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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. Severed Garden perhaps has what you are looking for.
  2. Syo Emerald wrote: But that does bring up a thought that maybe the whole virtual escort business here in SL is part of the problem. Why? Not every prostitute is forced by criminals into the business. Most girls I met in SL who do escorting seem to be pretty independent women, who are far different from what you see in this video. Escorting in general is not a problem. The organized crime is. Well said!
  3. This isnt to you but to the OP. I love mesh. However I hate the fact that it doesnt fit to your size. I love the way I look and I hate having to make a new shape everytime I get a new outfit. Maybe more liquid mesh will come out. One can only hope.
  4. Nefertiti Nefarious wrote: Search for the Builder's Brewery Sandbox. They are polite. Thanks for the link! And thank you everyone else. Got some great ideas.
  5. Ren Toxx wrote: There may be quieter sandboxes, Sephina, but... could I make a suggestion? Anyone having nothing better to do than to pest builders, regardless of their perceived skills, are bound to be trolls or griefers, and thus worth virtually none of your attention. There's an option that you can switch on in your viewer (Firestorm, if I'm not mistaken) to refuse having IMs from non-friends... that'll deter most, save you from the distraction, and if anyone still sticks around... derender works wonderfully :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: I keep forgetting that. And I am still semi new to firestorm so Im not sure hot to refuse IMs from none friends and forgot about derender, great idea.
  6. Six Igaly wrote: If you really want a quiet sandbox, and you are a premium resident, then search for Premium Sandbox in the destination guide. Oh I totally for got about the premium sandboxes. Thank you!
  7. I am trying to learn how to build on my own. (key word "trying"). Anyway I think I ran into some people who were obviously bored and kept making fun of my design. I was in a sandbox. Im sure this usually doesn't happen but if someone could point me to some more quieter places to build I would appreciate it. Thank you.
  8. Love those photos and would mind a few taken .. If you are still available.
  9. Ceka Cianci wrote: when i have a bunch of questions..i always look to the red green show for just about any answer i need.. the answer is bound to pop up at some point..every show! no no don't bather thanking me..it's my pleasure..=-) Why have I never seen that show. Laughed my arse off.. Thanks for the share Ceka!
  10. Id so hard core kudos this if I could! Edit: Spelling
  11. Where did you get this tone changer? I would like one just in case I fall in love witha skin thats too light.
  12. Wouldnt the make up stay the same if its applied after the tat layer is put on?
  13. [1] WELCOME MESSAGE - When you enter a club the host should welcome you... a) at once! The see my name pop up on radar and should show me they watch for new arrivals (also means you are often greeted by your original SL name as the one you chose later isn't shown on most radars). b) when I come into view, closer to the stage. c) don't mind if they don't say "hi" all that soon but at some point it'd be nice. d) think DILLIGAF (do I look like a give a f...) [2] GESTURES a) I hate gestures! b) Some gestures are OK but I'm bored seeing the same gestures all the time and everywhere. c) Some gestures are OK and I don't mind if the same ones recur. d) I love gestures, can't get enough of it! [3] CAPITAL LETTERS a) Oh my god, stop the shouting! It's totally impersonal and I don't read that stuff. Also makes notices harder to read. b) I hate it in chat but it makes notices more readable. c) For general announcements everyone in the club should see they are ok. But not for normal talk. d) I don't wanna miss anything the host is saying and caps are really helpful. [4] WOW WORDS (e.g. wow, omg, sexy, awesome) a) I'm so damn bored by it... is really every DJ awesome and every host sexy? Be more creative in notices and chat! b) Hey, sometimes it's just true, no need to hide that. But don't overuse it! c) It totally energizes me when hosts do mood upping shouts! [5] TIP SHOUTS (hosts asking patrons to tip the DJ, DJ's asking on mic to tip the host) a) If a DJ/host is good they'll get tipped. No need to beg for it. b) Once in an hour is ok. Sometimes you get lost in talk but actually wanted to tip. c) Once every 30 minutes is ok. It doesn't hurt to friendly remind people that someone is working for their entertainment. d) People should be reminded often that there are people on stage doing a show. [6] NOTICES a) I prefer a quick overview (DJ, Host, When, Where, What), preferably in caps. b) I prefer a quick overview (DJ, Host, When, Where, What), preferably WITHOUT caps. c) Most of them look all the same, I want a more creative touch so it's actually fun reading them. d) I usually ignore them because they don't say anything of interest to me. When I wanna know when a specific person hosts or DJs I ask them.
  14. I feel your pain I cant rez anything in my home. Every where is is fine but in my home nada.. its annoying.
  15. Its hard to find a great top of the line quality skin for slightly darker then tan skin. I saw a tan skin other day and it was white when I grabbed there deep tan version it was black. I have no place for me.. lol But I love your tone ceka! You always look like you are going to kick someone a(s)s and can do it with ease lol.
  16. As someone who has bought merchandise with out reading the fine print.. I tend to skim a lot when I read, (bad habbit I know.) I never take it out on the Seller if when I go back and see they have stated it correctly. However I dont tend to complain. Only one time I did because honestly it was the sellers fault. I was nice about it to. He harrassed me for a year. Threatend me if I didnt remove it.. Yeah it was a hard year. So please dont be that seller that attacks people when they leave shoty reviews. Just makes you look worse.
  17. This is looking straight forward with that hud. How do I fix that?
  18. Marianne Little wrote: I have problems with the last Firestorm Viewers too. So I have switched to the official viewer with Starlight skin added on. That really helped so the crude official viewer feels smoother. All the time I have more than one viewer installed. ATM I have 4: The LL official viewer, Cool VL Viewer, Firestorm, Nirans. I use them for differnt purposes. Firestorm was what I used most, Niran for quality pictures, Cool for a rock steady viewer but the interface is old. The official viewer is feeling better as said, I will use it until it's a more stabile FS version. I would go to a sandbox and open your stuff. You can also type in Hatton when you log in again. It's a sim with only water and it's easy for the computer since it does not have to struggle with loading. Well, sometimes too many avatars teleport into Hatton so I must load them, but then I walk into a corner and lower my draw distance so I only see what I unpack. That is faster then crashing all the time. Just unpack and go home for trying on stuff. But as others said, it can be SL just acting up. I would have thought that but it only happens when I am in my home. I didnt want to go back to the LL viewer, its so slow compared to firestorm but what can a gal do.
  19. Seems to be one eye is a litle off. I am looking over but generally the eye is point in the wrong direction.
  20. I wonder where the second hair is from.. so cute!
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