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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. Bigotry has been "hiding" behind the "its your problem for getting offended" line for far too long. I wanted to say I LOVE this line. Speaks volumes.
  2. Melita Magic wrote: Is there a chance the women with 'naturally corset shaped waists' were doing corset training for years in secret? Womens' waists did seem to be smaller in the olden days but I think some of that might've been due to starting in corsets from an early age. Also, they were shorter and thinner because people didn't have access to food constantly as they do today. (Of course I'm talking about cultures that would care about tiny waist size or use corsets...not starving nations. In starving nations it's usually a beauty ideal to be fatter.) Farmers used to marry taller sturdier women because life was physically harder on the plain and also so they'd be more likely to have taller sturdier sons to help with farm work. The richer men tended to want the tiny dolls. They were also smaller because they married younger. Much younger.
  3. Madeline Blackbart wrote: TO be fair though the diffrence between these people bodies and the IMVU ones is that while they are extreme hip to waist ratio it's still less extreme then those videos. Also the real life peoples top half shows fat which at least reflects on some level the lower half. The IMVU ones are thin on the top halfs and huge on the bottom which isn't even mildly realistic. You make a good point.
  4. Good point six. I want to make it clear though Im not pointing it out to make fun of them. I just thought they couldnt modify there bodies and to that extreme. To each their own ya know.
  5. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: OMG - You made me look...... .. Splashes chlorine into my eyes to purge the images of that video.... Lmao, there are worse IMVU videos with believe it or not, bigger booties.
  6. IMVU Has them too!!! The wide hip invisible pony styles.. No this isn't me dissing them I just was shocked you can mod your body in IMVU. I thought it was all cookie cutter. Good to know I was wrong. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QBQ8eFZMcw
  7. Hello Slick. Glad to have yo back.
  8. Have to add more then that sweetie. Are you male female in sl. What do you like to do? What are you looking for? etc. Common stuff.
  9. Thanks hun Didnt find what I wanted but l got some nice dances.
  10. Charly Muggins wrote: I suggest you mug a little old lady with really big boobs, wear them yourself and sell your body to undiscerning, preferably shortsighted men I would Kudos that if I could. lol
  11. I visited a place that had realistic dances modeled after real people and now I cant find it. Can some one pretty please help me out. Thank you!
  12. I have this awesome hair but the alpha for it makes the ears invisitble, even though you can see the ear. (weird) Does anyone know where I can get an alpha to a head or part of it where the to is at. Thanks.
  13. Lewis Luminos wrote: You have 150 items in your Received Items folder? Do you shop a lot or do you just never enpty it out? :matte-motes-agape: You dont want to look at mine
  14. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Sephina, I'm likely to accidentally set you ablaze if I photograph you. This has happened countless times before (well, 68 times I think). But I think I can safely point you to GIMP HQ... http://www.gimp.org Thanks Maddy. *Grabs Madelaines camera and slowly backs away*
  15. So I want some sexy pictures taken. Not sluty or porn but I bought some lingerie that I love and I want to get some shots of it. When I asked a few people I got varied reactions but all leading to no, we don't do that sort of photography. I don't want sexual pics but some topless (hiding the girls). Also if I could please get a link to the download glimp Id appreciate it. I searched on the web for it and there was a million pages. I want to make sure I get the right one. Thanks a bunch!!
  16. Susan Kenin wrote: At least that is not me in the picture. It is from the store's on-line catalog. The one I was wearing today is somewhat more sheer. Not that I would take a picture of myself wearing it, but if I posted it hear it would be censored immediately. The nightie I am now wearing is somewhat like http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/only-hearts-whisper-sweet-nothings-chemise/3533308?origin=category, but with a very sheer bust. Now that will really distract Perrie :matte-motes-evil-invert: Just pm him. Get your flirt on girl.
  17. Its the look at me post.. lol We were talking about this not too long ago.. Pretty undies though..
  18. I used to use the Official Viewer. 3 years. Firestorm scared me. I kept having issues with the OV and I caved in a DL Firestorm. Im happy. It runs faster and it is far less confusing. Also there is a support team that is so patient and hard working. You don't get that with the LL viewer. You do get a whole lot of, "We don't care its always your fault" though. Served with a side of attitude and we can't be bothered by you. I will stick to firestorm.
  19. Susan Kenin wrote: Sephina Frostbite said "I dont want to wear a bra in sl." I wear bras in SL. I can't explain why, I just do. I even wear very nice looking bras in RL even though no one but me will see them. In RL on some hot, muggy summer days when around the house or garden I wonder why I am wearing a bra, but when I don't wear one I can feel the lack of support. Of course, in SL it does not get hot and muggy and I don't sweat, so I like to wear nice looking bras. In SL, women avatars undressing for male avatars for some "intimate activity" may want to wear bras, even if eventually they come off. I was being silly. Because in rl Bras are a pain for me at least. I wear them in sl as well.
  20. I dont want to wear a bra in sl. YOU CAN"T MAKE ME!! Ha Jk. Seriously I dont think it matters unless you are going for a sexy lingerie look. Ive seen just a few with the "wire look"
  21. I had the privilege of dancing with him. He is very sweet and I agree he is well put together. I look forward to reading his Blog (even though I am a female). Edit: Spelling
  22. For some reason its not working for me. I hover and nothing appears. Not sure if I am doing it right.
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