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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. Arrange 5 textures of 512x512 on a 1024x1024 texture so all 4 are on one texture.Then use llSetTextureAnimation to switch through the sequence of the 4 textures. Of course you can use smaller ones if you don't need that size.
  2. On a TV screen in SL there is no visible content like a texture. Instead there is a connection to your viewer-browser and your viewer pastes the content on your screen. If a 2nd person watches the TV there is made a 2nd connection. So everyone uses their own connection, so if there is a login, everyone needs to login on their own.
  3. Only way I see is on email client side. The notices have "Second Life - Group notice" and "Inventory offer" in the header so it's easy to filter that out.
  4. What I once tried: take 2 avatars - for every number of the shape parameters (thats quite alot) add the 2 numbers and divide the result by two. The shape that comes out of that process usually looks good. The process can be repeated over and over again and of course you need mod shapes for that.
  5. A contract between 2 avatars, there is only a chatlog, the contract is not signed, the customer can be in another country. I suggest to get payed in advance. If you send a texture before full payment, the permissions don't matter. If you see a texture the texture is on your computer. Nothing more so say here. You can put a clearly visible watermark big and centered on the picture. The customer still can get an impression of the result. For those customers who will cancel here - expect that many of them never had the intention to pay.
  6. There are different views about SL. People who post "do this" or "do that" obviously miss the fact that not everyone has the same opinion as themselves. Try to look further than only at yourself. For me SL is SL and RL is RL. I have no interest in linking anything and therefore have nothing RL related in my profile. Others have no use for a second life and try to act like RL in SL. Well not my business and not my problem To the OP: just do what you want there is no wrong. Everyone is old enough and knows enough to know the risks of sharing too much RL info I assume - and thats not related to SL but for all RL infos that are posted somewhere.
  7. If you really get that ping of your new board then 4 possibilities come to my mind: 1 - wrong/outdated drivers for your network card 2 - network card defective 3 - you use a 1000mBit network connection but your network cable is in no way able to handle that speed. 4 - network cable defective
  8. SL is no bullet proof reliable system. I script outside of SL so have all scripts safe. (You backup your data on your PC yes?) For builds - give a fullperm version to one of your alt's.
  9. I don't understand the thread and what that has to do with harrassment. Of course I have alt's and why is it a harrassment if someone tells me what I already know? ok, that person is obviously stupid to tell me something they don't know for sure and will be subject to a "block" click. But if that's all - where is the problem?
  10. I see: "linked buttons and sliders" that means: you need only ONE script to control all buttons and sliders. Every touch goes to the root and there you check link number, face and position on the face that was clicked. For the controlled objects: if they are linked too, you still need one script, if they are unlinked you need ONE script per object to receive messages and execute commands.
  11. 2 things. The fascinating thing of building in SL is: you stand in the middle of it! That was a new and a cool feature years ago and stil is. I'd have expected tools to delevop everything inworld - but nothing. Even the Linden viewer is the worst of all viewers when it comes to building skills. Dissapointing - one of SL's strenghts unsupported. The other thing is the ability to have big sims. 25x25 km would be a nice start. Prim Limit untouched - just more space.
  12. llListFindList finds every data type - you just need to know the type. If you don't know it or have a mixup of string and numbers for example then llListFindList doesnt work. But in this case it's better you think about your code or have a very good reason for having and searching such a list.
  13. People go afk? Don't rez the houses on the ground you need a platform. 3m above ground or higher and phantom. Then add Rolig's movement detection and when the house derezzes, it's cleaned of Avatars. If you are high in the sky the cleaning process will be even more effective. Hmmm, probably avatars need a little push to fall, not sure.
  14. From my experience: 50 avatars using radars and ao's and whatever lag the sim a bit. One sensor is nothing you can't even notice that if you try hard and it doesnt need to fire every second. Only thing you need here is the no_sensor event so you don't even need to process uuid's. no_sensor fires - check flag and free the rezzer if not already free.
  15. It's annoying that people refer to worthless numbers of that worthless meters. Although the # of scripts is a factor and carrying a few 100 is way too many. It's annoying that creators still plaster their stuff with 100s of scripts where only ONE script is needed, leaving it to the customer to find out how to reduce the # of scripts. I personally do not buy stuff like that and I don't buy if it's unclear if it has scripts and if I can remove them or not.
  16. azro Maktoum wrote: any idea to solve this issue Ty <3 What makes you think someone can answer a question about a script without seeing the script? I will not start guessing.
  17. 1st: derender it - problem solved 2nd: rez a picture on your land that matches his picture in size - put on something nice
  18. Checking objects: In Firestorm I right click and choose "script count" other TPV's probably have similar functions, Linden viewers don't - you have to check every single prim. Get used to IM for private talking. On other people's land, they can do what they want but not publish anything, that is against TOS. On own land restrict chat and voice to your land and prevent object entry and rez. And don't rez gift-spy's of course At least - if I talk about someone and they don't like it - why would I care? *scratches head* I see absolutely no problems here.
