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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. And I saw it again .... guess what I DIDN'T do? A bit like a ballgame isn't it? But one of the sort when you must not try to catch the ball but try not to be HIT by it!
  2. Sargac is not in my records - so must have bee released before June 24th - old region.
  3. If I can catch one either in Wellsprings or in Rocky Heights you can have ALL the other regions! Whatever I catch by accident in another region will be abandoned after the release has happened.
  4. Similar story here!! After on Friday I missed the Blackwater release (just been out of the room for 5 minutes) I had been extremely disapointed. Then I let the autorefresh work on the weekend on my netbook sort of just for fun ... BINGO ! On Saturday I caught an abandoned Blackwater in the second row ... and on Sunday? Someone mentioned that his neighbours in the first row seemed to be leaving (houses empty) so I just took a chance and asked them per IM if that might be the case and BINGO ... one of them said YES she was about to abandon right now ... and I set to refeshing manually like mad and BINGO really managed to grab it! Miracels do happen! Never give up!
  5. Do you know any shop for sounds that you could go to and actually HEAR the sounds before you buy them? Yesterday I searched fpr " wind-through-leaves " in the MP, found THIS and since I wasn't sure it was the right one and if I would like it, went to the shop inworld, expecting one could test it there but found nothing of that sort.
  6. I tried to send you an answer to that by message but was told you were not receiving any! ... so here goes... I obviously did NOT enter "to get a better look" - I can take all looks I need (and screenshots) by caming as you well know. I just considered filing an AR and for that wanted to make sure if these people had "taken all possible precautions" ... which they HAD by orbiting me ... had I succeeded to walk in I might have filed ... so I didn't.
  7. I would like to buy such a sound orb - which one is it?
  8. What is "parcel encroachment" ??? ... googeled it but made no sense!
  9. Be not too sure of that! .... I do not intend to answer! I've had enough of discussing whether or not camming inside peoples houses to look at their furniture (inspired by curiosity and hoping to pick up some inspiration) is making me a " Mrs. Kravitz". I am sure that LOTS of people do it.
  10. Tuesday is a "sometimes release day" - Tomorrow on Wednesday will be a "allways release day"! If my records are correct next to go would be ... (just hopped around and confirmed it) SSPE237 Verdant Falls - houses - still hoover texts over them SSPE252 Bennetts Cove - houseboats - still hoover texts over them SSPE254 Gentle Grove - houses - still hoover texts over them SSPE255 Whaleback - houses and houseboats - still hoover texts over them SSPE269 Rocky Heights - houses - still hoover texts over them SSPE270 Well Springs - houses - still hoover texts over them Why there are some regions in the middle not yet even named I cannor figure out. They used to release from left to right row after row from top to bottom, but for some unknownf reason they gave that up. So let's wait and see - and refesh - and hope for the best.
  11. I went inworld and had a look. You and Marianne are neighbours and you installed a very interesting addon to your Continental with lots of room and windows - perfect for that location. I myself wasn't at home so was glad to hear it was "only" Goodbury that I had missed today and not Well Springs which I am most interested in.
  12. When long time ago I had stumbeled over some really horrid photos of real people inside a house by sort of accidentally caming through the walls (because I wanted to check if there was furniture inside) you seemed to be of another opinion, I had just enquired if perhaps I aught to notify LL about these RL hardcore porn PHOTOS that someone had plastered all walls of his house with ... and what I got was a xxxstorm about how I could DARE to intrude into this persons privacy and how he could have whatever he chose inside his house.
  13. Just TPed to Pegleg all boats are still Governor Lindens
  14. What makes you all so sure it will be Pegleg Channel next? If I was I wouldn't refresh - I want no houseboat. but they released some of the regions I have been interested in at irregular times when noone expected them so I allways take part iin the race - just to be on the safe side!
  15. Tried not to ... but thouht it might be the release! ...Houseboat going back into the pool http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Guppy/43/69/27
  16. No problem! As soon as there is ANY noise in the neighbourhood - Dogs, Motorcycles or such - I'll do as I am used to do. Restrict to parcel and my own soundorbs!
  17. First thing on a new parcel usually I check in the landmenue "Sounds restricted to parcel" ... but yesterday at the shore in Blackwater to my pleasant surprise I found that the Moles seem to have installed exactly the sounds I would in other cases add ... waves , gulls PLUS gardenbirds!! Welldone!
  18. How extraordinary that these houses in the first row in Blackwater (you have been my next door neighbour) have been abandoned so often since the release on Friday. To my personal taste these four houses are the most desirable that ever have been released in Bellisseria. Only in the north of the pickle there are a few parcels (not yet released) that I MIGHT prefer. Well good to see that tastes differ such a lot so it is more likely that everybody in the end might live in his dreamhome!
  19. What's really georgeous about this house is what you MADE of it! A real jewel! But after all your things have been returned to your inventory the next owner will have to start from scratch!
  20. I am not quite sure - I believe the next one to the left - if you look towards the sea. THIS glorious house! The blue one. Wait till I added the wrap around porch! then it will be perfect!
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