to KEEP something are extremely hight ... but a house NEXT to the water in the FIRST row might be more desirable. Wait and see!
  5. What an awfull pity! I tried to IM her in case she might be looking for something else and abandoning ... but she's not inworld.
  6. Refreshed loke mad ever since 20 and didn't even SEE any Bellisseria! It is snatched isn't it? or still in the pipe?
  7. I heard you just caught my dreamhome in Blackwater Shoals! Didn't you say wjat you REALLY want is a houseboat?
  8. I was just eating and watching TV for a while - when I switched to computer again I saw your post - 1 minute too late, Wildly logged my alt into the land page - there it was ... and GONE! As far as I know @Chloe Dolores really wants a houseboat ... so there is HOPE!
  9. Houseboat Lollipop http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lollipop/215/114/22 NOW abandoned And gone!! May Eva enjoy it! .... noone appeared at the spot so no immediat re-abandoning.
  10. Someone here who wants a houseboat in Lollipop? Will be abandoning in 18 minutes at 7:30 am SLT
  11. Actually I had "potatoes on my eyes" (as we would call it) What I took to be a lake in the background is when I look closer ... nothing! I imagined behind the trees was a big lake. My fault!
  12. To file a ticket against yourself would be simple nonsense! In this case as allways applies the simple rule: what isn't forbidden is allowed. The powers that be would have blocked relogging and getting a fresh ten tries if they had wanted to. They did a reasonable thing when they put in this new rule of max 10 in 10 minutes NOT because they expected we would not find this workaround but simply because they wanted to save their servers ! Before that people used to run autorefresh with refreshrates of every 2 or 3 seconds and let that run all day and night. If hundreds of people around the globe do that then the homeselectionpage would eventually run hot and break down. The new rule makes a big difference! Now either you run autorefresh for hours with 80 seconds (some even risk 72 but that is minimum) OR you decide to manually refesh as fast as you can ten times ... log out ... log back in ... another ten times and so on. Obviously that needs all yor attention and you cannot keep that up for more than a few minutes. If they forbid that aswell the only thing they'd get is to seriously annoy huge quantities of paying premium members especially those who only have one premium account. Others like me would simply relog with another account which would give us a big advantage ... so much to fair chances!
  13. Well contrary to what @LittleMe Jewell suspects I am not so desperate to get a free pickle that I would TP all around Belli to search for them ... let alone plain pickle icecream *shuddersatthemerethought* I just felt that when there is a poster announcing free pickles there should be a glas of them to help yourself to one ... and so I asked for it as I am a proud new Blackwater Shoals citizen and feel we should never be underprivileged! .... as for the ice cream how about strawberry? or chocolate? or vanilla? ... people who like pickle ice cream can put some vanilla on their pickle
  14. The situation is far less heated than it used to be. You seldom nowadays hear people say that they have desperately been trying for days (weeks months) to get ANY home in Bellisseria but in vain (like in the early months). Most homes are grabed by people like me (and the other active posters here) who just look at it, decide it is not what they want and abandon it again, so they are tossed around like a ball for a while untill someone catches them who likes and keeps them (for a while or for good). So if you abandon your present home you have a good chance to get another in a day or two (if you put some time and energy into the business). If you are keen on a camper you should wait a short while till they are releasing further camper- areas. That could be in the coming week more likely in the next. Right now they are finishing the Pickle Island.
  15. Did you mean ME or Pussycat? ... The inside of my house will look very much like my old one ... Or maybe not? I just bought meshwalls and painted each room in another colour ... but I will take my time with the inside. First I explored the new neighbourhood ... beach and so on ... and found it very satisfying.
  16. That is a bit confusing ... it is 12:40 SLT ... has it GONE or are you still considering it? My alt wants to go for it if you abandon... PS: Went to check inworld ...thought better of it ... will not go for it after all ... not really my thing.
  17. I bought the Givoria Wall Paint pack though it really costs a lot and it was rather easy to place. But now I am confused. It gives me a great selection of colours for each wall but no patterns. I thought that was what you meant by "have it's own textures (and a ton of them)" The good thing is that really EACH wall of EACH room is an extra face so you can tint or texture it seperately ... but the floors? doesn't it include the floors? and are there no patternd wallpapers?
  18. Just discovered that picture at the Pickle Kiosk in http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blackwater Shoals/165/118/25 Seems to have been taken at the party on 15th of May when the Squishjy Pickle was released. People I recognise are Patch Linden, Kona Linden, Abnor Mole, Glamorous Mole ... the others I am not sure ...
  19. Picknick at my new home - region: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blackwater Shoals/129/73/23 If you want to visit the lighthouse (and do not have a warable rowboat) you better TP There you can sit and watch the coastline You can walk up MANY stairs - or TP (I didn't manage that) or fly (tricky but I managed) and enjoy the view. Red lines mean that Pegleg Channel is yet to be released. There should be free Pickles but I could not find them @Dyna Mole who is in charge of these pickles? And once you are at it how about some free Icecream?
  20. Decker is a lovely location! My malealt has his camper there. It used to be right at the edge of the world but now they added a region row of just landscape (without campers) to make it feel less "edgy" Trailer_B02 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr
  21. It is great isn't it!! @Marianne Little made it for herself in a similar situation. There is a stairs at the left side from the backgarden to it. She isn't selling it as far as I know but I am sure she would give it to people who need it and ask her nicely.
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