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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. Was easy this time ... only once back and forth then I had one! Was so easy that I first thought it was an abandoned - had to check my list of pending regions.
  2. Verdant Falls released! Four of us! all at the same time! ... *lol* I've got a house ... will check and lateron release!
  3. NO ... not that we noticed ... and have been paying CLOSE attention! might be later then 12:00 am SLT because of maintainance. or not at all! it is Thursday ... it CAN happen but may not happen aswell...
  4. I just asked in inworld chat and someone said it is unlikely to have a release before noon SLT because of the maintainance...
  5. Saw two more in a row ... thought might be an early release ... but seems abandoneds. Just now a boat 5:48 am SLT.
  6. Traditional passed by 5:43 am SLT ... first I saw since about an hour autorefreshing 80 sec.
  7. Me and my alt put on lots of sunmilk - still I am afraid we will be well done by the end of the day! If they do not go aheaa and release early today!
  8. Just like me! I have looked at a few homes now that top everything I have ever seen before and am determined to get one of them or dye trying ... äähem well avas do not dye do they? Anyway I am going to cry myself to sleep if I fail! For Goodbury I did not try from the beginning - lovely homes but not my cup of tea!
  9. Do you know of any other regions besides the Pickle island that are named and not yet released? I am just TP- ing around to find them and could save some time if someone told me. I am NOT out to get a plot there! I am not going to aim for any region on the mainland, just want to calculate chances how much longer I will have to camp on my favourite island regions till they are released.
  10. Why didn't you post something? We were sooooo fixed upon the Pickle (at least I was) that noone thought of camperregions. I never looked at them (since I am not interested in them) and thought they hadn't even been NAMED yet. ohhhhh fool me!!
  11. Just now I was thrown out for they restarted Toad Hollow!
  12. Just like me - I thought it was an abandoned - didn't like it - abandoned it right away! Now I realize that this is a new CAMPER region - a mixed one with houses and campers. And I thought it was an old one! Well anyway I would not have wanted that house. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Toad Hollow/219/224/25 But if I had realized that Toad Hollow was today's release I would have announced it here for the people that missed out. Sorry for that.
  13. There WAS a release ... I clicked back and forth - all houses - 20 or 30 times. Then there were a few camper - and I ended up with a house in Toad Hollow ...:-((( But THAT was NOT the release!
  14. You should not have to return anything. The moment you abandon a home ALL you rezzed there is automatically returned to your inventory so you get the house allways in a factory fresh state. I guess that @Atina0 meant what the NEIGHBOURS did to their homes . She could not return that ... but derender it!
  15. Just asked in inworld-chat - noone knows anything. But I am sure there will be a release in the next 60 minutes ... why?? Because I am going to cook my dinner ... and they are sure to ruin that !! last Wednedsay I ate overdone vegetables near midnight (MY midnight which is 15:00 SLT)
  16. That feeling is sheer wishfull thinking! I am camping there since HOURS and no sign of a restart.
  17. It is not a question of mere LUCK. Like everything you try to acchieve in live it is a MIXTURE of capability, training, determination, time invested and luck. Maybe @Marianne Little is just the best of us in that combination!
  18. This issue is something that is rather unnecessary I believe. If they released in a certain sequence I for instance would not bother to refesh at all or watch the regions and the forum closely as long as my two favourites are not released. Would save me lots of time and also the homes- page would get less stressed if not ALL the people would have to refesh ALL the time but only the ones interested in the current release candidate region. As to your assumption that I have come across at least one satisfying home I can admit that I have a very satisying home in Axim and annother in Blackwater and cannot figure out yet which I like better. Should I be able to catch one in Rocky Heights or Well Springs that might top them both and be the dreamhome I will eventually keep for good. If I never get another home that satisfies me I will not be heartbroken but I keep trying for something better as long as something better is imaginable.
  19. I left my watcpost in Wellsprings for some minutes ... but when I got back still red hovertext over the houses.
  20. JUst looked both are sitting next to a house ON a parcel ... hoovering red text says ... xyz Protected Land
  21. Actually I do not think that Well Springs or Rocky Heights will be released today. There are enough other regions that should go BEFORE them ... at least if they would stick to their usuall patern. top to bottom - left to right ... they might stick to that ... or they might not.
  22. THat's what might happen to me to... these two camp on my tower in the livingroom while I try to do some bookeeping at my bedroom desk! But NOW I'll join them and keep an eye on them while cutting some carrots for my lunch.
  23. Two of these green dots are me and my alt. They are camping there so that I notice when the region is restarted. The same idea seems to have occured to a couple of other people!
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