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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. I take back what I said. I didnt realize you need an alpha which you can get for free on the MP. Once I did that and resized and tweeked it a bit.. awesome!!!!!
  2. No it didnt come with an alpha layer.. I dont thing it did
  3. I got some awesome prim eyes but I am not sure if they have to be resized.. Plus I cant make them to big cuz they will pop out even with the Red Ryder BB gun lol
  4. I was having issues with my viewer. Whenever I place an obect down or a bag and go to open it my viewer crashes. It doesnt do it all the time. Its driving me nuts because I went on a shopping spree and cant even open it. I know I could if I sand box but whats the purpse of having a home then. I said Ill try clear cash when said group said NEVER CLEAR CACHE. I was confused. I dont wanna go back the SL viewer. I LOVE Firestorm but she is being a brat right now.. sigh.
  5. My whole 3 years of sl Ive been told over and over clear your cache now today I was told never clear your cache... um what??? Whats your thoughts?
  6. I have had my same skin for three years and where it is still far more detailed then a lot of new ones and she is still a beauty I took the step to start buying other skins. I think Ive wasted about 20k in skins. I found some demos I loved and so I bought it and then switch. That when I would look at her and pick and fuss. I would find excuses to go back to my other skin, despite the fact that all the skins I have bought are flawless. I always find something wrong. I really want to get over this. Has anybody had that experience and how did you get over it? It doesn't feel like me yet I want a new look. Im probably being silly but its a harder transformation then I thought. Some people seem to be able to shape shift no problems no emotions attached and here I am not able to change my skin. EDIT: Spelling
  7. I just bought a ton of Mesh Eyes and I realize they kind of scare me. lol Idk if they fit right I would need help with someones opinion but Idk.. they are beautiful so maybe Im doing something wrong. But the detail will blow you away.
  8. Syo Emerald wrote: I have 3 theories about that: 1. They are like my grandma. No will or fear to adapt to new things, especially if the are technical nature. "Back in my days...!" and nostalgia do the rest. This group also tends to stick to V1 and claims that every other viewer that came after that is garbage in or another way. 2. But thats my face/hair/style! Imagine your current look is part of your avatar for 2 years and longer. Its you, not just the things you brought. Every updated skin/hair wouldn't feel like "you". Its the same feeling as if you change in RL the home you have lived in for many years. It feels strange, even if your new house is better than the old one. Many don't want to go through that process and since skins have a big influence on how the avatars face looks updating is a heavy impact. 3. The were lazy and suddenly updating avatar + inventory is too expensive, so they don't even start. I know how that feels. My avi is the same as three years ago. I finally bought this beautiful skin and even though I look amazing I dont feel right and I switch back. 4k down the drain.
  9. So as most of you know I lost my sister recently. She was my best friend and also introduced me to sl. Ive cried a million times to my friends in rl and I don't want to burden them anymore. Is there a place in sl that one could talk and grieve with others. I know it might sound stupid but being around others who understand where I am coming from and I don't have to put a fake happy mask on for would be nice.. Even a relief.
  10. I never seen this hair store before so THANK YOU. I didnt find what I was looking for but I found other stuff I love. Yay.
  11. Its by Action hair.. There hair is AMAZING. I dont recall the name but if you have a hard time finding it Ill help out.
  12. Thanks sweetie!! also can only move objects not folders. That was my problem.
  13. So I made a box and forgot how to put folders into it. I dragged stuffs to it and it wouldnt work. Can someone pretty please help me out (AGAIN lol). Thank you kindly!
  14. Oh please nooooooo, Not the height subject again. Just make two shapes, one taller one smaller. I did. Problem solved! Tada!
  15. I figured out it was only happening in one of my houses so it isnt the viewer. So I think I would have to talk to to land owner??? Thanks guys for the advice.
  16. This can be moved but its early and I cant think. So I updated firestorm no problems. Now today everytime I rez an object and then open or move or delete that object my viewer crashes. I just when on a major shopping spree and I cant mess with anything due to this. Makes a girl wanna cry ya know.All those shinny new things I can play with lol. So if anyone is having this issue and fixed it I would love you forever if you would help out. Thanks a bunch.. Once again sorry if this is in the wrong spot.
  17. Every time I rez an object its not problem but when I go to open it or use the item the viewer crashes. Any reason why? Update. Does it at one of my houses not the other. So must be a house thing possibly?
  18. I saw this beatiful hair but didnt care for the fact that it went into my avi. Does anyone know of a mesh version. Thank you in advance.
  19. Suspiria Finucane wrote: Random Mefusula wrote: Evidentally you can use your avatar to lose weight. My fingers feel lighter already! (from typing) :matte-motes-wink-tongue: /me cracks up.. Good one!
  20. Please let us know when you start, I would love to help as well as learn. Nice to think outside the box!
  21. I also want to add that if something bad happens that you can be sued for issuing said advice even if its an otc. When I went to med school they were very adamant when telling us on that. NOT even telling a stranger to take tylenol for a headache because if something were to happen they could say it was because of me and sue the pants off of me.
  22. Ive been in world for three years as well and I have a huge list of friends and very few I talk to on a regular basis. I have experienced a few rather weird people and some that were awesome but friendship short lived. So I know how you feel. I wave hello and welcome you IM me anytime sweetie. Its always nice to meet new people.
  23. So I got these gowns for 55 linden and wanted to share. There are many more colors...Here is two. and theres this color, Sorry for the bad shot.. btw
  24. Sean Heying wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: ..I should point out that real children have penises or vulvas and see at least one every day - if they didn't they'd gradually swell up and explode like hot yellow water balloons. I am putting that on my profile. In a like vane I also mention that almost every single real life child has an adult sex bed near their bedrooms and is highly likely to have actually been on that sex bed (in a g-rated situation we all hope of course) on a regular basis. The real life child being near furniture used for sexual purposes IS not the issue, the real life child seeing the furniture used for sexual purposes IS not the issue, the real life child even being in a store that sells furniture for sexual purposes IS not the issue. ( I know I recall as a 7 year old my mother buying a new bed, there was no AR and I was not banned... Effectively murdered in reprisal for seeing, even jumping up and down on a queen sized bed ) The real life child being molested by a catholic priest, or a relative, or a scout master, or a teacher /is/ the problem and that problem is not in second life outside the minds of a few closed minded idiots. There are no kids here. You are not a kid, I am not a kid. The whole community including Marion are not kids. Basically OP, safe sign or not, it's natural. If you can't live with it, stop being a child/parent/busybody and play a furry to experience bestiality or a Gorean to experience slavery and misogyny instead. Much more wholesome and acceptable communities compared to an SL child being in the same region as a pose ball. >.> Yeah, this whole "OMG, think of the children, sex beds in the zone" rubbish annoys me no end. It most cvertainly IS an issue, its against TOS for a reason. Where I agree on most of what you said you are far off on a lot. Yes most of us are adults in this game (theoretically) however that wasn't her point. She asked a simple question to which you so harshly replied. I do agree to each there own but come on now. She just was asking a simple question. She wasn't hurting anyone. Just like you she also is entitled to her opinion.
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