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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. If you have a crappy router / connection / computer / wlan then SSA does not change much for you. You still have to download the world. The difference with SSA is, others with a decent system will see you no longer grey or clouded since you can't disturb the baking process anymore. Oh ... if you want just help try again and describe your problem.
  2. If I got that post the answer is: 1. You can't animate mesh at all 2. Animations ONLY work for avatars, not for prims/mesh/attached/not attached - avatars only.
  3. If you want to get the uuid of an object find it by using llSensor / llSensorRepeat and get the uuid in the sensor event with llDetectedKey.
  4. The owner or someone with modify permissions can ctrl-drag something on every prim and it will end there. It doesn't matter if llInventoryDrop(TRUE) is used or not, it makes no difference. Everyone else can ctrl-drag something ONLY into the prim with the script that uses llInventoryDrop(TRUE).
  5. Yep, just rez a prim. You need to remove the texture and check "Full Bright" to make it a 1 color background.
  6. Thats the griefing of the poor blind avatar. They only see 6 local lights with their lo graphics settings and a few of this 6 lights are already used up by their facelights. So they plaster everything with lights hoping to make it better but in the end its useless. So only thing you can do is pray for their souls and avoid their places. Oh .. and keep attached lights switched off!
  7. revochen Mayne wrote: Nova Convair wrote: ...and the delay of this functions I don't see as a delay since it will not have an effect in a real script. It will only have an effect in a synthetical benchmark like the OP's example. Hello Nova! I'm sorry to say but you're wrong. My script was so real as can be when i measured the regions landscape. As i knew that 65K iterations might takes some time i wanted to use a float text to show the progress. Then when i figured the delay i tried to monitor process times. Updating float text within simple loops doesnt seems to be an issue if its just about a few duzends iterations or less. But it is in cases like mine. Your script may be real but to display info 1400 times per second on a system that can only update it 45 times per second is soooooo unreal that has nothing to do with any "real" scripting.
  8. Gadget Portal wrote: This is happening to too many people to be exclusively on the user end. I've seen numerous JIRAs mentioned, plus confirmed it with other in world. There's definitely some data getting lost between the viewer and region, the trick is figuring out where the problem is. The people that dont know what exactly the problem is so they blame SL? SL obviously loves me since it happens never to me as long as I don't overload my network. And I am not even on the amercian continent.
  9. SL can update visible things max. 45x per second. Even if it does - the chance that it updates every viewer in range 45x per second is pretty low by my observations. So using an object updating function 1000 times per second is a misuse of the function and the result is meaningless and the delay of this functions I don't see as a delay since it will not have an effect in a real script. It will only have an effect in a synthetical benchmark like the OP's example.
  10. Don't wear or rez unknown stuff. If sent by a friend it's still unknown until you expect it or talked about it b4. There is nothing for free in this world - except in SL - but as you see, you can never be sure. On land where you CAN NOT rez it can cause only some minor annoyance as long as you are not stupid enough to give debit permissions. On land where you CAN rez you probably need some knowledge and experience to get rid of possible critters if the object rezzes some.
  11. The last time someone ran a crasher next to me my fps dropped a few percent, so I'm not quite sure that this things work in general. The debug settings for a limitation look good but I miss an instrument to take some measurements. At the moment I can only set some value and increase that whenever I step on someones toes when I didn't see that avatar. Isn't that a job for Lindens btw.? Autoblock avatars that use too many resources?
  12. That happened to me ONCE. I was using all my upload bandwidth (which will affect the downloading too) in a background task at that time. Needed to limit the background task and relog. Besides of that this never happened to me in all the years in SL. Things like that are obviously network issues (packets lost or delayed too much in my example). If you have that all the time it's either on your end or your isp.
  13. LeTigre sims run absolutely normal for me, no issues. In a crowded sim the avatars loaded very quick and very noticeable. No FPS drops. (I usually get 30-60 at high settings ... 60 is max due to vsync) So on my end SSA is an improvement. I only checked with firestorm yet, will try other viewers too.
  14. Prim or mesh eyes are attached to the eyballs and therefore don't need any script to move. They move in the same way than the avatar eyes. You don't need an alpha except the size doesn't match or your face doesnt' match or you are not able to do the very fine adjustments for a perfect fit. Better textures? Nonsense. If you look at an avatar - what do you think how many pixels are spend on an eye? 10x10? 20x20? even if you zoom in on someones face you will barely go over 100x100 for a single eye on your screen - ok more on your mega 30" monitor No need to waste everyones texture memory by using 1024 textures though or in case of mesh its even possible to use multiple 1024 textures. ( I hope there is no wannabe creator that dares to do this. ) Prims can add a little glow which make eyes look more lifely than the standard eyes.
  15. Shansi Kenin wrote: I clear mine one time a month then log into linden viewer as anything in inventory lost by firestorm reappears:smileyhappy: I never ever get any troubles here but there is one thing I didn't mention. I have separate caches. Every alt has a different cache per viewer of course. That means for example: 3 viewers and 2 avatars = 6 cache folders. That requires separated viewer configuration files per avatar so it's not a trivial setup. Separated caches plus a working network connection seem to guarantee me zero problems. I didn't test if this efforts are still necessary but seeing the constant complains and whining in many threads makes me keeping up this configuration. And: none of my avatars has any cache problems under any viewer and therefore I never clear any cache.
