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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. I didn't find an Australian number for LL. It'll have to be an overseas call. For Billing questions, you can call one of these numbers: Support Phone Numbers Toll-Free (US/Canada) 877.236.0711 Long Distance 703.286.2738 Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 A hold on your account could be for several reasons: you committed a serious Terms of Service violation and were reported you DIDN'T commit a serious ToS violation, and were falsely reported Someone ELSE committed the ToS violation, got banned, and your address got caught in the overkill your payment information is inaccurate, or your credit card company refused payment to LL
  2. To add to MadameG's comment: Just because someone has left SL doesn't mean their content is up for grabs. They still have creator rights to it. They might come back. They might decide to sell a version of their content on another grid. So it would be wrong to change the permissions and re-sell or give away these items
  3. 8 to 30 fps is not bad for SL. Second Life has miserable frame rates compared to most MMORPGs. This is for a couple of reasons. One is that SL is based on OpenGL, and not DirectX like most games. Nividia does a pretty good job of supporting OpenGL, AMD not so much. Either way, DirectX is faster. The other major reason is that SL does not pre-download content to your hard drive. Most content in most games is made by the game developers, and does not change -- so it can be downloaded to your computer once and accessed quickly from there. Second Life's content is all user-created, and subject to change at a moment's notice. A lot of the textures used are not optimized for efficiency. Every time you change locations, or even turn to look in a different direction, SL has to download a lot of content to you over the internet. You can do some things in your Preferences/Graphics settings to help, like turning off reflections, reducing your draw distance, disabling antialiasing. But SL will always be clunky compared to games with pre-made content.
  4. BASIC accounts are never deleted, or at least not until you've not logged in for several years. PREMIUM accounts are deleted as soon as you fail to keep up the payments. This is a hidden drawback of Premium membership. You'd think LL would have the courtesy to just downgrade you to Basic, but nooooo....
  5. I did not know it was possible to give a Premium membership as a gift. My guess is, when LL checked the payment method used (your BF's credit card) it didn't match the payment method on file for your account, and the payment was rejected. Call Billing, preferably with your boyfriend on the line too.
  6. Valerie is right. It's against ToS to pass IM logs to a third party without the participants' consent...but it is NOT against ToS to ban anyone you please from your land for whatever reason. So if several people complain about an annoying person, you can simply take their word for it and ban him, whether you see the actual IM logs or not. I would also eject him from your group, if you have one, and Mute/Block him. You can tell your other visitors to Mute him and ignore him too. Problem solved. EDIT: Or call me. I'll come over and ridicule him until he melts.
  7. I voted for Luc's JIRA issue. I'm getting a lot of "half bakes", with or without a tattoo layer.
  8. There are freebie poseballs out there...empty ones. All you have to do is drop your animation into them. If you can't find any, IM me in world and I will send you one.
  9. See my blog post: http://acrossthegridwithlindal.blogspot.com/2011/11/dipping-toe-into-opensim-waters.html
  10. You seem to be wearing a box because you ARE wearing a box! These are "boxed items", and you have to open them to get the contents out. Here's how. 1. Go to an area where you can rez objects, such as a public sandbox. 2. Drag the item from your inventory onto the ground 3. Right click the box, select Open. 4. Either click the Copy to Inventory button or highlight the contents in the window and manually drag them back into your inventory. 5. Right click the box again and select Take or Delete so as not to litter. Now you can go back to your inventory and wear the items normally.
  11. Can't do that...darn it. I'd love to move all my floating windows off to the second monitor!
  12. Your PayPal account must be "verified". This is a process done completely outside of SL, with PayPal alone. You get a verified account by linking it to a Real Life bank account. This process takes a few business days.
  13. See my blog post: How Does Babby Grow?
  14. When people tell you to "delete scripts", they are most often referring to the resizing scripts that are in many wearable items like hair or shoes or jewelry. If your item has a resizing menu (you left click the item and a menu shows up with buttons like +5, -5, Revert, or Delete), then it has these scripts. Some are efficient, but some items have a script in every single prim, and can create a lot of lag. The way to reduce lag with these items is: 1. Make a backup copy of the item. 2. When you have re-sized the item so you're happy with the fit, use the Delete or Kill Scripts button in the resizing menu. This will remove the scripts automatically. You will no longer be able to re-size the item...which is why you made the back up copy. If you have to RIGHT click the item and use the Editing tools to re-size it, it does not have resizer scripts and you don't have to worry about any of the above.
  15. I would give Nalate's reply a hundred kudos if I could! This is a very well thought out and balanced presentation. For me, and hundreds of thousands of others, the Second Life viewer, and many other third party viewers such as Firestorm, are worth the very small risk of using them. It's always a tradeoff...there are risks involved with using the Internet at all! You take risks every time you drive your car, too. But we accept those risks because the benefits we get outweigh them. So yes...the *possibility* of something bad happening is there. It's just very, very unlikely.
