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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. I felt he was being rude. Each people see things differently. Some people felt I was being drama while otheres not. I can see where some felt I was. I corrected it. Im not on here for drama even though some people feel the need to attack me and my character. You dont know me as most who have commented dont and assumed I was causing drama, That is not what I am about. Far from the truth. I am glad I posted this and got great advice. Now I see maybe I should have worded it better or differently but at the time what I wrote sounded right. Last thing I thought was being dramatic. What I do see is drama are the people coming on here and being rude and assuming mean things about me without knowing who I am.
  2. Malanya wrote: Drama.. yes. I checked the OP's profile and nothing was changed and I recal she wanted to remove picks and redo some things but didn't know how (questionable if you can put them in I would think you can take them out) All the details of friends with benefits and that being the topic, LM's I doubt was as she said what she wanted out of this thread. I don't think threads like this are as interesting as how to improve market place packaging as someone pointed out Drama is not entertaining. it acutuall has changed a but and I havent been inworld as rl has needed me. I am not being drama there is not need to attack me. I did just want lms. Please dont assume who I am as I dont assume what you are about. We just see things differently. I never said you couldnt take them out I just didnt know how since I am new to Firestorm. As soon as I get in inworld I will be doing so. I agree that drama isnt not entertaning so please do not cause it. If you are going to keep being negative towards me please refrain from posting here. Thank you and hope you have a nice day.,
  3. PixiWise wrote: Hello. Thanks for all answers till now. Yes, he threatened me that if I do not pay him back, he will send a Report on Froud and even banned my account. They do not ban me, but money is gone! The work - that was done by many other women in SL, I escorted him . 1. I did also REPORT ABUSE for FRAUD against him! 10-11 hous ago... and second report with more details too... 2. Till now i dont have any email from SL for the situation! Thats why i posted here. Last i received just that: Case: 01677532 Avatar: PixiWise Resident Type: Abuse Appeal Status: New To comment on this case, either Reply to this email, or visit: https://secondlife.com/my/support/?caseID=01677532 There isnt a place where you can report someone is there? Its not under file a ticket. IS there?
  4. Thats the about texting instead if speaking. I am not into drama nor was I looking for attention. Just explaining my situation and asking for some Lms. If I worded it that some people find it to be dtama it was not my attention. As I stated before I just wanted some Lm. Didnt think all these people would comment. Thats not me bringing drama. I think that some people see drama where there is none. This isnt an emotional post. I changed my profile and as soon as I can get inworld my places and picks are gone. Its been years since Ive looked at those. Anyway if people see drama I dont know where they would see it. And if I offended anyone I apologize.
  5. Note I do not know how to delete groups and picks, if anyone can help me out with that, that would be awesome!!! I use firestorm.
  6. Some did read my post as drama which I am never.... or at least try not to be. So I had to tell them my direction. Not everyone is built the same and thats the bad thing about text. You never know onces tone. I realize we are on here for different reasons and some of those are for sexual experiences. I am not sulking and I am moving on. Yes it sucks but that means meeting new cool people. I needed to get Lms but ended up getting great advice on redoing my profile and picks place because I am sure some are getting mixed signals. If I came off as rude or drama I apologize. I personally just wanted to know how to find places where one can be flirty fun and sexy with out sex being the main theme. I didnt call them children and they are perverts. There is nothing wrong with being one. I used to be and some still can consider me one from time to time. I dont understand why the negative outlook on being a perve. Anyway thank you for the well wishes and I hope you week goes by well.
  7. Love the songs Ceka! And the looks rock.. Great direction.
  8. btw Being a perve isnt a bad thing, and I never said it was. I even stated that I love to flirt. I just said I am not having sex any more so dont put words that are not there. This was a nice thread and I got great advice. Why you decided to come on here and make such a big deal of it only you know. Please choose someone else to hate.
  9. You dont need to be rude. I have dont nothing wrong neither am I left, right nor center, I am me. I never said it was their fault or did I say anythng wrong. If you feel the need to attack me then do so private. I never said anything mean or call out names. I wont have sex so they delete me. So yes that is the reason they delete me. Some have been nice enough to explain why, actually most have. I never called them children either. I said some peoples children.. thats not an insult. I didnt bring any drama nor did I ask for pity. All I did was state my issue as many have and if I can get some land marks. If they feel the need to delete me then they will. I am not crying about it. I wouldnt be a friend so someone so rude to begin with, so you dont have to worry. If you feel the need to pick on someone or "tell it like it is" with out knowing reality please choose someone else. Thank you.
  10. That sounds nice!! Will do and will be messaging the others as well. I was just ejected and banned from a "friends" house because we wouldnt be having that kind of "fun". Someone Ive known for years... sheesh some peoples children.
