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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. you'll have to be more specific. Are you having trouble walking around? Or teleporting? If you are not adult verified, you can't go to areas rated Moderate or Adult. Check the Age verification link in your dashboard account settings.
  2. it sounds as if you have Google Translation enabled in your chat. You can disable that in Preferences or in the Local Chat window
  3. Deathless, you are doing OK. The note to Jeremy is a good idea. You should also: 1. File an Abuse Report. If you are still in world, go to Help/Report Abuse and fill out the form. Include the chat logs you posted here. I Abuse Reported this resident as well. 2. File a Support ticket here on the SL website. Go to https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Be patient. It will probably take Linden Lab a few days to resolve this.
  4. Valerie, he was the victim of a phishing scam. The criminal sent him a page and told him to 'log in with his SL account name and password". He did, and the thief had his info. deathless...do what Valerie said and file a support case IMMEDIATELY. This is a serious crime in SL and the perpetrator should be permanently banned. And let this be a lesson to you: NEVER EVER give your SL password to anyone, under any circumstances. Even LL will never ask you for your password except on the SL login page or the website login page. I just checked the link deathless posted in his chat log. This page looks JUST like a legitimate SL login page, it's very deceptive. DO NOT enter any information on that page!!!!!
  5. and just in case you were wondering, streets are built (like everything else in SL) out of prims. Megaprims are very helpful here. The free SALT tool from the Marketplace can find and deliver prims bigger than the 64m allowed by the creation tools. One low-prim way to create a grid of streets is to first make a REALLY big flat square prim and texture it with a road surface. Then make smaller (relatively speaking) flat prims and lay them on top of the road surfaced prim in a waffle pattern to form the "city blocks". Texture them with a sidewalk/concrete texture.
  6. Keep filing the Abuse Reports. But also file a DMCA notice with Linden Lab. See the procedure for this here: http://secondlife.com/corporate/dmca.php Linden Lab is required by law to respond to this and remove the stolen content from the grid. I see that you had bad luck with a previous DMCA notice. Do it again. The AR and the DMCA notification are your only methods of redress. Use them, keep using them, and keep your cool and be polite and factual. The only other alternative is to file suit against the thief and LL. Your business is of a size where this is *barely* practical, but it would cost you a year or two's income, with no guarantee of success. Unless you were making about ten times your current level, I can't say it's a good idea.
  7. I don't know about the land auctions, but LL is far from "out of stock" of land to sell. Look for "Abandoned Land - For Sale" on the Mainland. It's all $L1 per m2.
  8. Basic rules: Your builds must comply wih the region's Maturity Rating, and the SL Terms of Service and Community Standards. Prims may not overlap your parcel boundaries. Other than that, on the Mainland, pretty much anything goes.
  9. Chelsea gave you the exact legal definition. Speaking more generally, spam is advertising in group chat, or mass mailing by notecards or IMs. Repetitive gestures in crowded places may be called "gesture spam" or just "spam" by others.
  10. Sorry, it's not possible to change your user name. Even if you file a support ticket, Linden Lab will not change it for you. The ONLY time they will change a user name is if you've chosen a broadly offensive one and people complain. You have two options. 1. Create a new account with a different user name...an "alt". Transfer your money and your transferable items to the new avatar and start over. 2. Mute (Block) the stalker. If they show up as a different avatar, mute that one too. Keep doing that until they give up and go away. Do not respond in any other way to the stalker. You can file an Abuse Report against them for harrassment, too. You CAN change your Display Name, up to once per week. Just edit your profile and click the "gear" icon. But this will not hinder a stalker.
  11. It depends a lot on whether you use Voice, what your graphics settings are, and how much you move around. I do not recommend using Second Life on a mobile broadband connection, although it is possible. You are much better off connecting with an unlimited bandwidth connection from your desktop.
  12. Once you are there, remember to create a landmark for it. Go to World/Landmark This Place
  13. I have the URL to my blog in my signature (see below). How can I change that to "Across the Grid With Lindal Kidd" and make that a live link? Thanks Angel, but I dont speak html.:-) Perfect, Griffin! All I had to do was cut and paste your solution!
  14. Most club owners will provide tip jars. To use it, you log in to the jar. As long as you're logged in, you receive your share of the tips. When you're finished with your shift, log out to allow the next dancer to use the jar
  15. See my blog post: http://acrossthegridwithlindal.blogspot.com/2011/08/teleportation.html
  16. 1. Get someone else to look at you. Do they see the same problem? (Not that this has any bearing on the fix, it's just nice to know. Sometimes others see you differently than you see yourself). 2. You are doing all the right things to fix it. If a few more tries don't do the trick, IM the skin maker and ask them to check the skin to be sure they uploaded all the parts of it...it's just possible that it's faulty. 3. Two other things you can try. Use CTRL+ALT+D to enable the Advanced menu, and CTRL+ALT+Q to enable the Develop menu. Then choose Develop/Avatar/Character Tests/Test Male (or Test Female) to force the default avatar. Once that loads, put on your normal shape, the new skin, etc. Or...clear cache, but when you log out, turn off your computer, your router, and your internet modem. Wait a minute. Reboot everything from zero.
  17. The walls and parts may be running into your parcel boundaries or the ground and getting messed up. If your neighbors have banlines up, it's even worse. Place the rezzer box well away from barcel edges, and several meters up above the ground before rezzing. That may help matters.
  18. If you mean, people are bothering you when you try to build, try a different sandbox area. The sandbox at Caledon Oxbridge University is peaceful and well-supervised.
  19. See my blog post: http://acrossthegridwithlindal.blogspot.com/2011/11/how-does-babby-grow.html
  20. Second skin labs offers this service, but it costs several hundred dollars. Much better to make your own unique avatar.
  21. I have to disagree with valerie. My partner is often on the road, and gets into SL through her wireless 3G account (4G when she's in a place that has it). SL runs OK for her...well, she does have problems sometimes, but not much more than anyone else in this crazy place.
  22. Animations have a "priority". If the priority of the animations in your AO is higher, they'll override the other animation. The animation's priority is set when it's uploaded. If you can't set the priority of your custom animation higher than the ones in your AO, you're out of luck...unless you can maybe load them INTO your AO, possibly as a custom notecard. Then priority would not matter, since the AO would be used to select which animation was playing.
  23. There are always rumors of this sort going around. I predict that in December, tier will either go up, go down, or stay the same.
  24. It was him, and you were right to report it. His claims of innocence were just an attempt to get out of being reported, or being suspended. That's my take on it.
  25. Lindal Kidd

    what happened

    Calm down, the items are (probably) not lost forever. 1. Clear cache, and re-log to an empty region like Pooley or Heckendorf. WAIT for your inventory to load. You can speed it up by typing letters in the inventory search window. 2. If the textures are still missing after this, uninstall your viewer. Install the previous viewer or a third party viewer. Log in and check again. 3. If the items are still missing, file a support ticket. LL can often recover inventory items that aren't recoverable by the resident.
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