  16. I believe there is. As I understand it, RLV requires you to put items that are to be controlled by your dominant in a special outfits folder. Just don't put the things you want to keep on in there.
  17. Note that while your group needs at least two members to remain in existence, both members can be you. Create an alt...a second SL account, in exactly the same way you signed up the first time (but choosing a different user name, of course). Once you've created your alt, create your group as described in the KnowledgeBase article. Then send a group invitation to your alt. Log in as your alt and accept the invitation.
  18. No, no, no! There are no plans to replace every object on the grid with a Mesh one. That would be a horrendous project, and undo eight years of work by hundreds of thousands of people! You need a Mesh viewer to properly see Mesh objects and clothing. Like my pretty Mesh pencil skirts. So...you need a Mesh viewer right now! But, if you simply don't WANT to see my beautiful figure and stylish clothing (I can't fathom why NOT, but I suppose you might), you can keep your old viewer.
  19. If you own an entire private region, you can transfer it to another person using this procedure. CAUTION: Once you transfer the region, the other person owns it and has all rights. You no longer have any rights in the land except what the owner chooses to give you. If you have a fight with your partner down the road, you could find yourself homeless. You Have Been Warned. Transferring Private Regions Important: If the buyer's payment fails for any reason, then the transfer is cancelled and no action is taken. Both Second Life accounts must be in good standing for the transfer to take place. Linden Lab can perform Resident-to-Resident transfers of Private Regions (islands), but both buyer and seller need to agree on a price. Both buyer and seller must submit support tickets, via the Support Portal, naming the region to be transferred and the transaction amount agreed upon in either U.S. dollars (USD) or Linden dollars (L$). Both sides also have to confirm other details about the region being transferred. We can rename the Private Region and move it from its original location at the time of the transfer for no additional cost. Please include these requests in the buyer's transfer ticket. Either party can cancel the transfer by closing out their ticket prior to the transfer being performed. Here's how to submit a ticket: Go to the Support Portal and log in with your Second Life account. Open a new support case. Under What type of problem are you having? select Land & Region. Under Land & Region, choose Initiate Region Sale or Initiate Region Purchase as appropriate. Complete the other required fields. The information must be consistent for both the buyer and seller tickets. When all the details have been entered, scroll to the bottom and click Submit. If both tickets match (that is, they state the same details and value), we charge the buyer's Second Life account in either USD or L$, as specified in the tickets. Once the charge goes through, we credit the seller the same amount minus the transfer fee. Note: Buyers using PayPal need to have their PayPal agreements set to a high enough spending limit. By default PayPal limits are relatively low. Private Region transfers usually take 5-10 business days from the time both tickets are received. Transfer fees There is a USD$100 (or L$28,000 for L$ transfers) region transfer fee, debited from the seller's account, which pays for the backend work by Linden Lab, including: Changing estate ownership settings Billing transfer Region name change Moving the region This means buyers need valid payment information on file with Linden Lab (or the necessary account credit in USD or L$). The Increase Credit link on your Dashboard (shown when you click the Manage link under the Linden Exchange heading on the left) can be used to add USD credit to an account. Monthly billing The new owner assumes the monthly billing, which is charged on the same day of the month as always. Private Regions, unlike the mainland, bill for the coming month. If the Private Region bills on, say, the 12th of the month, it will continue to bill on the 12th of the month. This means that if the Private Region is transferred on the 14th, the current owner pays for that month. If the Private Region is transferred on the 10th, the new owner pays the fee for the month.
  20. I think they'll have to join the land group. This isn't too onerous, especially for a commercial area. Calla Hair used to allow group members to set their store's region as Home. I used to change behind a big tree there, until I got my own land.
  21. Unless the maker has provided permission, you can't. Many mesh clothing articles come with several sizes, so there's a better chance one will fit. Most mesh outfits have a free demo, so you can try it on before you buy it. Otherwise, your only alternative is to modify yourself to fit the clothing. This is one reason there are very few Mesh clothing items I like.
  22. I have this problem a lot lately...sometimes it's the face, sometimes the torso, sometimes the lower body. (I'm using the Firestorm beta viewer). Usually, several rebakes will eventually solve the problem. Hit CTRL+ALT+R, and if it doesn't work at first, keep trying.
  23. Why on earth would you want to do that?
  24. If it's not a mistaken setting in the Gender buttons, it could be a rezzing problem. A partially rezzed male avatar can have a female shape. Try changing your bald cap, your skin, and your shape. If those don't fix the problem, continue with other fixes for a clouded, ruthed, or incorrectly rezzed avatar.
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