  16. I never clear cache, except when doing a clean viewer install due to an update or if i encounter problems (which happens maybe once per 3 months). At my home sim I have a cache hit rate of 99% so why should I load all the stuff over and over again? Of course I have the "reload texture" obtion in context menu (firestorm) which is useful to kick in a texture that refuses to load. Clearing cache instead for that issue is way too much efforts I think. Having bad network and/or wlan, slow computer, beeing on an overloaded sim - clearing cache shouldnt help here too. Of course many people say so, but due to the placebo effect and the fact that they did a restart too, I will not believe them just so.
  17. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Nova Convair wrote: Seems to me it works exactly like it should, you just don't understand the setting. Like said b4 it's a 2way option. In case you are the only parcel on this sim that flips the option it will have absolutely no effect. If the setting is off you will be able to look into all other parcels that are set to off too. When 'see & chat with...' is unchecked AVs who are on below the ban line height will not see those above the ban line height and vice versa. So there is an effect. It may not seem like a useful effect on a single parcel sim. I can imagine a use though. Allowing public access with a landing point at a sky platform and a security orb keeping people out of the parcel below the banline height for instance. Thats meaningless. The OP didnt write about banlines, he even wants to set the restrictions OFF.
  18. Seems to me it works exactly like it should, you just don't understand the setting. Like said b4 it's a 2way option. In case you are the only parcel on this sim that flips the option it will have absolutely no effect. If the setting is off you will be able to look into all other parcels that are set to off too.
  19. AnnAdams wrote: I will continue to use the feature (in Firestorm, if not also in other viewers) that shows users who have camed you. If I am in a closed private room (such as a dressing room) and someone cams me, they will get an immediate not very nice IM. Ann If you look a little closer you see that you can switch off all target hints sent to other viewers. So you will NOT see if someone cams on you - well for those who switched that off. That's a good thing btw. avoids all that whining and drama. I could do the zoom functionality with a simple script in a simple hud ... could even set the camera focus point away so its hard to tell where the user really looks at. (no requests, not interested) The visible focus points you mention are not the points someone is looking at. You can only draw conclusions where someone might look at. Someone can hook on you and watch the neighbour. So if you are not alone it is meaningless. It's a feature that is in the system and you always can move the camera manually over large distances even with the linden viewer. Ok, many can not since they have no clue how to set up and control their camera So get over it and accept that there is no privacy in sl. Only way to stay invisible is to set your parcel visibility off and kick everyone off your parcel that enters, since if someone is on the same parcel they can see you.
  20. Obviously a troll that waits for people like the threadstarter. I often wonder how threads grow around nothing and this time I add some nothing to the nothing
  21. Probably you aren't aware of the AO's in attachments, shoes or the viewer-AO you are using maybe. You need to give permissions to an object to animate you but you didn't post if you got that request or not. Those fancy little chat icons and toasts are not all to ignore. Get used to the viewer functionality. I see you right click on danceballs. Thats not how they work. You don't sit on a danceball. Left click, confirm the animation request and (most time) choose something from the menu. A couple danceball rezzes poseballs next to you. Thats ones you need to sit on. Again you need to confirm the animation request.
  22. Well said. One detail to add: SSA is designed to take load OFF the client and network. So it's a step to allow weaker hardware to run SL. A requirement is a new viewer. Anyone using Firefox 1 or Internet Explorer 1? hehe - hardly comparable but operating systems, browswers and SL viewers make progress and from time to time you have to get a new one.
  23. The sim owners have no clue how to define what a "child avatar" is. (In some cases it is surely not so easy and sometimes even a matter personal view) So they look for something easy that they and even the most stupid employee can handle without thinking or judging. Thats the height. Not every sim is for everyone - thats sl.
  24. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Nova Convair wrote: Some people seem to feel bashed, but in the OP is nothing about LL or the americans in general. Seems some people can't read or work for Alienware. To the OP: I agree and I already noticed that. If someone treats you 2nd class, just don't buy their products. So for me I see no problem. Apparently my first post on this giving some pretty valid reasons for this sailed right over you head. I see non US websites all the time offering contests that US citizen's can't enter. Do I get upset about it? No. I see contests in the US I can't enter because I don't qualify for one reason or another. Do i get upset about ? No. I don't see any people from Rhode Island on here complaining. Contests put restrictions on who can enter them all the time. That's why there are qualification rules. If you feel like that makes you second class that is more your problem than anyone else's. Children think that everything should be on a level playing field then they mature and realize life is not fair and that is not the way it works. Who ever told you life was fair? Life is too short to get worked up over such petty stuff. This is not about us or non us websites. It's about SL with citizens all over the world. You obviuosly aren't aware that SL is american but has citizens everywhere. SL events should take that into consideration. So this is obviously about 1st and 2nd class treatment. Of course the world isn't fair. But nor am I. I will draw my conclusions and it will influence my further actions. So it's negative advertisement in this case. Congrats to Alienware and LL as the hoster.
  25. Some people seem to feel bashed, but in the OP is nothing about LL or the americans in general. Seems some people can't read or work for Alienware. To the OP: I agree and I already noticed that. If someone treats you 2nd class, just don't buy their products. So for me I see no problem.
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