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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. Liri Pexie wrote: http://rprewards.com/?ref=4zvQJlHxc Was that the wrong website??
  2. squashy Beeswing wrote: Why is it so many forum females seemingly feel the need to boast about / complain about / boastfully complain about how they keep "getting hit on" becos their avatar is just too damned attractive? FGS, it's SL, it happens to EVERYONE. Get over it! *rolls eyes* Why'd you think there's such a thriving skin/shape/fashion industry? Could it be 'cos we're ALL enabled to look precisely as hot -- or not -- as we choose to be? Seriously, you deserve no kudos. I mean, you could be wearing one of those ghastly 'shy caramelle' skins and you'd still get hit on, guaranteed. My best pal runs around in the guise of a giant mesh rabbit and even SHE gets dry-humped by total strangers. :smileysurprised: I repeat: It's SL; it goes with the territory! LMAO so true!!! Thanks for this post. Everyone in sl is hit on.. And seriously I would not be complaining. (seriously, I like to get hit on). Any one??? /me hears frogs croak... *sigh As someone who used to be a dancer I can vouch that even the... Less blessed avis get all kinds of attention. Proves in the land of sl there is someone for everyone..Even it it is smex.
  3. Hellespont Hoorenbeek wrote: Everybody stop buying and spending L$ in world this is the only way we can wake up Linden Lab and force them in a position to allow 3th party banks like DX Exchange, Virwox and others to continue. Linden Lab is the creator of Second Life, Linden Lab if they continue will also tare it down! People it is time for action! How about no. I like sl and I am hoping it will flurish again.. I know it wont but maybe if I buy enough stuff it will I understand why you are upset. I would be too but that wont make sl go back it might however make it just stop all together. I dont want that to happen untill there is a replacement...and I can transfer my avi.
  4. Tried looking them up on the Mp and inworld and sex sites come up.. am I missing something?
  5. Czari Zenovka wrote: I must be the one person in SL who doesn't go to Truth...lol. I'm an Analog Doll type of gal. Ill have to look them up hmm
  6. Sometimes I just want to say forget it.. Im tall and thats how I am going to be, love it or hate it. Its me. Ill show you what I mean slender and curvy.. as soon as I grab a snap shot..lol
  7. Wrote you inworld, hope to talk soon. We have a lot of the same interests.
  8. Thank for the heads up.. Misread as others have I see as well. /me walks away with head down in shame...
  9. Czari Zenovka wrote: Marigold Devin wrote: what that tattoo told the world she was - and definitely not my type. Edited to add: I actually think its refreshing that a 22 year old isn't into tattoos, because in my home town the younger generation really seem to favor them, with a sheep-like mentality. Good on the OP for being an individual with their own very strong mind. Agree - I found that refreshing. I actually agree. Something's are deal breakers. Hers happens to be tats. What I was surprised at is the fact that you can invest a half a year into a relationship with someone and just drop them. Must have been a bad tat or not that good of a relationship. I would hope no one is that shallow however even if she was its her life.
  10. I finally got in!!! Thanks everyone.. Does this mean no more truth or they just starting with all new stuffs?
  11. :P Been trying forever to get into the Truth Hair main store. Seriously do I have to be on sl at like 3 am to get in there? They sure know how to get a frenzy going. I have been trying for weeks now.
  12. I love them if they are done well. 6 months and you left just like that? You must really hate tats are wasn't that interested in him. None of my business of course. Just IMHO
  13. Fortunately for me and I hope others as well the walmart prepaid card works. Hope that helps hun.
  14. Frawmusl wrote: Well I might if I didn't just fall straight asleep... Seriously I don't understand how people can stay awake after smoking/eating marijuana People get used to it. They Build up a tolerance. Plus not all Mj does the same things. Some actually people energy. EDIT: Corrected my misspellings and half sentences. Yes I am sober. lol
  15. Someone just made my shape mini, Im impressed, thank you everyone all of you were helpful. and special shout out the the one who made my shape. She made it look easy pssh.
  16. Id love my avi shape but shorter. But if that cant be done I do have a mental picture but as for on paper no not at the moment. Ill have to come up with one .. hmm
  17. So I love my avi but sometimes I want to be shorter. I have scoured the mp and inworld places for shapes and I find that most that are curvy have extra wide hips and thick extreme arses and thighs that look almost too disproportionate. I have an amazing friend who gave me shapes to start with and play with but alas I have no talent what so ever with shapes. I always find something wrong with it. Does anyone know of any petit (slender), curvy shapes. Thanks a bunch. I wish I could have my shape just shorter but I tried that and let me tell ya, it wasnt pretty lol.
  18. I actually love this suggestion. I often would like to buy something for someone just because never know it would help them out. Also would be nice for mesh catagories to be added to hair and clothing ect.
  19. Just saw SOPHISTISHAPES have a few nice avis Hope that helps.. Not sure what you are really going for.
  20. Ze Verino wrote: sorry i forgot to put male skin Then dont listen to me
  21. Ze Verino wrote: Hi Everyone.. I was hoping if anyone knew some good quality places or Shop. where you can get some good skins and shape and some tattoo and chotes. main thing is the skin and shape. i was thinking about changing my Avi couse i had this Avi for a like 2 years i think i think it time for a change many thanks and hoping you can point me the right place thanks for the help Just replying on this forum so I can folow up. I tried to change my avi to make her shorter because now that the trend is "realistic" Heights Im a taller then a lot of girls. I felt out of place going to clubs but sadly my shape shorter is horrid and no matter how I shape and mold others shapes I just feel out of place. So here I am tall and proud I think al vulo has great skin as well as estyle. Although Estyle doesnt support Lolas. If you dont want to worry about them then there skin is wonderful as well as Wow Skins that do suppport lola tangos.
  22. Glory Takashi wrote: Actually unless the person has a very long list of AR's against them not likely the Lindens will even look into it. There was a day when you could actually call a linden through the viewer if there was a problem and one would actually come investigate within a few moments. That though was when the population had yet to reach 7k concurrent. They closed that avenue down and pretty much pay little or no attention to resident issues unless there are a huge amount of complaints. You are absolutely right. Nothing might be done but since its a pattern long done and several people I know are doing it as well something might be done. Am I holding my breath? Absolutely not. However if we keep reporting and it stacks maybe something will. Either way I did my part and its up to others to do theirs.
  23. Walmart money card has worked for me for years. Only one time I had an issue and thats because of the browser. I had to go to another one but since then went back and no issues.
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