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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. /me claps for your wonderful and well put response.
  2. You have a pink bikini on there, where was that bought at? thank you hun!
  3. I just discovered your blog and I love it!! Just had to let you know you have a new fan.
  4. Neat video, thanks for sharing. Was cool to see people I recognized in it.
  5. Hello Nick. I dont have aspergers but my brother does. i may not personally know how it feels but I have taken care of my brother and have seen his stuggle. I am always looking for friends. IM me inworld if you are interested.
  6. I've been told pose balls were for dancing when in fact they were for sex. I just got up and left. That was against my will but I stopped it. So Im not sure how it is possible. Even if you RLV you still have to give Permissions. You chose it. How would they rape you. Tell you to type naughty things.. Not sure if that would work if the victim didnt want it to happen. My personal thoughts anyway.
  7. I have seen some scary stuffon trending as well but unless it has to do with illegal stuff I just scroll on by. Some are over sensitive and would report just about anything. So I do agree but at the same time to each their own.
  8. Hey could always use more friends. IM me in world.
  9. Where I agree with you I understand her mistake. New and old can be scammed. I was scammed by someone and I have been here +3 years. She might not have played frequently the time she has been here or perhaps got the name wrong. Happens.
  10. Ima Rang wrote: Kezio wrote: I didn't dress like a tramp, I dressed nicely I mostly wore long medieval style dresses, or jeans and jumpers, just everywhere I went I was hit on, even at stores choosing clothes I would get IMd by a guys talking dirty to me. I didn't have access to adult areas because I wasn't age verified. So I have no idea why I was particularly hit on, and my bed at my home had singles animations which was all I intended to use, it was a nice bed and had the option of sex animations if you wanted but I didn't use them. But I certainly didn't expect a man I thought I could trust as just a friend to turn up naked at my home then go straight to my bedroom trying out sex positions. It doesn't seem like it is only me however, this I found makes a whole lot of sense as to why some women would choose a male avatar as well, if only just for a peaceful life of no harassing IMs from men. This just happened day in and day out, not even a moments peace did you find? Maybe you could post a pic of the female avatar you used so we can all see what a man magnet looks like in the pixel. I don't think it was as frequent as she says it is but maybe she felt like that. There are days where I get bombarded with IMs however being hit on is maybe 60 percent. The other half just want to talk and get to know me. Most days however I can hear crickets. Still she is entitled to feel or perceive however she does. I don't know why people bash her. I don't think she is saying it as Im so pretty look at me. If she was she would have stayed a female. I think she is just saying how she felt to which I say lucky her LOL.
  11. I meant to ask the OP..being silly and failing. Lol
  12. Thank you sweetie, enough plastic surgery and you too can look this good. lol
  13. I have been accused of being an alt, it was actually my to RL sisters and I. So we were threatened to be banned from a club. We all logged in and started talking to different people at the same time in the club so we proved we were different people. I was new that the time but now that I have a few years under my belt I want to ask them, so what if I am an alt you still get my money the same. What does it matter? However the club was shut down. Staralien wrote: I have two alts. The first is a male I created within a month of joining SL just for the fun of it. He has been very useful when things seem to break and I need to test things around my property. He is much more convenient than asking someone to help me, and he keeps his emotions in check and I don't have to worry about him getting the wrong idea just cause we had a cuddle or two. Recently I have started making animated furniture, so he has really been handy helping me set up couple poses. The second is a female I created a few months ago when my account was messed up for three days and I couldn't TP anywhere, my avatar had two sets of clothing, hair and shoes on, my friends and groups had disappeared, I couldn't talk to anyone, and it was just a huge mess. I created her to see if it was SL, my viewer or my account and it was my account. So I used her to get around SL, communicate with employees so they would know what was going on and could handle things the best they could. LL was very good at working with me on it, but it still took them about 3 days to figure out the problem and fix it. In the mean time, it was actually kind of nice because with her, I was able to explore and do things without being bothered. Since then I have used her as a CPA to keep a business venture I started separate from my other interests. I understand about some people that use alts in ways to be sneaky and why some would be suspicious of them. Some people even think that if they use an alt to play around, then it isn't really cheating. I have come across people that have created a new one just to start over for whatever reason. I know someone that has created two of each sex just so she can roleplay the family thing without compromising her real life marriage. I myself have been the victim of someone who thought I was an alt within a few days of me joining SL because I was fortunate enough to have had help putting together a decent avatar and I caught on quickly. However, I still wasn't used to paying attention to local chat so she thought I had ignored her. I am still banned from her land to this day as she refused to even listen to me and even now, she just won't listen. What is really sad about that, is she supposedly helps newbies. There are some unique shops there I wish I could shop at, but I can't. In SL you will come across all sorts of people. Some are really super nice and will become lifelong friends, some are super mean and will become your sworn enemies just because that is the sort of people they are, and then there is everything in between. In any case, just try to be the best person you can be, move on, and enjoy your Second life!
  14. Kezio wrote: Sephina Frostbite wrote: I'm a female in a rl and sl. However I am 4 ft 9in in rl and I'm pretty sure my avi is almost seven feet. Hi, i am also female in RL, i thought i would check out the forums the first time in a long while and i didnt expect some of the rude sarcastic responses just from asking a simple question here, some of the posters are very hostile if you are new, so thankyou for being one of the few that are nice and polite in your reply to me :matte-motes-smile: Something I was taught a long time ago. It takes the same amout of energy to be nice as it does to be mean. So whats the point of being mean.
  15. I'm a female in a rl and sl. However I am 4 ft 9in in rl and I'm pretty sure my avi is almost seven feet.
  16. I'm curious now....am I one of those cool people you were talking about?
  17. I dont any Alts because I love spoiling this one but I do understand why some people need them. I also understand some women/men being cheated on so much in so that its made them paranoid and bonkers.
  18. What are your thoughts on having a room mate? Money doenst matter because I can afford it by meself more like having someone there once and a while to fill in the emptiness.
  19. I have just want you need.. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Nude-Pasties/4586225 I was the one who posted it.
  20. KaelemDajuan wrote: Syo Emerald wrote: You have absolutely no idea what real flaming is.... Yes I do know what flaming is, flaming someone is being abusive to them for example yelling at them in a post when all they have done is offered some advice, I don't come here expecting to be shouted at, if that is allowed here then I shall not participate in this forum any longer. I believe (and I could be wrong hun) that is trolling. Flaming (and I could still be wrong) is when a homosexual man acts feminine but in an dramatic way.
  21. Now we just need a water assault team LOL
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