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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: afaik noone here took the video in a bad way.... the only thing that has been made in the bad way, was when the op when to insult someone who just said that the video wasnt not really matching his likes but the message was however good... really, being insulted for having expressing his likes is for me the only bad thing ive seen here.. Thats what I meant, Not the video. Sorry I said it wrong.
  2. A visual helped, I use Firestorm as well, Thank you. Filed with ease. Now just cross my fingers right? lol
  3. Thank you bunches Ren and I do have it set. Someone when I first started told me to always save chats. So thankfully this time I did.
  4. Another question is How do I look up chat log history, I am using firestorm. Thank you once again.
  5. So a few people told me I should file a AR but not sure how to. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  6. IvanTwin Rogers wrote: Horrible video and theme post :matte-motes-angry: I think it was a beautiful video and would have been a beautiful post if people hadnt taken it the wrong way.
  7. I just assumed that LL is liable for nothing it does. Its given me a real expectation of SL and I haven't has issues since. I assume that whatever I put in I might not get back. Makes like easier that way.
  8. Teagan Tobias wrote: Can i has your stuff? :matte-motes-big-grin: Me first!
  9. I clicked the tiny accept box after I has scrolled all the way down. Maybe a solution?
  10. Raven1 Short wrote: I think they both look really good. If you sold it I'd wear it. I second that!
  11. ImaTest wrote: When I give freely from the heart, regardless of what it is I am giving, I set no expectations of a return, of any sort. A lesson I learned in rl a very, very long time ago. When there are expectations of a return on the part of the giver, the giving wasn't done freely. That probably sounds a bit more harsh than it should, but I still find it to be the best philosophy when it comes to relationships with others. No matter how big, small, long or short, if I stick to this philisophy there is never any disappointment on my end. If I don't, I leave room for possible disappointment. When that happens, I don't feel so good about myself. Knowing I cannot control the actions, thoughts, feelings or words of another, I stick to controlling my own. I cherish the friends I make. I cherish the ones who stick around as much as the ones who up and leave. It's not often a person just ups and leaves with no clue, or warning, they intend to do so. It happens, but not often. We usually just choose to ignore any clues, or warnings. Usually because we have an invested interest in the person. The invested interest is because of the expectations we set. So, that's my advice, don't set expectations. Life life freely. Give of yourself freely. Let the world give itself to you as freely as it wishes. Be happy with what you receive in return. Don't focus, worry or even think about what you're not getting in return. You'll only disappoint yourselves. Others aren't the ones disappointing you, it'syour expectations letting you down. A relationship that has expectations on either side, isn't an equal relationship at all, imo. A rough life lesson to learn, yes, but if I hadn't learned it, I'd still be a very bitter man. I was left a very long time ago to raise a newborn son, by someone I had no reason to believe would ever leave, much less leave her son. I was angry, for a long time, then I realized how pointless it was to be angry. I can either accept this, or not. But either way, I had a life to live, and a life to raise. Since then, I've eliminated my expectations in others and simply taken life, and people, as they come. Life is much happier now. I have also learned that lesson as well. You put it into words beautifully.
  12. Zenephobe wrote: You are gay, in the bad way. Nothing wrong wth being a bad gay. I quite like it.
  13. On your camera functions, the one that lets you move the angel there is a change view. Back. side and foward.
  14. Pamela Galli wrote: I try to pick friends that are much nicer and have far better character than I do. The mystery is why they seem to be okay being friends with me. I love this!
  15. Tex Monday wrote: Sephina Frostbite wrote: Is what I need, thank you What it something I said??? :matte-motes-shocked: lol gigglesnorts. Didn't you know never to take food from a stranger, especailly me. . I acutally need it for a photo shoot.
  16. There are apartments for 5 linden a week. I need to look them up as I don't know the LMs anymore but Ill message you inworld.
  17. Sonja Smedley wrote: Yes it really seems that my exspectations were far too high.....but for me it was real friendship.On her side it was...I don´t know....superficiality, well I mean I even helped her when she had problems with her account cause of her RL husband.At this time I was good enough. From what little I talk to you, you seem like a very caring person. I hope you can find people who are just the same. I am sorry that you are going through this. I too am cleaning out my "friends" list and its looking smaller every day. But at least at the end of the day all that is left are people who are worth my time and I am worth theres. Edit: Spelling, because Im extra special today.
  18. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Could it be that your subconscious motives for being so giving are not necessarily, entirely pure? Perhaps you've set your expectations of these people, to which you've been so generous, far too high... making it seem as though all they do is take, when that may not be an accurate assessment of the situation. Regardless, the only way you've wasted your time is if you've learned nothing in the process... after all, that's what life is all about. ...Dres You do have a point there. I was guilty of this once time long ago. Now Im am just sweet and never expect anything back not even a friendship. I am much happier for it.
  19. As Jewel had said, That video is so moving, I also am in tears. Thank you for sharing that beautiful video.
  20. Marianne Little wrote: Nude pasties. They are tintable, so you should be able to match them to your skin. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Nude-Pasties/4586225 thank you!!!
  21. Have a beautiful gypsy top but its see through. Is there anything **bleep** covers that are a natural color? Thanks.
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