  11. Welcome to the darkside muah haha
  12. jwenting wrote: Sephina Frostbite wrote: I used to dance and escort. So those are on my picks. Its been a long time and a lot of maturing since then. I forgot about them even. I am not here for some sympathy nor saying I didn't bring it on myself. Sorry it seems that way.. I just want a few places to start exploring other sites where sex isn't the main topic.. may I suggest visiting some M rated nude beaches? There's quite a few, no sex allowed. People are nice, friendly, you can chat and hang out without being pestered. For clubs, never been pestered for sex in any of them, even in adult regions and even when there naked or nearly so. But my profile doesn't hint at looking for sex, quite the opposite. If yours does, either leave or hide the responsible groups, and maybe change your profile text. Or look for a hobby that has nothing to do with A rated content whatsoever. I've taken up dog training (AI dogs, not human pets) and hang out with those people. No sex involved, heck it's PG rated sims and occasionally I get weird looks for wearing a mini skirt I still hang out in A rated sims, but have made it known there that I'm not interested in sex and the places I visit respect that. IM me in world if you want some locations (might take a while to respond of course, timezones and stuff). Good ideas, I need to update my profile to reflect the new me.
  13. Thank you for the advice! I thought I would be set on fire if I went into a gay club, I know men do if they go in lesbians ones.. From what I have seen.
  14. Ceka Cianci wrote: Sephina Frostbite wrote: So I have decided to not have "fun time" on sl. (Or Very Limited) Well it seems like because of this my friends list has minimized and people I would have thought were my friends are dropping like flies. I even was attacked because of my decision. I was told I should make my avi ugly then or shouldn't dress sexy. Its not like I dress like a hussy. So now I am looking for places with like minded individuals because apparently I befriended all the close minded pervs. lol Edit: Spelling, because I havent had my cup of coffee yet. those people just mute them.. they insult nobody but themselves when they show what they are all about.. there is no reason for them to tell you what you shoudl do with your avatar.. if they just left without word..fine..but to get mean..say mean things.. i've had friends like that..thinking there was gonna be some hot sexy thing going on.. then when they feel they wasted their time because there wasn't gonna be and get mad about it.. that makes me hotter than a 2 dollar pistol.. if there was ever a time i could have a genie in my life it would be then.. i woudl wish big.. it would be to wish to have my hand grow about ten sizes and hard as a rock and able to reach through the internet to B!tch slap the holy hell out of them.. sooo hard that it makes them impotent on the intranets forevers!!. getting those people off your friends list only makes your friends list more quality rather than quantity.. be glad you don't have to waste more time on wastes of time like them.. i can't wait for the day we have touch on the internet..just for them.. KIA!!!! *KICK*!!! Love the that saying too.. I might keep it.
  15. Windsie wrote: To be honest I don't think it is anyone's business what you decide to do/not do in your Second Life. Especially when it is a subject that is rather personal like this one. Perhaps I'm just a prude, but I don't see why anyone would have needed to know about your decision. I don't think I've ever had that conversation with any friends since I feel that is just between my partner and myself no matter what is decided. It sounds like you just had a few people who weren't really friends. Real friends virtual or otherwise respect your decisions you set for yourself. They treat you with respect, and it doesn't matter an ounce what you do behind closed doors or don't do. That is your business. Perhaps find places where you can meet a better caliber of people? There are many definitions of fun, but it all boils down to your individual perspective of it. Thats all I was looking for.. Places that were fun flirty and non sexual. Yes once can flirt with out sex being in the mix.
  16. Poenald Palen wrote: Slex was short for SL Exchange....this thread is not about commerce? Hhhm. Hey, people to chat with on SL? A dime a dozen. literally it must cost about a dime of electricity to chat to 12 people for a while! Talk is cheap, seriously....it doesn't cost much...right? Lol I have heard other people use that word for sex but now that I know better Ill just have to come up with another catchy way of saying it. Thanks for the information.
  17. Randall Ahren wrote: Sephina Frostbite wrote: So I have decided to not have "fun time" on sl. (Or Very Limited) Well it seems like because of this my friends list has minimized and people I would have thought were my friends are dropping like flies. I even was attacked because of my decision. You made an announcement? That's not a decision requiring public notification. I just wanted places that reflected a more mature atmostphere. I go on my friends list and tell everyone. Its when they talk to me and find it out.
  18. I didn't meet hardly anyone on those adult sites actually. I have topless photos but I feel they are artful and not trashy. I can see where people might make assumptions about me if they are just meeting me but I am talking about friends who know me who know I am not like that. I need to delete my picks places and update so it reflects who I am now. Thanks for scoping my profile. Its been a while.
  19. I used to dance and escort. So those are on my picks. Its been a long time and a lot of maturing since then. I forgot about them even. I am not here for some sympathy nor saying I didn't bring it on myself. Sorry it seems that way.. I just want a few places to start exploring other sites where sex isn't the main topic..
  20. Janelle Darkstone wrote: Sooooo... Seph, are we still on for "Dress Like a Hussy Night' at Club Fun Time? :smileytongue: Shhhh no one is supposed to know about that..
  21. So I have decided to not have "fun time" on sl. (Or Very Limited) Well it seems like because of this my friends list has minimized and people I would have thought were my friends are dropping like flies. I even was attacked because of my decision. I was told I should make my avi ugly then or shouldn't dress sexy. Its not like I dress like a hussy. So now I am looking for places with like minded individuals because apparently I befriended all the close minded pervs. lol Edit: Spelling, because I havent had my cup of coffee yet.
  22. Need help, Message me inworld.. Sephina Frostbite
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