  19. Oh that's interesting. I can't see anything I'd expect to prevepnt idling, but of course I don't know what can prevent idling permanently. Sim is an island, so nobody can look in from outside and there are times with no avatars or bots on sim.
  20. I placed a monitor on an estate sim (Main Channel) and one on a mainland sim (LeTigre). Idles around 5.5% on the mainland and 0% on the estate. So idling is there, but not everywhere. And if it's there you cannot see it of course.
  21. On a "money" view it's simple: If you need the free 512 sqm parcel - the parcel plus stipend compensates for premium membership, so it pays itself. (1300 stipend ~ 5.2$ plus parcel worth 5$ - per month) That's the reason I have it. If you don't need the 512 sqm then it doesn't pay itself. Besides of that it's nice to have access to nearly empty sandboxes and support (never needed support). Linden realms and gifts is nothing that can lure an old resident into paying, maybe a new resident. But I admit I did it for the money
  22. I've added Dora's 1.06 mechanism to my teleporter. (a rezzed transportation prim, teleporter is able to rez multiple transporters to tp a few avatars at once) Works perfect and smooth under Firestorm and Dolphin so far. With standard camera (esc) or personal camera position and even with camera zoomed far out. (so i could barely see and click the transporter bubble) In all cases I see myself at the start position for maybe 2-3 seconds, then zap at target position in an instant. Camera maintains position/focus relative to avatar, so thats perfect for my needs. I noticed there is a tolerance of 0.1m for the at_target event. Ok for me but maybe too small for those whose at_target never triggers. For safety i added a SLPPF after the llSetRegionPos to correct errors up to 10m and started a 5.5 second timer to unsit and llDie the transporter prim but that never triggered on my tests. An Info: If i did a multi teleport (with the standard llSetRegionPos only version) I saw myself and all the others at 0,0,0 for a second. So it's not viewer only since the position of the other avatars is handed over by the server yes?
  23. Just remove the owner key from keys. state_entry() { llListen(menu_channel, "", NULL_KEY, ""); string InvenName; string InvenKey; list keys = llGetAgentList(AGENT_LIST_REGION,[]); integer i=llListFindList(keys,[llGetOwner()]); if (~i) keys=llDeleteSubList((keys=[])+keys, i, i); integer InvenNumber = llGetListLength(keys); list InvenList = []; integer y; for(y = 0; y < InvenNumber; y++) { InvenName = llKey2Name(llList2String(keys,y)); if (llStringLength(InvenName) > 24) InvenName = llGetSubString(InvenName, 0, 23); InvenList += [invenName]; gLstMnu = (gLstMnu = []) + InvenList; }}
  24. Yes, I can confirm that. A transportation device working that way that unsits the avatars 50m above - always succeeds, but the camera shows no movement over 25m. When the movement finishes avatar and camera snap into the position they are expected at. For me it's no difference if the camera is default or not. (only tested on Firestorm yet) But that happens only if unlinked. If transportation prim is linked (to something big) all works fine.
  25. Same happens on Firestorm. Made tests. 1st changed the script so it works in a linked prim: vector height=<0,0,1>;rotation avrot=ZERO_ROTATION;rotation thirty;integer nop;vector offset;default{ state_entry() { llOwnerSay("Sit on me"); llSitTarget(<0,0,1>,avrot); thirty=llEuler2Rot(<0,0,30>*DEG_TO_RAD); } changed(integer param) { offset=llGetPos()-llGetRootPosition(); height.z = 0.0; if (llAvatarOnSitTarget()==NULL_KEY) llSetTimerEvent(0); else { nop=llGetNumberOfPrims(); llSetTimerEvent(0.333); } } timer() { avrot *= thirty; height.z += 1.0; if (height.z>50.00) height.z = 1.0; llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(nop,[PRIM_POSITION,height+offset,PRIM_ROTATION,avrot]); llOwnerSay((string)(height.z)); float dist = llVecDist(llGetPos(),llList2Vector(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(nop,[PRIM_POSITION])+offset,0)); if (llFabs(dist-llVecMag(height))>0.5) llOwnerSay("FAILED!"); }} Same behaviour, as expected. Taking out the rotation doesnt change anything for me. Linked it to another prim so the prim with the script is the child. - no changes, at 25m it becomes jumpy Moved the root prim away 25m - all still linked. - script works up to 30m instead of 25m now I resized the root prim to 50x50m. - script works perfect now I noticed strange behaviour b4 - once. But since it was all linked to a larger structure and all worked fine I didn't investigate. Conclusion: moving avatars with that method works up to a distance of 25m - if the prim is linked to a larger structure the range increases? I once noticed a range of 500m but that was a few server versions ago.
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