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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. Madeline Blackbart wrote: Orca Flotta wrote: I only see the bottom face, when I go into body edit mode, when I leave the upper face appears again. Yeah, that's kinda new feature in Appearence Mode, the viewer shines a light on you. At least in Singularity it does. Ugh I hate that. The light IS SO DAMN BRIGHT when editing your shape on firestorm I can't hardly tell what it looks like. it's terrible. Switch it off then. (Preferences / Move&View / View)
  2. Others can get that infos that you give. Thats everything you say in chats or IM's or in your profile or in a forum. If you use your SL name for other account names like computer games, forums, facebook, ebay, twitter, email and so on then someone can find connections and draw links and conclusions that will lead to more traces. I see alot of accounts and posts for OoJesusoO by just using google. But to see what belongs to you and what not someone needs at least some basic infos to start with. So, as long as you don't install a trojan on your system it's up to you how hidden you are. If someone gathers your IP, that leads to the country, city and maybe section of the city. It's not possible to get a name or adress by that .... well at least not in my country ... to my knowledge
  3. That, I dont believe But you closed the case and don't want to tell anything - too bad but your decision.
  4. Lately the draw distance has not your avatar in the center anymore but your camera. So move your camera 4000m away and you can look around in the range of your draw distance. If someone using this or that viewer cant see that - not my problem - I can. But it's viewer independant. (didn't test all though) Of course that means you dont need to build a skybox for privacy. It doesnt matter if you are on the ground or under the "ceiling" of the sim. So for privacy - switch off avatar visibility and guard your parcel or get an own sim or decide to not care.
  5. Set the stuff back to "Movable Obstacle" well at least everything that gives an error message or has a moving door or anything else that moves. Read the wiki: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Pathfinding_Quick_Start_Guide
  6. Just use your brain. Most that say they got "hacked" didn't get hacked, they just didn't think or maybe their intellectual capacity is too low for this world. - Using the same password everywhere? A simple one? Using that on every website you have to register? Congrats thats a good start - Don't forget the security question that is often set in accounts. The manufacturer of my 1st car? Surely nobody will ever find the answer - Installing something by a hacker? Hey thats hackers, its their job to hack things, but not me, nah never. - Visiting websites, browser not updated, flash not updated, all active content is displayed - strike - thats the way to browse! - A friend sends you a link, you click, need to login, sure no problem. You don't see the problem? Sell your computer - quick! Well, there is more and even if you don't do the noob mistakes there is never 100% safety. A antivirus software is mandantory but it will not protect you for many things. Bad links? Sure avoid them but even good links can harm you so update your stuff - all of it - that helps alot. You can use a sandbox for browsing if you want more safety. IP? Firewall? Thats not the way you are attacked. The Windows firewall is sufficient. Most people cant configure a firewall anyways nor understand the messages so this does no good just confusion and false safety feelings. Don't install software if it's not a well known and official source.
  7. Well, makes sense for a logo, for full texturing one needs edit permissions. If it's just a logo or something similar you need to let the owner activate a listener that will listen for a uuid for a short while. The owner can right click on the texture in their inventory and get the uuid. Then paste it into chat and say it. That's not too hard to do for end users.
  8. llGetScriptState - works and detects if the script is running or not llSetScriptState - does not work for crashed scripts llResetOtherScript - does not work for not running scripts ( I never tried to use it on a crashed script though since i rather debug the crashed script ) So there are 2 options left in case llResetOtherScript doesn't work 1 - llRemoteLoadScriptPin - requires a copy of the scripts and some preparations 2- Debug the script and make sure it does not crash. It's a bug if that happens !
  9. Somone circumvents the permission system. Just another scam (for my opinion) probably ok for the TOS and others. Obviously a short time business since pissing off their customers doesn't seem to be a clever strategy. Don't buy anything of them again and see it as a loss of lindens. If you can't delete the script in one of the prims there is no fixing besides only using it in a no script zone - as long as it's not worn or used in a skybox - then it will work in no script zones too.
  10. Just go to your dashboard and check your status. (Account Summary and Premium Membership tab) If you are premium you should know since it cost some real money.
  11. Maryline Pinion wrote: I want to put my sl account in stand by , i want to prevent myself to play to second life, becasue alone i can't stop me and play to second life instead do my rl life, so i need to be forced to stop sl. If uninstalling the viewer isn't enough then deleting/blocking your avatar isn't enough because it's easy to create a new account. My opinion is you don't act like a grown mature and/or need help. Lindens will not solve your problem nor this forum. You have the problem and you have to solve it on your own! If that's not possible you need to get help.
  12. When looking at this thread a simple question comes to my mind: If there is a security hole - why don't we see that action everywhere else? Banning the estate managers over and over again is just kiddie games. This simple minds would surely have spread that knowledge already. I'd check for other possibilities: - a manager - a manager who's account is used by someone else
  13. if the listens are for dialogs - where is the problem? There is only one listen open and only if a dialog is in use. If the listens are always open your code is bad, so open the listen when needed and close after dialog is finished or timer runs out due to the timeout.
  14. integer days = (seconds % 604800) / 86400;
  15. Has nothing to do with scripts. The yellow triangles show that mesh is not loading. Increasing meshmax doesnt make things better but worse. Maybe just try another quiet sim and see if things load there. Try another viewer too and search forum for mesh loading problems if it all doesnt help.
