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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. I can personally say that Sonja is a sweet heart. She has helped me a few times. I have nothing but repect for her. As for bloodlines I have seen good families and bad. The ones I come accross seem desperate and nwo I know why. Its expesive to buy blood. However one could say that about my shopping habbits lol. If it makes you happy go for it. But all I have ever seen in the BLines is Drama drama drama and desperation but doesnt mean there isnt a good side as Ms Sonja has pointed out. GL sweetie.
  2. hmmm none of the names fit but I think blake if out of those. She needs a strong name.
  3. TeemoLovesMe wrote: Due to his lifestyle, I guess he's not going up there, but down there apparently. Im perfectly fine with people having there own opinions but please save it for a more appropriate place.
  4. Sweetie, you do what is best for you and to hell who ever has anything to say to it. A few days ago I would have said to make a small rememberance but now I understand. I recently lost my sister and she is the one who introduced me to sl. I wouldnt be here if it wasnt for her. I know your pain. I dont know whether to play or not some days and I want to make some sort of shrine to her.. I know I might sound crazy right now... So if it gives you a little comfort even for a little while, do it. Not like if you change your mind it cant be taken down.
  5. Thank Mari. You have lots a talent. Thank you for sharing.
  6. I love thosr poster made me lauh, great work.. I wanna see more lol
  7. I am pretty sure that hair came out with in the last few months. I know because I was upset that such sexy hair looked bad on me. I kept putting on the demo almost a million times praying that it would all of a sudden look great but alas it was for not. It makes my forehead look huge. Magika hair are 250 a pop unless its a sale or none mesh and as for analog dog they have an ecentric look that not everyone can pull off.
  8. I love dancing, making people laugh, meeting new people and I aslo love to learn new things.....oh oh and I love books, anime, cartoons....yes I did say cartoons and yes Im an adult lol... and up for just about anything so long as its fun.
  9. Ill show you some new places.. ill message you inworld of u want.
  10. Im always up for friends and i love anime..
  11. Thanks for the giggles and putting the shoe on the other foot.
  12. That is assuming that one who is attacked is wallowing in self pity. One can have hurt feelings without self pity.
  13. Words may not hurt but the meaning behind them can. No one is a wall all the time.
  14. Now I have to learn how to make an alpha... Oh well its a good skill to learn.
  15. Thank you for your help, now to learn how to minipulate prims....yeah...
  16. My cat loves to hit my monitor as I move the mouse around. I guess its just a cat and mouse game to her.
  17. I agree and want to add that part of the reason Sl is behind graphic wise is due to the fact that its user created. Most people just dont have those skills to build to todays standards. Imho of course but I think that having to graphics standards higher is sl would make less creators and in turn less people. If it wasnt for my sister showing me sl as well as a love for creating I would have left sl after my first broken heart.
  18. Isnt that the truth. Lol my cat I rescued is so easy to get along with so long as she always gets her diva way.
  19. Morgaine Christensen wrote: Check the folder or box your corset came in and see if there is an "alpha" layer. You will need to wear it with the corset. This should solve the issues you are having and can go back to some nicer breast than 0. If there is not alpha layer included, I would contact the person you got the corset from and ask to send you a copy. I have the alpha layer on. they didnt put it high enough i think. or my girls are covering up the top of the corset.
  20. Duh I forgot to explain. Im extra special today. Yes the mesh corset is digging into my breast but not matter how high I lift the twins unless I make my girls a 0 or so the mesh corset does that. Is there no fix?
  21. As you can see the corset is in and I need to make under the breast smaller but what slider is that? Thanks in advance.
  22. Tex Monday wrote: Welcome to SL, Amy My suggestion is to go into the search function in your viewer and find groups with people who have similar interests to you. Try dancing, BDSM (there's LOTS of those) and any kind of specific rp you might like. Once you find a group, join it. Then either send a group message or, if there's no one there, send an IM to the moderator (if they're on). I'm sure there's lots of people there who would love to chat with you. Good luck.. No kidding, you dont even have to put in key words to get that to pop up.
  23. Freya Mokusei wrote: Mute/block her and move on. This is just drama, it doesn't matter. She does certainly sound crazy. Skip on her and live your Second Life more peacefully. Trying to deal with her will just be throwing away time you won't get back. Isnt that the truth. OP its a waste of time. Whether you did it or not she wont believe you so just move on. Why does she think you gave it out btw. What made her think that?
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