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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. I went there for a visit. The sim itself is in awful condition, a better connection isn't going to save you there. I went there too, it's actually less "graphically intensive" than Fogbound, based on the render info built into the viewer. It had less people, which is one big contributor for sure. For reference (for everybody, even if these don't mean anything to you in particular), left is Fogbound, right is Galas Galadhon. TLDR: Everything is worse in Fogbound, not to mention the Scripts Run % was around 5-10% compared to Galadhon's 90-100% This could be totally unrelated to your bandwidth. If the sim is struggling to run scripts, a good connection won't save you. P.S. About the "7 mbps," are you sure it's not MBps (or MB/s)? As in, with a big B? Either way, I don't get more than about 1.3 mbps of bandwidth usage when teleporting to a new sim. 7 mbps should be more than enough to support that load, and then it's around 50-250 kbps (0.05 - 0.25 mbps) to keep things going after everything's loaded.
  2. Before we can should even begin to answer the original question, we need to know what kind of "lag" we're talking about. Low framerate? Is your viewer looking like a choppy slideshow? No amount of bandwidth can fix that. Delayed actions (assuming the Sim isn't lagging)? It takes half-a-second or more to move/jump? No amount of bandwidth can fix that. Bandwidth is literally the "width" of the lane that's bringing you data from the internet (i.e. how much you can receive at the same time), but it has no effect on "latency" aka the time it takes for one piece of data to be communicated. Grey textures, mesh not appearing, animations not working? Yup! This is what more bandwidth can help with. Latency doesn't matter when you just want to download big chunks of data, like textures.
  3. Small disclaimer: This is a little group project I'm working on outside of SL. I think it's interesting enough to share. You're given a list of 1-26 Tetris pieces (aka Tetrimino). (Valid input is assumed.) We get the Tetriminoes from a text file, where a 4x4 grid contains one piece. Basically a string. This isn't important for an SL implementation, just context. What is the smallest "square" (holes allowed) that these Tetriminoes can fit in? Rotating the given pieces is not allowed. Each piece should be as close to the top and to the left as possible. For example (ordered A to H): ...# ...# ...# ...# .... .... .... #### .### ...# .... .... .... ..## .##. .... .... .##. .##. .... .... .... ##.. .##. ##.. .#.. .#.. .... .... ###. .#.. .... Results in: ABBBB. ACCCEE AFFCEE A.FFGG HHHDDG .HDD.G Additionally, we prioritize the order that the pieces appear in the input file, when the smallest solution allows it. For example: ...# ...# ...# ...# .... .... .##. .##. Results in: ABB. ABB. A... A... This is a very short and simplified version of the full project. I could add more specific requirements but LSL is what it is. Here's some reference solutions I created by hand for 26 pieces of the same type. I at least wasn't able to find a smaller solution for any of them.
  4. Assuming you mean RLV... it doesn't just work with Firestorm or Catznip. A moderator did an oopsie, most likely.
  5. There have been a few times where I've been interrupted by (short) random commercials while I've had media off (I never have it on by default). Those times, the commercial audio actually plays through SLVoice.exe (Firestorm), and it's the weirdest thing. It's always a woman's voice but the audio is so low I don't actually know what the commercial is about. The audio quality is too good and the manner of speaking is too official to be just a random person, and I always rush to check if any avatars are on the sim.
  6. This is what I do, but it's not just about laziness! I prefer having code that's not very "wide." Lots of nested scopes is messy to read, eg: state { event { if owner { if other condition { if other other condition { // code; } // code; } } } } vs state { event { if not owner; if condition { // code; } if other condition { // code; } } }
  7. This works just fine: default { state_entry() { llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_ATTACH); } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if(perm) { llAttachToAvatarTemp(ATTACH_HUD_CENTER_1); } } } So does your script when I copypaste it from here.
  8. In a purely logical sense, I agree. But when I think of all the actually inanimate objects I've genuinely cared about, it probably wouldn't be that simple. Besides, a lover I can just disable and throw into the basement whenever I'm not in the mood for interaction, without consequences? Yes please!
  9. Not really. Materials don't create a glow (luminosity) in any situation, unless you meant how reflective of light (glossy) it is. In the right screenshot above, the light is coming from behind the camera and hitting the back directly, causing more intense lighting while hiding the seam because both the surfaces of both objects that we see are receiving light from the same direction.
  10. Simple answer: The seam exists because the head and body are separate objects. The back of the head is in shadow because it's the under-side of the head and light is above. The neck/shoulders are bright because they are the top-surface of the body and light is above. The head does not cast a shadow onto the body unless you have dynamic shadows enabled.
  11. Is there something I'm missing since the pre-release of BOM? For asymmetrical tattoos, you would wear the base skin, which is clean, and then add a universal tattoo layer for either the left (only left slot) or right (using tattooed upper and clean left slot) arm texture. Or you can do it in reverse, using tattooed skin and adding a clean cover with layers. In either case, this must obviously be set up by the creator. It was never implied that literally anyone can take any skin/tattoo and make it asymmetrical. @Silas Merlin While LL owns the texture data itself, I don't think they own the creative IP. Even if they did own even that, LL has never made modifications to existing content to provide it to end-users.