  16. I used a listen event with NO processing time besides increasing a counter. No lists, no storing, just checking for the "stop" message to get a time So thats easily capable of handling the max of 45 events per second. The sim is obviously throtteling the messages by triggering about every 3rd/4th frame. The version with 3 channels used if .. else if ... constuct to increase 3 counters depending on incoming channel. Leads to the assumtion that the throtteling is by channel and by script. I'll try 3 receiver scripts and see what each of them gets. Update: Got around 15 receives per second when receiving 400 messages. Is the number per script. With 3 receiver scripts each one gets 15. If each of the 3 scripts receives 1200 messages over 3 channels each script receives by 18 per second. The sim got tired after a few rounds and numbers decreased by 20 % - hehehe. Ok, I dont care for the details since that may change with next server version. If people TP in and out numbers change alot too. But the performance limit is on the receiver side. The speed of the sender is meaningless because its multiple times higher than the receiver.
  17. I checked this numbers a not-so-long while ago and llShout was significantly slower. Same behaviour is stated in the wiki. I checked now and there is no big difference. Tested llRegionSayTo too - is same as llRegionSay. So indeed it doesnt matter what you use at the moment. All chat messages have about the same speed. Things changed. A receivers listen event processed about 10-12 messages per second but 25-30 when receiving over 3 channels at the same time. The sim buffered over 1200 but less than 1500 messages b4 it started to ignore new messages. (only quick test, no statistical base here. Numbers may vary on sim type / message length / channels / whatever)
  18. Every one who builds, scripts, makes business needs alts. Of course alts can be used to play funny or not so funny games or give advantages in contests. Griefer alts ... nah ... thats no alts just one-time-throw-away-avatars. Well - some people panik about alts for whatever reasons and you know what? I dont care. makes me laugh. Some have things to hide and alts could reveal it - panik again. Cowards - no risk no fun. Hey, maybe RL is just a simulator - more advanced than SL - then you maybe have alts there too and don't even know it. :smileywink:
  19. According to your test one llShout needs 0.0175 sec. Problems with that speed? According to my tests the region server buffers about 1500 messages b4 it starts dropping. (may vary of course) And a listen event in a script receives up to 15 messages per second - thats max and thats alot slower than the speed you can shout messages. A listener can process all 1500 messages in the region buffer which takes some minutes. The scripts event queue you have to keep in mind for other events doesnt have an effect for listeners it seems. So the limits are pretty high for chat communication. To save resources better use llRegionSayTo or llRegionSay.
  20. It's a bug or maybe a feature? hehe - however - it doesn't work! The description of a child prim will stay though so link another prim and use: llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(x,[PRIM_DESC,""]); with x = the link # of your storage prim.
  21. You can yourself plaster with facelights until you and your environment are only a white blob. (that often happens if you have enhanced lighting on) I have no problems, because I don't see it! (everyones facelights can easily be switched off in every viewer) I don't even need to mute you. (switches facelights off aswell) Of course that means that this whole thread is absolutely obsolete.
  22. SL is not like RL. That is often mistaken Look at the avatars, ages, sizes, features, clothes. Ever seen that in RL? Not even close! And - looking at the world through a camera hovering above and behind you is a complete different perspective and experience. And perspective leads to many other things. So if someone wants a RL avatar in SL - hey no problem, good idea - as long as they don't try to bother me and expect me to follow. Nope, not interested, your world but not my world.
  23. In diesem Falle bleibt nur noch ein Inworld Object welches den Spam versendet. Ueber Build / Pathfinding / Linksets kannst du alle Objekte einer Sim sehen. Wenn du einen Namen hast sollte das Objekt leicht zu finden sein. Es scheint ja in deinem Namen zu senden. Koennte natuerlich jede moegliche Sim sein. Die Empfaenger sollten vielleicht mal Daten herausgeben. Wenn sich jemand beschwert, ohne genau hinzusehen. Tja, dann muss er wohl weiter damit leben, kann ja dann nicht so schlimm sein. Waere trotzdem zu ueberlegen, wie das Objekt an die Liste der Empfaenger kommen sollte. Das kannst nur du selbst beantworten, oder auch nicht.
  24. Die Firewall ist belanglos da sie mit Inworld IMs nichts zu tun hat und im Falle das der Viewer beteiligt ist, dieser ja logischerweise eh erlaubt ist. Du sagst du schließt Skripte aus. Das glaube ich dir aber nicht, das du dazu in der Lage bist. Du kannst sie ausschliessen indem du keine traegst, also weg mit den Attachments und Huds und trage konventionelle Klamotten. Die Firestorm Bridge kann man abschalten und dann auch ablegen. Script count 0 - sonst kannst du gar nichts ausschliessen. Das Objekt kann auch irgendwo gerezzt sein. Ohne Hinweise wird das nicht so einfach zu finden sein, es sei denn einer der Empfaenger gibt mal ein paar Infos raus. Apropos Empfaenger: ein Script hat keinen Zugriff auf deine Freudes Liste, also wie kommt die Auswahl zustande? Koennen ja nur Leute sein, die entweder dich besucht haben oder die du besucht hast und vom Script gescannt wurden. Zum Viewer: deinstallieren und alle Verzeichnisse manuell loeschen (wie bei einem clean install) Jetzt den Linden Viewer herunterladen und installieren. Sollte das Problem immer noch da sein ist es nicht der Viewer. Denn ein Trojaner der im System ist und sich nachtraeglich in den Viewer einklingt um IM's zu versenden ... vergiss es - viel zu geringe Wahrscheinlichkeit.
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