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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. Influencer for Bellisseria Homes? - that never occured to me but it amuses me! *lol* Well some of us might be, but tastes really vary a lot and while I am absolutely fixed on seashore or at least a good view of seashore that's just my personal taste. In RL I spent nearly ALL my holidays at some island or seashore ressort and I was born and raised in Bremen which is not at the sea but you can reach the coast in an hours drive and the wonderfull islands in the nothern sea in a days excursion. Now I live in the south - far from the sea and long for it! Others love rocks or woods or ponds, waterfalls, parks, meadows and those landscapes are JUST as beautyful!! Well done moles!! Contrary to some people here I dare to say that the homes vary in quality - which is absolutely normal and to be expected if you try to model a continent with landscape that ressembles RL!! There are certain homes (few) that 95% of the people would love, lots of homes that 70 to 80% of the people would love and (just a few) ) others that only 20% would love (but 50% would keep because of the shortage) so they get tossed about like a ball for a while before they find their owner. But however that may be ... you need no influencers to tell you what home you should love and keep. Like in RL househunting (and very much like in LOVE and chosing you partner) there is a shortage, you can not GET just everything you want but you can look at what you have and COULD get and decide if that is good enough to keep it. And RL or SL - like in love you might end up having nothing at all if you are tooo choosy ... or with something a lot worse!
  2. It doesn't matter to me a lot anymore for I finally found a parcel that makes me happy so I will not take part in the race ... ... or I just might?? with an alt just out of curiousity - catch and release - and announce - like @Chloe Dolores did?? But when I still was househunting seriously I really VERY much appreciated that there were SOME rules to this game (or so it seemed): never on weekends, never outsiden LL business hours 6 am to 2 pm and NEVER a second release after one had happened. Why? So after the release you could relax and shut of the autorefesh and go about your RL business again - or to bed! On Friday happened something that shocked me and had never happened before: they just changed the rules in the mid of the game so that I didn't notice the Rocky Heights release at all, didn't take part and missed out completely! Well I got my consolation and dried my tears and LEARNED one thing: It is their game and they make the rules and change them whenever they please and we can do nothing but guess and take what we get.
  3. I had been very suprised to find that same happening last weekend in Blackwater. There was much change in owners. Actually people tend to assume that what they feel to be sheer perfection would appeal to everyone (at least to an extend). But in RL like in SL (and whether we talk about love or homes *ggg*) perfection lies in the eye of the beholder, tastes vary WILDLY and it takes all kinds of people to make a world. I myself cannot understand people either who let go of a home in Rocky Heights (at least of one of the about 6 ideal ones with waterfront).
  4. Allways very risky! Than CAN succeed but as likely as not fail. I tried it several times ... also with you- remember? - and it failed! I sent you an inworld IM with the time we chose.
  5. A friend comforted me ... abandoning a nice seashore parcel and we managed to choose a VERY quiet time and time it to the second so I DID manage to catch it!! It really succeeded and now I am SUPERHAPPY again!!
  6. I understand what you mean. I knew the odds of getting one of the six or eight PERFEKT lots in Rocky Heights were all against me. I might not have been able to catch any of the houses flying by ... I might have caught one but the wrong one (like it was in Well Springs) and abandoned it again. That would be normal and to be expected and I could have coped with it .... ... but that exactly in the moment when my most wished for region was released this was done in a way it has never been done before and in a way that I didn't even NOTICE the release and didn't even take part in it after having spent endless days and weeks in this thread and constantly aware and refreshing all week all LL working hours ... .... that somehow is tooo much bad luck! I will not commit virtual suicide though but I think a bit of a fed up feeling is appropriate!
  7. Whatever they release next I am not in the game any longer. The only houses I was REALLY keen on, really VERY VERY keen on are in Rocky Hights. I camped there for days not to miss when it restarted. Then I thought this days/weeks releases were over and logged ot .... THEN a second release the first time ever! one after the other! If he had read all this here and wanted to make me unhappy and disappointed he could not have done it in any better way - but I know this is sheer coincidence! I am not important enough to be annoyed intentionally! I am just rather fed up right now. But I have a house - a really nice house - so all is well.
  8. There have been double releases but at the same time in one bunch not one after the other. I didn't even read here anymore for I was convinced this days release was OVER. Now I am done with it! All other regions can go to other people,
  9. Me neither! Did not even notice it!! And Rocky Heights was THE MOST important region for me!! Cannot describe my dissapointment!
  10. Not really!??? Has there been a second release then? Rocky hights had still red lettering AFTER the Well Springs release!
  11. Should I REFRESH the error page? or the land page?? I usually just go back with the link "... choose another combination..." then I see a house (the same?) and without refreshing hit NEXT again ... and so on 20 or 30 times till I usually succeed
  12. Then you log out - log in again - and have another 10 tries - and so on. Did you read that...?
  13. That error message is normal ... we all keep getting that! ...you must go back and try again ... and after 20 or 30 tries you MIGHT succeed
  14. I got one but it is up not at the water ... am goiing to abandon it at 10:00 SLT in 5 minutes http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Well Springs/192/191/34
  15. I just looked fpr the newly named regions in the map and sorted out which SSPE they had been before. Helps (me) to get them located on the map SSPE043 = Doodah SSPE044 = Whackamole SSPE045 = Copper Kettle SSPE046 = Orion Falls SSPE062 = Madison Creek SSPE068 = Paislee Springs SSPE069 = Badger Mounds SSPE078 = Lake Dacus SSPE079 = Rabbit Run SSPE083 = Wiggle SSPE095 = Toad Hollow
  16. Well our favourite gem- regions have still the red hoovertext and me and my alt are camping on them so far undisturbed. But as of now they renamed lots of camper regions and I guess they just released one of them. By now I think I can tell a release from a bunch of abandoneds ... these were far to many for abandoneds- didn't catch any though. Otherwise I would know where!
  17. Abandoned - was grabbed in seconds - very young avatar - I guess someones alt. May they enjoy it.
  18. No harm done! Didn't even realize since I was posting here.;)
  19. You meant Thursday! - but you are right it is another "not allways release" day ... and they had a maintainance running so most people might not have found it worthwhile refreshing .
  20. I will abandon in 25 Minutes at 12:30 pm SLT - it's quite a lovely position .... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Verdant Falls/18/191/34
  21. For those of you that have missed the release ... I will abandon in 25 Minutes at 12:30 pm SLT - it's quite a lovely position .... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Verdant Falls/18/191/34 see photos here
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