  12. Accepting the Tilia TOS has no practical effect on anything you do, if you do not sell L$.
  13. It's either intentional roleplaying, or unintentional roleplaying...
  14. imbecilic* What's ridiculous is the tone and the apparent amount of vitriol you have towards people whose primary opinion seems to be "I don't care, why do you?" which is about as neutral as you can get. This is from the blog post you linked: As far as I know, "network providers" don't provide pizza, and SL doesn't run on a cell service. That doesn't seem to satisfy your question because I know you're still very paranoid about "the cloud" as you have little understanding of it, which is fine as you are a non-technical person. But because you are a non-technical person, giving you the full answer might not satisfy you either, because you're hung on the scary "cloud" term. Lots of different things are "the cloud." There is no one "cloud network" type, the term is ambiguous and useless without proper context. Not everything has to be on "the cloud(s)" for SL to work. If you can log into any computer at your workplace/school (especially in separate buildings) and instantly get all of your files on the desktop, that's "the cloud." If you remember SL Go, that was "the cloud." (Same goes for OnLive or any game-streaming service. Cloud gaming.) If your company has ANY software that runs on a remote server, not on the same computer, that is "the cloud." This means that even if/when LL had its own server farms, they were "the cloud." Linden Lab has been using AWS for a good while now, that is "the cloud." (<-- This is the answer you want, even if unrelated to the actual problem.) A presentation of this move was done back in 2017. They've also made blog posts related to AWS even before that, but that post is a different "cloud." "The cloud" is just "a remote server that does something for you." The internet as a whole is "a cloud."
  15. Other definitions include: "A trivial fancy adopted and pursued for a time with irrational zeal; a matter of no importance, or an important matter imperfectly understood, taken up, and urged with more zeal than sense; a whim; a crotchet; a temporary hobby." "A temporary fashion, notion, manner of conduct, etc., especially one followed enthusiastically by a group." "A style or activity that suddenly becomes popular but which usually does not stay popular for very long." So: Money trees, camping, etc. LL disincentivized them for non-legacy traffic results. New avatar releases during events, like those at Gacha Guild. The front of the vendor is full of them all day through the event, but finding one in "the wild" a couple months later is even relatively rare. The gacha system in general. I would also want to say "no-modify products in general" but I don't think that's been very temporary...
  16. What if you set your windlight to something flat like CalWL? That looks like a regular lighting issue, not a texture problem.
  17. Also remember to lower your settings on the viewer that isn't taking the pictures or minimize the window so rendering slows/stops.
  18. One "simple" solution could be to host your own site that's just a blank page with some JavaScript code in it. It's like one line of code. When someone gives your LSL script a link, the script parses that link so that it only extracts the unique part for the video, eg. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv1k0Z2qCHI becomes tv1k0Z2qCHI Then your script sets media using your page URL, with the JavaScript, eg. mypage.com/tv1k0Z2qCHI Then, that page is totally empty except for the JavaScript that has the information in the URL. It can then add an iframe to the empty page, embedding the requested video. The embed options also allow hiding any related videos so people can't change the video after it ends. Since JavaScript runs on each client directly, this doesn't even require any bandwidth (only enough to send the JS code) from your site, even with heavy usage. Even free web hosting options will easily handle this, as long as they allow JS.
  19. If you're getting the debug message twice, then there is a problem with the logic of your code. It's hard to say anything beyond that unless you want to show the script.
  20. What channel are you sending it on? 0 is displayed to the avatar if the target is an attachment.
  21. I pay rent on a small parcel with 50 prims, 180L/month. I'm going to be unhelpful and not specify where as I don't care to advertise, but mainland is cheap. Private land aside, Premium is actually very well priced if you were willing to pay for a full year (which is a big ask, I know), as the free land and the weekly lindens you get pretty much pay themselves back.
  22. *Sets display name to !!llTextBox!!* Also: Edit: Unfortunately "!" is not an allowed character in display names...
  23. default { state_entry() { string test = "123456789 123456789 123†"; // 24 characters llOwnerSay("Length: " + (string)llStringLength(test)); // "Length: 24" llDialog(llGetOwner(), "test", [test], 0); // Doesn't work. } } † is a non-ASCII character. (Two bytes in UTF-8, decimal value 134, where 127 is the last one-byte character.) llStringLength recognizes that it's just one character, but llDialog doesn't want more than 24 bytes. Basically, look up any ASCII table; any character that's not on that list is more than one byte and you can't trust it. As another example, ꖅ (decimal 42373) is a character that uses 3 bytes. llDialog(llGetOwner(), "test", ["ꖅꖅꖅꖅꖅꖅꖅꖅ"], 0); // Works, string length 8, 24 bytes. llDialog(llGetOwner(), "test", ["ꖅꖅꖅꖅꖅꖅꖅꖅA"], 0); // Doesn't work, 25 bytes.
  24. Welcome to page 2. This is an obvious downside of current bodies with "built-in" fun parts. I'm not aware of any bodies that follow the classic avatar's texture layout (LL UV) while also having a toggle for certain details.
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